Releases: primefaces/primeng
Releases · primefaces/primeng
What's Changed
- Fixed #16968 | Component: DynamicDialog - breakpoints are ignored by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17013
- Fixed #17003 | Documentation: Theming, Presets wrong link by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17015
- fix empty label render issue in togglebutton by @navedqb in #16994
- Fixed #17006 | Theming: Scoped tokens not working by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17018
- Fixed #16972 | Panel: Panel Content focusable and announced by assist… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17035
- Fixed #17060 | Darkmode: Missmatch between Code and Docs by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17064
- feat: Transform BlockUI's
property by @hunhejj in #17075 - fix(v19): provideprimeng by @luca-peruzzo in #17043
- fix: moveRight/moveLeft transferring only half of items after "Select All" by @navedqb in #17030
- Fixed #17071 | Tabs: scroll buttons should be type=button by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17081
- Fixed #17014 | DynamicDialog: Docs of autoZIndex map not its implemen… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17082
- Fixed #17004 | v18 documentation: StackBliltz option missing from demos by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17083
- Fixed #16983 | Component: Picklist v18 by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17086
- fix (#17088): typo in input number component content child incrementbuttonicon by @mariovyord in #17036
- fix: handle 'variant' property in buttonClass by @navedqb in #17079
- Refactored tooltips position and alignment method by @rajkeshwar in #17067
- fix: useStyle when id undefined by @luca-peruzzo in #17092
New Contributors
- @luca-peruzzo made their first contribution in #17043
- @mariovyord made their first contribution in #17036
- @rajkeshwar made their first contribution in #17067
Full Changelog: 19.0.0-rc.1...19.0.0
What's Changed
- Fixed #15661 - Add angular 18 support by @cetincakiroglu in #15747
- fix: broken image link in contextmenu by @navedqb in #15744
- fix: fix hideOnDateTimeSelect for range mode calendar by @Xylios13 in #15740
- fix - Slider: Change range slider by keys does not trigger the onSlideEnd event by @robGardiner01 in #15738
- fix: disable paste functionality in disabled mode by @navedqb in #15733
- fix(fileupload): improve spacing where image preview doesn't exist by @dalenguyen in #15731
- FIX:PasswordDirective loss PrimeNGConfig in constructor by @passerbyflutter in #15728
- fix picklist unit tests by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15723
- FIX - Autocomplete: Showing empty overlay when has no suggestions and showEmptyMessage is false by @robGardiner01 in #15720
- FIX: Calendar datepicker covers input component when there is 6 week displayed on by @robGardiner01 in #15692
- Fix dateAfter filter changing date object hours by @r3ps4J in #15685
- TreeNode | Fix jsdoc by @can-oezkan in #15683
- Update
version for new control flow by @Sinan997 in #15681 - fix(accordion): updateActiveIndex does not update _activeIndex by @LoaderB0T in #15675
- fix context menu unit tests by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15665
- FIX - InputNumber Component: Default value for minFractionDigits is not correct when value explicitly set to null by @robGardiner01 in #15660
- fixed #15648 - fixed tooltip for custom component by @rosenthalj in #15654
- Fixed #15278 - SelectButton | accessibility issue: ARIA attribute is … by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15652
- Table: Reorderable column false still gives cursor move by @RogueTea in #15667
- fix Editor and Table unit test by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15646
- Fixed #15118 - Multiselect | onRemove event not getting emitted by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15633
- fix: add null check to focus method parameter in dialog.ts by @Sinan997 in #15630
- fix: remove duplicate @component annotation from table filter basic demo by @Johnnyboy7781 in #15628
- Fixed Domhandler tests by @nbrown-ScottLogic in #15623
- Fixed #15194 - Table | Column Toggle example does not restore origina… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15620
- Fixed #15608 - Add missing import & export of sharedModule by @cetincakiroglu in #15755
- fix(splitbutton): 15710 fix aria expanded issue by @tri-harmoney in #15753
- Fix tree table unit test by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15618
- Backspace event issue in input otp control for mobile phone is fixed - #15613 by @Subhasreerajavel in #15614
- fix(chips): trigger itemClick event with 'Space' key by @f94e59 in #15612
- Calendar - add option to change step size in yearpicker by @bjuergens in #15419
- Fixed broken unit tests for Chips component by @nbrown-ScottLogic in #15595
- FileUpload: fix unit tests by @RogueTea in #15597
- Table: clear filter when dirty but not applied by @RogueTea in #15594
- fix: add tooltip to tieredmenu items by @Sinan997 in #15598
- Add tooltip option for main button of
by @Sinan997 in #15601 - Input text area: fix unit test and expand on testing suite by @RogueTea in #15604
- Multiselect: Unit Test Fix by @robGardiner01 in #15602
- feat(button): make standalone by @alexciesielski in #15464
- fix(splitbutton): 15758 add show hide event emitters for the menu by @tri-harmoney in #15759
- Fixed #15837 - Accessibility: Buttons within an accordion header temp… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15838
- Update multiplecolumnssortdoc.ts by @khayo in #15836
- Fixed #15830 - Accessibility: Tree inside an Accordion (arrow navigat… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15831
- Fixed #15828 - Tree | Accessibility within Tree Component by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15829
- Fixed #15714 - pTree: right click on treenode chevron down by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15821
- Fixed #15651 - Button | Opacity is applied twice on disabled state -… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15822
- Fixed #15818 - Fix calendar range selection shown date by @Xylios13 in #15820
- Fix keyboard navigation problem in menu component by @Sinan997 in #15815
- docs(IconField): Add import to documentation by @SoyDiego in #15814
- Fixed #15781 - p-menu | pTemplate not working for p-menu alone by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15812
- Multiselect: selectionLimit not working if the value 0 is provided by @trigiacbmt in #15810
- Fixed #15326 - OrderList: Unable to insert space into input component by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15809
- Fixed #15804 - Advance Filtering is broken (revert PR #15594 changes) by @rosenthalj in #15808
- Fixed #15404 - Component: PrimeNG Slider with range values not workin… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15805
- Fixed #15366 - Dropdown: when using selectedItem template if the sele… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15806
- Fixed #15637 - P-Splitter: Does not respect minSizes array after upgr… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15802
- fix(p-autocomplete) selectItem and multipleItems broken due to optionValue support by @sandrotonon in #15792
- Update badge.ts by @fabioplateroti in #15790
- fix broken unit tests by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15788
- Fixed #15784 fix CheckIcon is taking precedence over templates, and error on just having checkicon template by @pete-mcwilliams in #15785
- fix: integer display when min/max fraction digits are set to 0 by @navedqb in #15775
- fix(Button): The icon is not shown by @SoyDiego in #15773
- Documentation Correction - Configuration by @khayo in #15766
- Fixed #15576 - Table | filter: templating filter as Calendar with sel… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15600
- Fixed #15902 - PrimeNG Button Link stackblitz not working by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15910
- fix(p-password) add disabled atribute to inside input #15905 by @Pablo200206 in #15906
- Fixed #15903 - Table | Multiple Selection with dataKey shows wrong se… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15904
- Fixed #15873 - Listbox | p-listbox triggers onChange multiple times by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15900
- Bump ws, and by @dependabot in #15914
- Fixed #15894 - DynamicDialog | Dynamic Dialog Errors If No Focusable … by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15899
- fixed 15862 - fixed loading button when using the pButton directive by @rosenthalj in #15893
- Fixed #15889 - Accessibility: Buttons within a Tree component can't b… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15890
- Fixed #15886 - Tree | Tree hierarchy by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15887
- Fix alignment of popup menu for svg by @Kisters-BS in #15878
- Fixed #15851 - Component: Accordion by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15872
- Fixed #15779 - Closing nested dialog removes CSS class still needed f… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15845
- Fixed #15762 p dropdown open style missing from dropdown by @willmca in #15866
- Bump braces and gulp by @dependabot in #15...
Full Changelog: 17.18.14...17.18.15
Full Changelog: 17.18.13...17.18.14
Update changelog
What's Changed
- Fix: InputNumber(16733): unsupported
causes input unwritable by @mark7p in #16742 - Fix: Tooltip[(16729): unresponsive browser if pressing ESC-key in combination with lots of tooltips or overlay panels by @mark7p in
- fix: #16731 Adds a plain textual class to the button by @fenilg in #16732
- Fix accessibility issues in Carousel component (issue #16552) by @mateuszstudentzero in #16654
- fix: In autocomplete dropdown, the item’s event has been changed from click to mousedown by @P5175 in #16649
- Fix #16298 by @kapnak in #16593
- fix: #16591, InputNumber: InputNumber with horizontal and vertical buttons are not accessible through keyboard. by @akshayaqburst in #16592
- fix(16570): Autocomplete: do not clear whole input on backspace by @gianluca-moro in #16572
- SelectedItemGroup type as generic by @jasny in #16562
- Fix: Removed the unnecessary aria-checked attribute and improved acce… by @Sergiorezende22 in #16554
- Asterisk icon wrong key and value; arrow-h and arrow-v wrong key by @Mundi93 in #16544
- fix: fixed label of movebottom-button in picklist component by @e-matthaey in #16497
- Support empty
by @perceptron8 in #16495 - Issue #16452 : Resolve error with attribute Filters of p-table by @igore13 in #16453
- galleria/fix: removed role navigation on buttons and added arialabels by @e-matthaey in #16442
- Fix dropdown filled calculation regarding null or undefined values by @Elias-Graf in #16421
- Fix indexing in the p-tree so drag and drop will work with virtual scroll. by @ethan-gerardot in #16391
- Add a boolean which indicates if the drop is in a drop point or a node by @Eiael in #16174
- feat(chips): added onChipContextMenu output analog to onChipClick by @f94e59 in #15763
- fix(table): column resize does not work with sortable columns by @LoaderB0T in #16735
- Fix: ScrollPanel[(16757): Scrollbar offsets at the initialization of the scroll panel by @mark7p in
- Fix: InputOtp[(16777): Length validation bypassed
by @mark7p in - Fix: PanelMenu(16781, 15124) - Submenu display and animation bug by @mark7p in #16791
- Fix: Scroller(#16438 and #16564) - Scroll behavior bug by @mark7p in #16807
- feat(angular): allow/support Angular 19 with zone.js 0.15 by @ussu in #16783
- Revert "feat(angular): allow/support Angular 19 with zone.js 0.15" by @mertsincan in #16829
- #16607 fixed bug in inputnumber for dead keys by @JeremyHefti in #16965
- #16833 component mutliselect by @PaterMajkel in #16942
- fix incorrect property used in hasOffLabel getter by @navedqb in #16917
- re-fix( #16686): incorrect month value in Calendar component by @pointers-enjoyer in #16894
- fix(#16630): ensure aria-describedby is dynamically set and removed for tooltip by @dermartinschmitz in #16889
- Fix autocomplete updateOn blur on select (#16805) by @SpeederX in #16828
- Fix #16825 Editor setValue in hidden dialog not working by @stefanbildl in #16826
- Fix:16755 - dropdown emit event by @mateuszstudentzero in #16816
- Fix: Multiselect & Autocomplete(#16708 & #16727) - Scroller panel height bug by @mark7p in #16808
- Fix: PanelMenu(15403) - Submenu displays angledownicon when submenu is collapsed by @mark7p in #16790
- Fix #16744: Prevent click event from triggering on disabled p-toggleButton by @joaanyk in #16787
- fix: #16684, MultiSelect: Unable to select remove icon of chips through keyboard by @akshayaqburst in #16685
- Issue 16653 tab fix by @mateuszstudentzero in #16655
- fix: #16555, Password: Tab navigation not getting focussed on Eye icon in ToggleMask Mode. by @akshayaqburst in #16556
- Accept the locale for the file size of the format by @petrf22 in #16383
- Fix #16634 - reset accordion ActiveTab public method by @kievsash in #16838
- Fix #14529 - Google Gboard and inputmask control by @Ventura2 in #16232
- fix: move all columns with CTRL+A in picklist by @navedqb in #16465
- fixed issue #16313 (p-tabview closing active first tab opens not the next tab) by @Rahul1582 in #16531
- Fix variable in getOptionValue in multiselect #16651 by @mperezd in #16652
- #16957 Fix: Dynamic style updates not applied in p-avatar component #16957 by @joaanyk in #16978
- Fix: Ensure p-scroller updates height after clearing filters (#16954) by @joaanyk in #16979
- Fix linear stepper stackblitz example not working due to misspelling by @DanielOberlechner in #16980
New Contributors
- @mateuszstudentzero made their first contribution in #16654
- @P5175 made their first contribution in #16649
- @kapnak made their first contribution in #16593
- @jasny made their first contribution in #16562
- @Sergiorezende22 made their first contribution in #16554
- @Mundi93 made their first contribution in #16544
- @e-matthaey made their first contribution in #16497
- @perceptron8 made their first contribution in #16495
- @igore13 made their first contribution in #16453
- @Elias-Graf made their first contribution in #16421
- @ethan-gerardot made their first contribution in #16391
- @Eiael made their first contribution in #16174
- @ussu made their first contribution in #16783
- @JeremyHefti made their first contribution in #16965
- @PaterMajkel made their first contribution in #16942
- @dermartinschmitz made their first contribution in #16889
- @SpeederX made their first contribution in #16828
- @stefanbildl made their first contribution in #16826
- @joaanyk made their first contribution in #16787
- @petrf22 made their first contribution in #16383
- @kievsash made their first contribution in #16838
- @Ventura2 made their first contribution in #16232
- @DanielOberlechner made their first contribution in #16980
Full Changelog: 17.18.12...17.18.13
What's Changed
- Fixed #16856 | FloatLabel/Select: Issues when select value is string,… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16918
- Fixed #16897 | Stepper: Missing orientation property by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16919
- Fixed #16920 - Multiselect | Issue with displaying the number of sele… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16921
- Fix: Menu(16795): appendChild param order reversed by @jasonverber in #16796
- Fixed #16846 | Autocomplete: dropdown arrow and clear icon overlap by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16931
- Fixes #16526 & #16527 & #16893 | Splitter by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16932
- Fix #16928 Textarea import typo by @crodriguez6497 in #16929
- Fixed #16803 - Showcase | save appState by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16933
- Fixed #16925 | Showcase: Misaligned Country Flags in Components Showcase by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16937
- Fixed #16944 - Ripple | Ripple effect remains active when disabled by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16945
- Fixed #16963 | v18-rc.2 Component: ConfirmationDialog by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16964
New Contributors
- @crodriguez6497 made their first contribution in #16929
Full Changelog: 18.0.0-rc.2...18.0.0
What's Changed
- docs: Fix all imports of the primeng themes by @hunhejj in #16760
- fix(docs): typo in theming#component by @mambroz27 in #16643
- added missing bracket in website showcase by @MrTob in #16540
- fix: Update textarea docs to import TextareaModule by @saloiofun in #16730
- fix(docs): removes extra spacing and renames "warning" to "warn" by @saloiofun in #16644
- Fix: Tab[(16768): disabled input is not disabling tab by @mark7p in
- Fixed #16793 - RTL Support by @tugcekucukoglu in #16799
- Fixed #16720 | DatePicker Component - Error on Month Switch: Cannot r… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16815
- Fixed #16360 | Data filter and sorting issue on v18 table by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16820
- Fixed #16559 | p-buttonGroup throws console errors when styleClass is… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16821
- Fixed #16419 | Select v18: Checkmark not working by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16831
- Fixed #16683 | Panel Menu - wrong class when using routerLink by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16834
- fix(v18): Datepicker focus error #16590 by @Dayonel in #16675
- Fixed #16804 | Accordion - Ripple | unexpected behavior by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16859
- Fixed #16817 | Filter button triggers sort by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16864
- Fixed #16869 | Fileupload | add chooseButtonProps & uploadButtonProps… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16870
- Fixed #16874 | Tree: Arrow Up not working by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16878
- Fixed #16879 | Tree | Tree component throws an error when pressing th… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16880
- Fixed #16882 - PanelMenu | Hover is not working on child items by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16883
- Fixed #16479 | MultiSelect v18: Wrong placeholder color - missing p-p… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #16885
New Contributors
- @hunhejj made their first contribution in #16760
- @mambroz27 made their first contribution in #16643
- @MrTob made their first contribution in #16540
- @saloiofun made their first contribution in #16730
- @tugcekucukoglu made their first contribution in #16799
- @Dayonel made their first contribution in #16675
Full Changelog: 18.0.0-rc.1...18.0.0-rc.2
Full Changelog: 18.0.0-beta.5...18.0.0-rc.1
Full Changelog: 18.0.0-beta.4...18.0.0-beta.5