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getFieldInfo() Function

getFieldInfo() Field Names

Field Name Description Notes
a1 A1 analogue value [units as configured]
a1-min A1 analogue value minimum [units as configured]
a2 A2 analogue value [units as configured]
a2-min A2 analogue value minimum [units as configured]
a3 A3 analogue value [units as configured]
a3-min A3 analogue value minimum [units as configured]
a4 A4 analogue value [units as configured]
a4-min A4 analogue value minimum [units as configured]
accx G sensor - acceleration in X axis [g]
accy G sensor - acceleration in Y axis [g]
accz G sensor - acceleration in Z axis [g]
ail Aileron
air-speed Air speed [knots]
air-speed-max Highest air speed [knots]
altitude Variometer altitude [meters]
altitude-max Highest altitude [meters]
altitude-min Lowest altitude [meters]
cell-min LiPo sensor - lowest current cell voltage [volts] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data
cell-min-min LiPo sensor - all time lowest cell voltage [volts] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data
cell-sum LiPo sensor - current summ of all cell voltages [volts] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data
cell-sum-min LiPo sensor - all time lowest summ of all cell voltages [volts] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling Lipo Sensor data
ch1 Channel CH1
ch2 Channel CH2
ch3 Channel CH3
ch4 Channel CH4
ch5 Channel CH5
ch6 Channel CH6
ch7 Channel CH7
ch8 Channel CH8
ch9 Channel CH9
ch10 Channel CH10
ch11 Channel CH11
ch12 Channel CH12
ch13 Channel CH13
ch14 Channel CH14
ch15 Channel CH15
ch16 Channel CH16
ch17 Channel CH17
ch18 Channel CH18
ch19 Channel CH19
ch20 Channel CH20
ch21 Channel CH21
ch22 Channel CH22
ch23 Channel CH23
ch24 Channel CH24
ch25 Channel CH25
ch26 Channel CH26
ch27 Channel CH27
ch28 Channel CH28
ch29 Channel CH29
ch30 Channel CH30
ch31 Channel CH31
ch32 Channel CH32
clock RTC clock [minutes from midnight]
consumption Current sensor - consumption [mili amper hours]
current Current sensor - current [ampers]
current-max Current sensor - highest current [ampers]
cyc1 Cyclic 1
cyc2 Cyclic 2
cyc3 Cyclic 3
distance GPS distance [meters]
distance-max Biggest GPS distance [meters]
dte Total energy [???]
ele Elevator
flight-mode Current flight mode number [number]
fuel Fuel level [percent]
gps-altitude GPS altitude [meters] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
gps-clock GPS clock [seconds from midnight] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
gps-speed GPS speed [knots] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
gps-speed-max Highest GPS speed [knots] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
gvar1 Global variable 1
gvar2 Global variable 2
gvar3 Global variable 3
gvar4 Global variable 4
gvar5 Global variable 5
gvar6 Global variable 6
gvar7 Global variable 7
gvar8 Global variable 8
gvar9 Global variable 9
heading GPS heading [degrees] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
input1 Input [I1]
input2 Input [I2]
input3 Input [I3]
input4 Input [I4]
input5 Input [I5]
input6 Input [I6]
input7 Input [I7]
input8 Input [I8]
input9 Input [I9]
input10 Input [I10]
input11 Input [I11]
input12 Input [I12]
input13 Input [I13]
input14 Input [I14]
input15 Input [I15]
input16 Input [I16]
input17 Input [I17]
input18 Input [I18]
input19 Input [I19]
input20 Input [I20]
input21 Input [I21]
input22 Input [I22]
input23 Input [I23]
input24 Input [I24]
input25 Input [I25]
input26 Input [I26]
input27 Input [I27]
input28 Input [I28]
input29 Input [I29]
input30 Input [I30]
input31 Input [I31]
input32 Input [I32]
latitude GPS latitude [degrees, North is positive] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
longitude GPS longitude [degrees, East is positive] obsolete in 2.1 see Handling GPS Sensor data
ls Left slider
ls1 Logical switch L1
ls2 Logical switch L2
ls3 Logical switch L3
ls4 Logical switch L4
ls5 Logical switch L5
ls6 Logical switch L6
ls7 Logical switch L7
ls8 Logical switch L8
ls9 Logical switch L9
ls10 Logical switch L10
ls11 Logical switch L11
ls12 Logical switch L12
ls13 Logical switch L13
ls14 Logical switch L14
ls15 Logical switch L15
ls16 Logical switch L16
ls17 Logical switch L17
ls18 Logical switch L18
ls19 Logical switch L19
ls20 Logical switch L20
ls21 Logical switch L21
ls22 Logical switch L22
ls23 Logical switch L23
ls24 Logical switch L24
ls25 Logical switch L25
ls26 Logical switch L26
ls27 Logical switch L27
ls28 Logical switch L28
ls29 Logical switch L29
ls30 Logical switch L30
ls31 Logical switch L31
ls32 Logical switch L32
pilot-latitude Latitude of first GPS position [degrees, North is positive]
pilot-longitude Longitude of first GPS position [degrees, East is positive]
power Current sensor - power [wats]
power-max Current sensor - highest power [wats]
rpm Rotational speed [revolutions per minute]
rpm-max Highest rotational speed [revolutions per minute] [meters]
rs Right slider
rssi RSSI [more is better]
rud Rudder
s1 Potentiometer 1
s2 Potentiometer 2
s3 Potentiometer 3
sa Switch A
sb Switch B
sc Switch C
sd Switch D
se Switch E
sf Switch F
sg Switch G
sh Switch H
swr Transmitter antenna quality [less is better]
temp1 Temperature 1 [degrees celsius]
temp1-max Highest temperature 1 [degrees celsius]
temp2 Temperature 2 [degrees celsius]
temp2-max Highest temperature 2 [degrees celsius]
thr Throttle
timer1 Timer 1 value [seconds]
timer2 Timer 2 value [seconds]
trim-ail Aileron trim
trim-ele Elevator trim
trim-rud Rudder trim
trim-thr Throttle trim
trn1 Trainer input 1
trn2 Trainer input 2
trn3 Trainer input 3
trn4 Trainer input 4
trn5 Trainer input 5
trn6 Trainer input 6
trn7 Trainer input 7
trn8 Trainer input 8
trn9 Trainer input 9
trn10 Trainer input 10
trn11 Trainer input 11
trn12 Trainer input 12
trn13 Trainer input 13
trn14 Trainer input 14
trn15 Trainer input 15
trn16 Trainer input 16
tx-voltage Transmitter battery voltage [volts]
vertical-speed Variometer vertical speed [m/s]
vfas Current sensor - voltage [volts]
vfas-min Current sensor - lowest voltage [volts]