a1 |
A1 analogue value [units as configured] |
a1-min |
A1 analogue value minimum [units as configured] |
a2 |
A2 analogue value [units as configured] |
a2-min |
A2 analogue value minimum [units as configured] |
a3 |
A3 analogue value [units as configured] |
a3-min |
A3 analogue value minimum [units as configured] |
a4 |
A4 analogue value [units as configured] |
a4-min |
A4 analogue value minimum [units as configured] |
accx |
G sensor - acceleration in X axis [g] |
accy |
G sensor - acceleration in Y axis [g] |
accz |
G sensor - acceleration in Z axis [g] |
ail |
Aileron |
air-speed |
Air speed [knots] |
air-speed-max |
Highest air speed [knots] |
altitude |
Variometer altitude [meters] |
altitude-max |
Highest altitude [meters] |
altitude-min |
Lowest altitude [meters] |
cell-min |
LiPo sensor - lowest current cell voltage [volts] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data |
cell-min-min |
LiPo sensor - all time lowest cell voltage [volts] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data |
cell-sum |
LiPo sensor - current summ of all cell voltages [volts] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data |
cell-sum-min |
LiPo sensor - all time lowest summ of all cell voltages [volts] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data |
ch1 |
Channel CH1 |
ch2 |
Channel CH2 |
ch3 |
Channel CH3 |
ch4 |
Channel CH4 |
ch5 |
Channel CH5 |
ch6 |
Channel CH6 |
ch7 |
Channel CH7 |
ch8 |
Channel CH8 |
ch9 |
Channel CH9 |
ch10 |
Channel CH10 |
ch11 |
Channel CH11 |
ch12 |
Channel CH12 |
ch13 |
Channel CH13 |
ch14 |
Channel CH14 |
ch15 |
Channel CH15 |
ch16 |
Channel CH16 |
ch17 |
Channel CH17 |
ch18 |
Channel CH18 |
ch19 |
Channel CH19 |
ch20 |
Channel CH20 |
ch21 |
Channel CH21 |
ch22 |
Channel CH22 |
ch23 |
Channel CH23 |
ch24 |
Channel CH24 |
ch25 |
Channel CH25 |
ch26 |
Channel CH26 |
ch27 |
Channel CH27 |
ch28 |
Channel CH28 |
ch29 |
Channel CH29 |
ch30 |
Channel CH30 |
ch31 |
Channel CH31 |
ch32 |
Channel CH32 |
clock |
RTC clock [minutes from midnight] |
consumption |
Current sensor - consumption [mili amper hours] |
current |
Current sensor - current [ampers] |
current-max |
Current sensor - highest current [ampers] |
cyc1 |
Cyclic 1 |
cyc2 |
Cyclic 2 |
cyc3 |
Cyclic 3 |
distance |
GPS distance [meters] |
distance-max |
Biggest GPS distance [meters] |
dte |
Total energy [???] |
ele |
Elevator |
flight-mode |
Current flight mode number [number] |
fuel |
Fuel level [percent] |
gps-altitude |
GPS altitude [meters] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
gps-clock |
GPS clock [seconds from midnight] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
gps-speed |
GPS speed [knots] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
gps-speed-max |
Highest GPS speed [knots] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
gvar1 |
Global variable 1 |
gvar2 |
Global variable 2 |
gvar3 |
Global variable 3 |
gvar4 |
Global variable 4 |
gvar5 |
Global variable 5 |
gvar6 |
Global variable 6 |
gvar7 |
Global variable 7 |
gvar8 |
Global variable 8 |
gvar9 |
Global variable 9 |
heading |
GPS heading [degrees] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
input1 |
Input [I1] |
input2 |
Input [I2] |
input3 |
Input [I3] |
input4 |
Input [I4] |
input5 |
Input [I5] |
input6 |
Input [I6] |
input7 |
Input [I7] |
input8 |
Input [I8] |
input9 |
Input [I9] |
input10 |
Input [I10] |
input11 |
Input [I11] |
input12 |
Input [I12] |
input13 |
Input [I13] |
input14 |
Input [I14] |
input15 |
Input [I15] |
input16 |
Input [I16] |
input17 |
Input [I17] |
input18 |
Input [I18] |
input19 |
Input [I19] |
input20 |
Input [I20] |
input21 |
Input [I21] |
input22 |
Input [I22] |
input23 |
Input [I23] |
input24 |
Input [I24] |
input25 |
Input [I25] |
input26 |
Input [I26] |
input27 |
Input [I27] |
input28 |
Input [I28] |
input29 |
Input [I29] |
input30 |
Input [I30] |
input31 |
Input [I31] |
input32 |
Input [I32] |
latitude |
GPS latitude [degrees, North is positive] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
longitude |
GPS longitude [degrees, East is positive] |
obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data |
ls |
Left slider |
ls1 |
Logical switch L1 |
ls2 |
Logical switch L2 |
ls3 |
Logical switch L3 |
ls4 |
Logical switch L4 |
ls5 |
Logical switch L5 |
ls6 |
Logical switch L6 |
ls7 |
Logical switch L7 |
ls8 |
Logical switch L8 |
ls9 |
Logical switch L9 |
ls10 |
Logical switch L10 |
ls11 |
Logical switch L11 |
ls12 |
Logical switch L12 |
ls13 |
Logical switch L13 |
ls14 |
Logical switch L14 |
ls15 |
Logical switch L15 |
ls16 |
Logical switch L16 |
ls17 |
Logical switch L17 |
ls18 |
Logical switch L18 |
ls19 |
Logical switch L19 |
ls20 |
Logical switch L20 |
ls21 |
Logical switch L21 |
ls22 |
Logical switch L22 |
ls23 |
Logical switch L23 |
ls24 |
Logical switch L24 |
ls25 |
Logical switch L25 |
ls26 |
Logical switch L26 |
ls27 |
Logical switch L27 |
ls28 |
Logical switch L28 |
ls29 |
Logical switch L29 |
ls30 |
Logical switch L30 |
ls31 |
Logical switch L31 |
ls32 |
Logical switch L32 |
pilot-latitude |
Latitude of first GPS position [degrees, North is positive] |
pilot-longitude |
Longitude of first GPS position [degrees, East is positive] |
power |
Current sensor - power [wats] |
power-max |
Current sensor - highest power [wats] |
rpm |
Rotational speed [revolutions per minute] |
rpm-max |
Highest rotational speed [revolutions per minute] [meters] |
rs |
Right slider |
rssi |
RSSI [more is better] |
rud |
Rudder |
s1 |
Potentiometer 1 |
s2 |
Potentiometer 2 |
s3 |
Potentiometer 3 |
sa |
Switch A |
sb |
Switch B |
sc |
Switch C |
sd |
Switch D |
se |
Switch E |
sf |
Switch F |
sg |
Switch G |
sh |
Switch H |
swr |
Transmitter antenna quality [less is better] |
temp1 |
Temperature 1 [degrees celsius] |
temp1-max |
Highest temperature 1 [degrees celsius] |
temp2 |
Temperature 2 [degrees celsius] |
temp2-max |
Highest temperature 2 [degrees celsius] |
thr |
Throttle |
timer1 |
Timer 1 value [seconds] |
timer2 |
Timer 2 value [seconds] |
trim-ail |
Aileron trim |
trim-ele |
Elevator trim |
trim-rud |
Rudder trim |
trim-thr |
Throttle trim |
trn1 |
Trainer input 1 |
trn2 |
Trainer input 2 |
trn3 |
Trainer input 3 |
trn4 |
Trainer input 4 |
trn5 |
Trainer input 5 |
trn6 |
Trainer input 6 |
trn7 |
Trainer input 7 |
trn8 |
Trainer input 8 |
trn9 |
Trainer input 9 |
trn10 |
Trainer input 10 |
trn11 |
Trainer input 11 |
trn12 |
Trainer input 12 |
trn13 |
Trainer input 13 |
trn14 |
Trainer input 14 |
trn15 |
Trainer input 15 |
trn16 |
Trainer input 16 |
tx-voltage |
Transmitter battery voltage [volts] |
vertical-speed |
Variometer vertical speed [m/s] |
vfas |
Current sensor - voltage [volts] |
vfas-min |
Current sensor - lowest voltage [volts] |