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Meeting Date/Time: July 05, 2022, at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 27:45

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Darkfire-rain

Ethereum network upgrades

Pooja: welcome to ethereum cat herders is meeting 88. the first item listed here is related to ethereum network upgrades so last week we had a successful upgrade for grey glacier and after grey glacier out of the way we are back on track for the merch upgrade sepolia merge announcement is added to the agenda so ethereum foundation has announced the merge date for the cipolia testnet sepolia is the second of three public test net we did robson testnet earlier in june and then the polia is planned and there would be one more combination garlic and prater so for sepolia ttd is decided and we are expecting the network will transition to proof of a stake somewhere around july 6 that is tomorrow if people want to track there is a website https dot wtf where they can keep track of active hash rates and when the merge is going to happen post merger sepolia will have a permissioned validator set like existing proof of authority test net however gaurli which is at present is a proof of authority test net that will be maintained as an open validator set post merge so that's one important difference between the present test net and the post merge testnet especially for sepolia and gaudi most of the test nets other than these two are supposed to be deprecated you would also find a blog post on ethereum foundation where they have mentioned it in detail what is the plan for deprecating other test nets related to ethereum so for app developer it is highly recommended that switch to either simplia or garlic if you are running up any any of your app on a presentation testnet so that's about the merge upgrade the planning next is um

New initiatives

Pooja: new initiative obviously it is not new because we have been discussing it for past few weeks but we are still working towards it the first one listed here is ech github backup and youtube backup i remember having a group chat initiated with some conversation around it i don't know if we reach to any conclusion william sharp do you have any updates on that i i i'm sorry to put you in stop i don't see zkdo from the call and i was wondering if there are any updates about did you back up on early that's right i don't remember actually so i'll try i'll try and get back in touch with him just because i don't remember okay not a problem yeah my bad i should have tried reaching him last week but i missed so yeah we can continue conversation in the group chat and let's see if we can make progress in this direction the next one listed here is the tdm catered as a website contributor basically this is about the get poi app so get web team has shared this information that minting is now live for us like anyone who has ever contributed to ethereum cathedrals they would be able to meant a prayer i have added the link to the agenda so please check check it out check your eligibility and if you are eligible you can mint it there is no transaction fee required for this minting is free so that's good and they are also maintaining a list of people who have already minted the boya from there so you would be there as a contributor to ethereum cat herders moving on the


Pooja: next one is events and hackathon ef research team they generally try to host reddit ama once in about six months and the next one they have planned on july 7th at 1 pm utc i have added the link to reddit ema so there at 1 pm utc if you join the link that i have shared here you would be able to post your questions and foundations research team will be there to answer your questions so take advantage of this opportunity to hear directly from the researchers of ethereum next one is each cc so ecc 5 is planned during july 19th to 21 we have received a certain request actually it's not a request there are people who would be visiting to the event and i'm wondering if people would be interested to have a discussion channel to maybe coordinate to get to different events not only for ecc but for any future events like anyone from the cat address they are going there and they would like to meet other people what do people think generally about having separate channels for this discussion

Metago: yeah sounds like a good idea

Pooja: yeah right i mean generally we find someone drops a message in our general channel or some other channel that i'm going to such and such event if anyone is joining would like to meet up so i'm thinking in that direction let's see if we get more interest and we can be able to create a channel for separate coordination but for this easy especially i would like to share an information that was shared by getpoyb team that they are co-hosting a dow and builder event on 20th so if anyone for cat headers wanted to be added to the guest list let me know and i can communicate with the team or maybe put you in touch with the team so they be added to the list so that is one other reason i find that it would be better that people may be able to directly communicate share the information that they would like to share about any particular event and any of the cat orders if you are going you can definitely talk about cataracts and be a part of the events there the next one is defcon 6. we all know that fun is planned in bagata this year today is the last day for applying for a speakers application they have also announced an experimental on-chain ticket auction and raffle i'm gonna share link here in the chat for that so this year they will be holding a free sale for auction and raffle for the first dabcon 6 passes both this auction and raffle will take will take place on our bedroom a layer 2 roller that settles on ethereum main net and they will be accepting payments in form of eid so if you are visiting there you're looking for some passes you haven't bought the ticket here this is another opportunity to get passes and may be able to experiment with the layer two solutions for ethereum main net arbitrary specific any question comments so far all right maybe we can move forward the

ECH updates

Pooja: next item is ech updates first one is ech website so i haven't been seeing a lot of work in in this repository so i'm trying to have some trainees to maybe engage them to solve the issues there like the request those we are updating there to maybe able to keep our website up to date with all information about upgrades because right now there are a lot of information that can be added so yeah anyone interested that would be really helpful i'm particularly in touch with one guy but like he's into very early stages and let's see if it works out then i'll try to update the website as soon as possible other than that the next one is ech engineering we are still need for rupeeta we haven't received any applications so far eap bot and eipv i don't know if there is anything new to be shared from the cathedrals team but i'm aware that wilson has also created a new part more information on this is available on the eip editors channel so you can check out the link over there and see if that's helpful but yeah i see jose on the call jose do you think you have any further updates for this particular item that you would like to share yeah yeah

Jose: a question is the eip bot is gonna be i would say i don't know how to say it polite but it's gonna be eliminated now that it's another bottle and it's worth the question is is wonderful to keep working on that i have managed to do some progress with the testing i actually contact alita i guess that is mentioned and i have a brief you know soft conversation about the the testing the bot with her and well i managed to as i said to get some progress around but i don't know if it's gonna be is is the bot is not gonna be or maybe confused i mean is the body is gonna be useful i mean is it worth to keep working on it or just stop i mean i know that the testing has been a nightmare coding was it was okay but the testing has been to get the proper environment it's not clear but well i have i have made some progress finally but i don't know if it's it's going to be you know pay for to keep working on it or just contact sang and try to to work in the in the new body i mean i i don't want to be redundant you know at least not me i don't want the ecs engineering group to to be redundant pulling and trying to merge pr for for for the boat that is not going to be use it anymore i guess that's that's the point that's it

Pooja: yeah well thank you i mean this is really good to hear that you were able to contact alita and you made some progress on the setting up the testing environment that we were looking for the typescript part that is eip bot as of now it is not clear that we would not be using the eip bar so i would consider that it will still be helpful for the process the present process that we are following for standardization however there are certain discussion going on to change the process specifically for core eips so it is possible that core eips may start following a little different process having said that my assumption is the current eip part will not be redundant it may not be used for core eips but there are other eips of different category of a standard track so we will be using it for other eips standardization process at least that is my understanding however it would be nice to have this question asked in the next eipat meeting so we can collect input from the team who who are working towards developing this new process as well as collecting feedback from eip editors so that will give us a better picture of whether or not we should be moving ahead in this direction in the direction of updating the eip part yeah i hope that that's helpful

Jose: so sorry for interrupt i i just saw that you you have finished no no that's okay yeah it's clear i mean anyway i would try to contact sam he's always very willing and open to communicate as usual and and yes indeed this is an excellent point for for the agenda of the e the next cip meeting that's that's fair i will keep working i just don't want that the ecs engineering group in a way for the considering the the bot we just you know get to the point that we are redundant if we need to contribute with the with an export i mean that's fine that's all that's always the way i mean we keep moving forward and keep pushing but it's clear thank you

Pooja: right so i tried to check with sam wilson he said that he may have limited you know visibility for the typescript bot however he is interested to help out if someone is willing to take out the rust part that eipv bought so yeah i mean you're always welcome to reach out to any of the ap editors and then they are really helpful so i hope we continue working in this direction and we have this eip engineering team alive when in future we get new bot we may add our contribution to that well thank you so much for your patience and being here to continue on the present part no problem thank you we're here to contribute and support that's okay awesome the next item is learn to earn as mentioned in the last meeting we are we are at a point that we may expect very few things to be finished before the launch of the app just that the the developer who was working on the learn to earn project may have limited bandwidth for the month of june but we are expecting him to be back in the month of july so we'll keep updating on the progress yesterday we could not have the meeting because of 4th of july we hope to have the meeting again on the coming monday so yeah anyone interested to follow may check out our github repository for the progress the next sub item is cad blazer so it's about ech podcast we released the podcast version of peep on merge related talk with different clients and we hope to continue working on that thanks to zika doof on continuously pushing episodes on podcast for for cat holders on e6 operations i guess the next all wallet that meetings will be planned in a few weeks from now we have added the recording from the last meeting and zikr mentioned that he would be in touch with the organizing team and whenever the meeting is planned we will try to have that recording available all right the next one is eaps inside i have added a link to the month of june inside in the agenda for july so far we have received only one erc as draft that is eip 5185 nft update table metadata extension that is merged and the other eip 5133 which was especially for pushing up the difficulty bomb which got deployed with the great glacier upgrade has been moved to final so this is the early days of july we hope to get more updates in the coming weeks for p penney this week we have planned two peats one with prison prismatic lab and another one is with another mind team so another mind team we could not have the last meeting because of the conflict so we are expecting thomas sanchez to be joining us and discussing about netherland the march preparation and what to expect post much from this el client and tomorrow we have a meeting with puzzles and terence to talk about a prismatic lab prisma is a consensus layer client that is currently a bigger chain client and we are hoping to know more about what they have got to share for users post merge there are more merch related p plan please check out the schedule that is added to the agenda anyone has any question comments so far all right moving ahead the next one is meeting notes and action items for ech we have received notes for all meeting except cl meeting i'll try to follow up with this new resource this is the first time maybe he may be having some difficulty but we'll try to follow up and get the notes available as soon as possible there are two maybe action item or points where we can collect thoughts from this group coming up from the eip ip meeting as i was mentioning about the change of process for core eip there is a working document created by timbeko in which we have listed a couple of proposals and pros and cons of those proposals so it will be really nice to share it with community and collect some feedback what they think about it like which proposal would be good to be further flashing up and maybe have it in future for core eips so i have added the link to this working document for people interested in the standardization process of core eips please check out and if you have any comments suggestion thoughts you can always drop your comments on eip editor's channel or even on general channel of ethereum cat hurdles discard or else reach us on eip ip meeting there is another proposal by a micah for one time nft sale of unused eip numbers it's quite an interesting proposal and it seems like many people from the community are interested and are in favor of having this one-time nft sale for unused eip numbers so please check out the link added here and if you have starts feel free to share and leave it as a comment there other than that we had three different community meetings one is url uri standard working group meeting the next one is planned on july 11th i believe the agenda is added here so this is about standardization of url and uri standard currently the group is looking into two proposals and discussion is going around that you can find the link in the agenda and yes if you are interested in these two proposals or have suggestions or have a proposal which is a little different but in the similar direction feel free to join the meeting and the event is added to ethereum catholic discard other than that we have eip editors apprentice meeting next tuesday recording from the last meeting is added here and recently there is a new community called started which is called kzz ceremony breakout call in which the team who are working for kz development like the protocol development they are joining on a call sharing their thoughts and sharing progress in this direction so it will be really interesting to follow the recording this is a research related call and if you are interested to learn about what's going on in this direction please follow the recording it's available on ethereum scattered or youtube we are very close to the end of the agenda the last item listed here is review of outstanding action items from previous meeting excuse me from meeting 87 no action item are there only decision is mentioned about proceeding with having backup for youtube and that's all yeah that concludes the meeting for today anything else that anyone would like to bring up i remember having a conversation i don't know if this is the right time about the security thing right what was that emergency guideline i don't know william is this something that you would like to discuss here or share

William: i'm not sure what you mean supriya who i worked on with that was just looking to see if there's something going on in the character so you'd be able to collaborate on okay that is interesting so i remember this tweet by supreme gupta he shared the progress i believe in the form of twitter thread and the document was also shared about the app emergency guideline so anyone from the cathodes they find that this can be probably used among the cathedrals or in their individual projects it would be nice to connect with supreme kuta

Pooja: i hope that's what we meant here william maybe i mean if that's what you wanted yeah like i mean i'm pretty sure you posted the thread of pogo already but i mean like definitely if it is of use anyone you can reach out to myself about it yeah right well thank you so much for working on this topic with him i know william has been very very much interested into emergency calm and guideline so having engaged someone from the community is really nice thank you william for that i don't have link handy no i don't have a link handy but definitely i would like to leave a comment to maybe share that link to people who would like to follow on that thread they can do that i can try and get it to you for like the youtube notes or something yeah that would be helpful okay cool well thank you everyone for joining us today i hope to see you in two weeks and you can always share your thoughts on canada's discord channel the general channel is the best place where people find out information about what's going on and you can always share your thoughts it would be interesting to learn about what people expect from cat herders in coming months for 2022 or like this is halfway done so if there are any thoughts or any plans where they think that cathode is can be helpful that would be really nice to have it discussed on the next call or any of the upcoming calls well thank you everyone for joining have a good one everyone thanks all cheers cheers thank you

Attendees list

  • Metago
  • Pooja
  • William
  • Jose

Next meeting

July 19, 2022