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Ethereum Cat herders Notes 101

Moderator: Pooja ranjan

Note-taker: Darkfire_rain

Date & Time: Jan 17, 2023

1. Ethereum network upgrades

Cancun and deneb

Pooja: welcome to ethereum catherders meeting 101 I have shared agenda and chat so today we are gonna discuss about a few updates on network upgrade events and hackathons and a couple of new initiatives that categies are working on plus some general updates on ethereum Cate address as well as ethereum ecosystem so starting with the first one as of network upgrade last Friday there was a KGC ceremony announced so this is for the upgrade which is after the Shanghai upgrade Cancun and Dunham KCC ceremony is an effort to have a trusted setup for eap4844 which would be the main Center for Cancun and denim upgrade it is live it would be live for 57 days I think it is for two months now it would be less than that and people can make their contribution there is a link attached in the agenda where you can make your contribution and your Randomness so far we have over 5500 people already contributed to the randomness over here check it out it's very interesting very simple so yeah if you're open to it make your contribution talking about Casey's ceremony we have also recorded an episode with Carl and that is about how you can make your contribution and why this is important for ethereum ecosystem so if anyone is interested to learn more about KCC ceremony and what is its road map and near future please check out the p penny video with the Carl

Shanghai & Capella

Pooja: the next one here is Shanghai and capella so for kepala pre-interrupt testnets are up withdrawal 2 has been launched on January 11th and there was a virtual Shadow folk performed on sympholia we are expecting some more updates on capella test Nets and we have invited paritosh and Mario to talk about the testnet up kids and what and how Community can may be able to contribute for these test Nets that would be up for the Shanghai and capala upgrade so the meeting is planned on Wednesday this Wednesday at 18 30 UTC the instructions will be for joining the meeting will be shared on the ethereum cathered as discard Channel check out the Discord Channel and you will get to know about the join in Link in case you cannot join and if you have question you are free to share it over there we do have a Google form floating on for collecting questions for developers and these kinds of meetings so please check it out with all client combinations right before Christmas there are some issues reported in a few of a few pairs or client pairs please check out the link here for the dashboard we are trying to provide all information related to Shanghai at Shanghai page on ethereum catheters website on other updates on network upgrade is so euf proposals are dropped from the Shanghai upgrade however the testing and development work will continue

EOF Devnets Breakout Room Recording 6 Notes

Pooja: so now the breakout room meeting is renamed as implementers meeting so we will be having eof implementers meeting when every alternate Wednesday at 1500 UTC the next meeting is planned on January 25 yeah notes and a video link to the earlier meeting is added an agenda and similarly implementers meeting for 4844 is ongoing it is planned every week on Tuesday almost the same time we are having this meeting right now check out the latest notes and videos from the past week meeting added in the agenda all right those were the updates from ethereum Network upgrade side anyone has any question comment thank you for joining everyone I see a couple of new faces here as well so we are just going with the regular updates on ethereum catthirders if anyone would like to share anything about themselves maybe talk about like how they would like to be a part of ethereum care Titus please let us know we may take it up after the agenda items we have covered but if you have any question comment in between feel free to drop in the chat and yeah we will try to answer as much as possible moving on

2. Events and hackathon

Pooja: the next item is events and hackathons we know that Ethan where is closing by it's a plan from February 24th to March 5th I think the main event are from second to fifth but for the hackathon weeks starting from February 24th interrupt Summit which is also planned in Denver around the same timeline is also available I'm planning to join interop Summit so if anyone from this group or anyone from ethereum categories or anyone would like to connect with me or meet me happy to be there you can drop Communications information on the ethereum CATE address channel so anybody else who are joining may be able to connect these events and meetings are very good place to connect with each other Bitcoin Grant around has started from today it would be till 31st of January so anyone willing to contribute to the ethereum Caterers help and support ethereum Canada's work you can have the contribution made through Bitcoin there are a few other events listed here scaling ethereum each Global team are planning different ethereum events at different location you can check out the list here for events and hackathon for the upcoming month I think I have listed it up till April so yeah please check it out if you're around try to join another big event is at con which is coming up in April April 3rd to 6th which is planned in Vienna I have heard most of the developers would like to join because it is ethereum developers conference so yeah if you are planning to visit that place and if you want people to think up you can always have this discussion on on ethereum Caterers Channel what do people think about having a separate Channel Discord channel to have these events communication going on yeah that that sounds like a good idea good we have positive feedbacks we are trying to create different channels so people can move their conversation in a in one place and it does not get lost on a general channel so we have a different channels for upgrades as well like if people want to discuss Shanghai upgrade we do have we have also created it for Cancun upgrade so you can post your questions comment or anything that you would like to learn or understand or have questions for developer over there so yeah I think I have received a lot of good feedback here on a events conference channel that people would like to have it so maybe we can create a events Channel and they can communicate and coordinate if people are trying to meet at a place all right moving on

3. New initiative and association

Pooja: the next one is a new initiative and Association recently we shared this announcement blog post for client diversity survey that we are trying to collect information from the community it's been in discussion for past few years like we need to have a diversified network sharing for ethereum blockchain earlier it was only limited to El side the execution layer side now consensus layer side as well so people who are running node I would highly encourage them to take this survey let us know which client knows you are running what are the advantages and what do you think that other client providers can add in in their clients to be maybe able to have and option ready for you so in case of backup in case you would like to switch you can switch it is very important to have a client diversity because because we are now on the other side of the merge it is important to have more than two third validator active to finalize the blog so please take out the survey we already have received responses from Community node Runners ethereum client devs and it also included one of our ech contributors so thank you everyone who have already taken this survey and so far people reported that most of them are running nodes for themselves like for validating and just taking notes but 12 was also reported for organization of our project so whether you are running ethereum node for yourself for organization hobby or any other reason please take this survey and I would also like to request everyone present here in this meeting or maybe listening to this call after share the link of the survey to ethereum groups you are connected with we are planning to collect all these information and share it with ethereum client team so they know what community thinks about their client anything positive or negative feedback you would like to share with your client providers please share it with the help of this survey form that is available on the agenda so that's about client diversity the next one is Gateway app so we have started working on the Gateway for EIP authors the idea is to have EAP authors whose proposals went into finalized status should be receiving this gate point and that would be rewarded based on their contribution I'm hoping the initial setup will be done by the next month and we will try to do it in batches so we'll try to take one one year finalize proposals go first and then like subsequent years will follow more on this maybe I'll share in the upcoming meeting all right anyone has any thoughts comment on initiatives and associations section

4. General updates

Pooja: okay let's move on to the general updates as some of us may know that there has been some renaming done on the developers meetings site so the new name for ACD meeting all quarter meeting is now a c d e that is all code execution developers meeting or execution layer meeting and for the CL meeting it is now ACDC ecd For consensus does these meetings are now streamed on a different channel it's earlier it was an ad ethereum Foundation now it is a ad ethereum protocol so people who may have missed the streaming part or link and were confused earlier where these meetings are happening so it's at new channel which is at ethereum protocol in the last consensus tab meeting like ACDC meeting D star name for the next consensus upgrade was decided shyway expressed a desire to finalize the name because specs are now moving towards finalization we now have four eight four four interrupt session coming up and now developers are making their specs added to the repository so it was important to have it renamed properly and it looks like done up a star name which was proposed by Lucas it was the most popular and people agreed on that so now the next upgrade would be Cancun on execution side and turn up on the consensus side okay and we already covered the protocol Channel at YouTube talking about YouTube channel YouTube has recently started this feature of renaming their channel for making it easier for people to like remember it so we have grabbed the name at eat cat Third District app eat cat herder so now you can find ethereum Caterers YouTube channel at I hope this will help and you'll be able to follow the meetings and recordings of different Community talks of ethereum catheters YouTube we do have a few updates uh I have added General stats we are making progress slowly but it would be nice to have it to reach to more number of people more number of community users so if you can share information about ethereum cat hurdles with people you know and Community you follow that would be great to have we're trying to keep ethereum cat holders website updated to provide all information related to network upgrades and eips and discussion if anyone has anything any resources that they would like to add or share you may create an issue over there and will try to have it added on our website on ech engineering I I think we do have some updates from Learn to Earn app yeah we are very close to moving it to the polygon Network yeah I can see George on the call George if you would like to take a couple of minutes and maybe talk about he learned one app release

George hervey: yeah sure so since last update like last meeting pretty much we had the application open on a test site and I you could interact with the new Learn to Earn custom nfts that we made on the Mumbai testnet and now we haven't received any negative feedback so I think I think overall I I haven't heard any issues with the with the test net version so we plan on launching to polygon mainnet this week ideally later today all we have to do is just launch the nfts and you'll be able to see that on the main Learn to Earn website so excited to hear that there will also be a blog post about it

Pooja: awesome thank you so much for the update so people who are interested in learning more about ethereum and protocols may want to take these quizzes and also earn an nft for all answers correct there are a few people who are interested in collecting poapp so we will keep the poab version up as well is that correct George for some time we will be keeping the question up as well

George: that's not actually an update but we can we still have the mint links so if they ask in the Discord we could like share it to them as long as they prove that they like completed the course so yeah

Pooja: okay that makes sense nft so you can take these quizzes to maybe on new nfts all right that's on engineering side on ech operations yes we are adding ech podcast I know last month there wasn't much progress on the backup side though I had a chat with the resource and we will try to take it slow but we will not stop or I remember Willem sharp mentioning about that we should continue working on it and it's a good way of supporting project and obviously we would like to support the decentralized app so we will continue doing that on eaps inside the EAB is website I think is now running fully fully working we have a status reported like there are seven eaps and final status two in last call seven in review one has been moved to the stagnant status so proposals which are in last call are EIP 5267 retrieval of eip712 domain and the other one is two double seven one secure protocol for Native meta transaction the end date for these proposals last call are January 23rd and January 20 subsequently so if people have any final thoughts and comments to be added to this proposal if you would like to share it with the authors please do it ASAP we have very few days left for the last call deadline we would not like proposal to be amended or appended after it moves to the fun and Status so whatever changes you think would be good for these proposals please make sure you make your voice heard to these authors before it moves into the final status okay next one is a P pen Eep as I mentioned the last deep and Eep video for this is the ceremony is now out I think we have also shared another proposal I'm trying to just find the number of it okay so the EIP is five five seven zero this proposal is in review status but this sounds to be a very good proposal for digital reset nft so nft projects who are interested in like having kind of digital receptor of the transaction made may want to take a look at a proposal 5570 it was an interesting conversation with Sean Darcy so check out the full episode to learn about the proposal and you can always share your implementation if you have any or if you are planning to come up with on the fellowship of ethereum magician Paige for this proposal the fem page is basically the discussion tool link which is always added on any proposal and this week we have planned meeting for paritosh as I mentioned earlier we hope to see a few more interesting meetings coming up in the following weeks so check out the schedule that is added here on the agenda the next one here is a meeting now we do have meeting notes available for all the meetings done in the past week we have ACD meeting obviously we need to rename it here as well it is acde meeting 152 next one is consensus meeting which is ACDC meeting 101 and eipip meeting 72. another important announcement I think I missed to mention it earlier we are not expecting consensus meeting next week it will be after two weeks okay so no AC DC meeting next week many developers will be working together at interoper so there will be one execution meeting this week and then again execution meeting on February 2nd that will be followed by ACDC meeting on February 9th so this is an important note for note takers at ethereum characters so I will update the schedule please check it out when is your next meeting due and thank you all the contributors that we have all the notes are that is really great to have and there is also one important information that the folders has been renamed and moved for these consensus meeting and execution meetings so please check out the GitHub repository ethereum PM GitHub for various changes okay and the next one is EIP editing office servers so I have added recording from meeting 10 and agenda for meeting 11 is already out if you have any proposal pull request in GitHub looking for some advice from EIP editor you can add your PR to the comment and we will try to discuss it in the meeting this meeting is generally done with the EIP editors Sam Wilson is there and a few other people also join who may be able to help you understand what is the actual documentation process and yeah if you are open to write new proposals for ethereum standard make your contribution have any question join us in this meeting and we'll try to help you out as much as possible that's all on General updates and yeah the last item here is a outstanding items from the last meeting which seems to be only one and as Georgia explained that we are hoping to have it have it deployed on polygon maybe today so I would consider that taken care of okay one other important thing the next ech newsletter will be sent out today after this meeting in which you can find information about latest and greatest going on in ethereum space like all the meeting updates highlights and other AMA related session that was done by ethereum Foundation developers and anything specific related to protocol development I'm trying to have them curated and will send out so if you have subscribed to ethereum Cate address medium Channel you can find it over there you can find it in your inbox if not please do subscribe ethereum catered as a medium Channel so that's all from the agenda I see a few new faces if anyone would like to maybe share introduce or talk anything about their project yeah please feel free

Simon: just so you're aware of why I just randomly joined your call I was looking for the EIP officing office hours I'm not sure if this is the EIP office hours but I was just looking for help with merging one of the eips that I submitted although I just checked and it actually did merge so I actually don't no longer need help with that but it's this has been really informative to to find out more about the EIP process and even the EIP Insight website which I didn't know existed and which is really helpful really cool so I'm glad I joined

Pooja: awesome yeah generally speaking we have this EAP editing office our at the interval of two weeks we try to resolve or request and issues before meeting but in case there are some Corner cases where we are not able to merge that pull request because of some changes that is required in that PR we try to address that in the EIP editing office hour I'm glad that the Oracle request has already been merged but the meeting of editing office hour happens on the alternate Tuesday like not this when we have the cat headers meeting but on the next Tuesday so the next EIP editing office our meeting is planned on January 24th at 1500 UTC got it okay I see where I got confused now okay awesome thank you thank you so much for joining yeah yeah awesome I

Eric: I thought I'd be the only new face but I guess Simon is also here which I think I think we've chatted a bunch and I probably chatted with a subset of the people here but I would say as far as it pertains to ech it's it's it's an effort I'm looking to get more involved in this year one thing that is relevant in puji I think I believe I've invited you to this group but I'm quite involved in pushing for account abstraction and specifically four three three seven it's it's kind of remarkable how much kind of momentum there is behind that I feel like we've been talking about AAA and account abstraction probably for for years and there's so many competing eips for that and it seems like this is one of the ones that looks more I guess promising in terms of Builders adopting it specifically on Layer Two just because it's easier there and and so I mod for a telegram group along with James from the EF and two other builders and community members it's it's probably I think it's around 200 plus member strong at this point and everyone there was a a Dev or a builder we have folks like Origins and safe metamask pleasure Visa we we somehow roped in there given their experimenting with Origins on starknet which is super exciting to see that they're still still kind of bought in to crypto when I think many companies like like Visa have left and so I'm trying to figure out the best way I can contribute to to ech and because I may have some questions for you and how I should best do that after this call but I'm I'm excited to get more involved this year

Pooja: thank you Mary for joining today I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in on the account abstraction proposal just for people's information we have planned a peat meeting for eip4337 account abstraction using alt member with uof on February 15th at 1830 UTC so we earlier had this account obstruction eip4337 but that was using a different method now they are using the alt mempool version so just to provide people information on this New Concept the change in The Proposal I'm happy that there is a dedicated telegram group that also takes care of the implementation and trying to reach out to the projects who may be interested in implementing this proposal and help account obstruction on ethereum there is also a channel on wallet Discord dedicated to eip4337 of course with the account abstraction so yeah both places it's a good one to learn more about account abstraction and if you are having it implemented in any of your projects please come forward and share it with us and Eric yes feel free to DM me with any question comment and whatever way we can help more to you know share information about this working group or the telegram group that you are having for eap4337 that that's awesome one and then one last thing I'll say that's somewhat relevant for account abstraction but the other area I'm quite involved in not not as a practitioner of it but just as a I guess a hobbyist and a researcher is Mev and there's very interesting head of intersections between the current spec for 4337 and existing Meb infrastructure primarily the usage of existing kind of alternative private rpcs and mempools as kind of these alt mempools for account abstraction and you can view kind of bundlers as essentially benign Searchers they they essentially have the same job and so I'm kind of exploring that intersection of maybe we don't actually have to build all this from scratch like a lot of it it seems like it exists like there's a flashbots RPC there's secure RPC for manifold there's there's many others and obviously we we have a large and healthy community of Searchers and some of them may be well suited to serve also as bundlers but it's a it's a really interesting kind of intersection of two pretty different areas of ethereum foreign I don't know if you are already aware of it or not there is this wallet Dev meeting which is planned once a month and the next meeting is planned tomorrow January 18th at I don't know in UTC because in my calendar I can see it at 1 pm and I am at EST zone so at 1 pm EST this meeting is planned tomorrow if anyone from your telegram group or maybe you would like to join that meeting and talk to this group who are already engaged in research and development of proposals and protocols around wallet I think 4337 is one of those so yeah that would be interesting to have oh yes I would I would love to attend I may ask you for a link to get there but yes that sounds super interesting awesome thank you okay anyone else would like to share anything cool I think that would okay Erica there is a request for adding to the telegram group from one of the contributors yeah I remember sharing this link on Discord Channel wasn't it there yes I think it was there it's just it probably got lost somehow but I no worries I can add I can add George it's it's easy on my end thank you okay I think that's probably all for today's meeting I am hoping to see everyone around for the next meeting which is planned on January 31st and one more time please take the survey Clan diversity survey share it and all possible groups you are a member of we would try to collect a node information from people who are running node whether they are Solo validator whether they are doing it for organization or whatever there are so many people who are doing it just for collecting starts Network starts so it would be interesting to understand what are different use cases why people are running and if there are any suggestions for a client teams to be implemented so they can have these client notes running more easily accessible for new users yeah take out time and do that and yeah thank you everyone for joining us today have a wonderful day and let's keep talking on Discord Channel ethereum careth just got Channel bye thank you thank you okay thanks everyone Thanks for YouTube


  • Pooja ranjan
  • Eric
  • Simon
  • George