diff --git a/doc/python/sliders.md b/doc/python/sliders.md
index 2ebe84f040..5c74bee736 100644
--- a/doc/python/sliders.md
+++ b/doc/python/sliders.md
@@ -89,6 +89,183 @@ The method determines which [plotly.js function](https://plot.ly/javascript/plot
- `"animate"`: start or pause an animation
+#### Update Method
+The `"update"` method should be used when modifying the data and layout sections of the graph.
+This example demonstrates how to update the data displayed while simultaneously updating layout attributes such as the annotations.
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import numpy as np
+# Create figure
+fig = go.Figure()
+min_val = 0
+max_val = 0
+# Add traces, one for each slider step
+start = -1
+for step in np.arange(start, 5, 0.1):
+ x_vec=np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) #np.arange(start, 1, 0.1)
+ y_vec=np.cos(step * np.arange(0, 10, 0.01))
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ visible=False,
+ line=dict(color="#00CED1", width=4),
+ name="𝜈 = " + str(step),
+ x=x_vec,
+ y=y_vec))
+ if step == start:
+ min_val = np.min(y_vec)
+ max_val = np.max(y_vec)
+ else:
+ tmp_min = np.min(y_vec)
+ tmp_max = np.max(y_vec)
+ min_val = min(min_val, tmp_min)
+ max_val = max(max_val, tmp_max)
+# Make 10th trace visible
+fig.data[10].visible = True
+# Add Annotations
+annotation_info = [dict(x=1,
+ y=0,
+ xref="paper", yref="paper",
+ text="Min value:
%.4f" % min_val,
+ ax=0, ay=40,
+ showarrow=False,
+ xanchor="left", yanchor="bottom"),
+ dict(x=1,
+ y=1,
+ xref="paper", yref="paper",
+ text="Max value:
%.4f" % max_val,
+ ax=0, ay=-40,
+ showarrow=False,
+ xanchor="left", yanchor="top")
+ ]
+# Create and add slider
+steps = []
+for i in range(len(fig.data)):
+ step = dict(
+ method="update",
+ label=str(i),
+ args=[{"visible": [False] * len(fig.data)},
+ {"title": "Slider switched to step: " + str(i), # layout attribute
+ "annotations": annotation_info}], # layout attribute
+ )
+ step["args"][0]["visible"][i] = True # Toggle i'th trace to "visible"
+ steps.append(step)
+sliders = [dict(
+ active=10,
+ currentvalue={"prefix": "Slider value: "},
+ pad={"t": 30},
+ steps=steps
+ sliders=sliders
+#### Relayout Method
+The `"relayout"` method should be used when modifying layout attributes.
+This example demonstrates how to update which groups are in clusters.
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+import numpy as np
+# Create figure
+fig = go.Figure()
+x0 = np.random.normal(2, 0.2, 400)
+y0 = np.random.normal(2, 0.3, 400)
+x1 = np.random.normal(3, 0.1, 600)
+y1 = np.random.normal(6, 0.3, 400)
+x2 = np.random.normal(4, 0.4, 200)
+y2 = np.random.normal(4, 0.5, 200)
+# Add traces
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=x0,
+ y=y0,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=dict(color="DarkOrange")
+ )
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=x1,
+ y=y1,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=dict(color="Crimson")
+ )
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=x2,
+ y=y2,
+ mode="markers",
+ marker=dict(color="RebeccaPurple")
+ )
+ xref="x", yref="y",
+ x0=min(x0), y0=min(y0),
+ x1=max(x2), y1=max(y1),
+ line_color="RebeccaPurple",)
+initial_cluster = [dict(type="circle",
+ xref="x", yref="y",
+ x0=min(x0), y0=min(y0),
+ x1=max(x0), y1=max(y0),
+ line=dict(color="DarkOrange"))]
+cluster2 = [dict(type="circle",
+ xref="x", yref="y",
+ x0=min(x0), y0=min(y0),
+ x1=max(x1), y1=max(y1),
+ line=dict(color="Crimson"))]
+cluster3 = [dict(type="circle",
+ xref="x", yref="y",
+ x0=min(x0), y0=min(y0),
+ x1=max(x2), y1=max(y1),
+ line=dict(color="RebeccaPurple"))]
+clusters = [initial_cluster, cluster2, cluster3]
+# Create and add slider
+steps = []
+for i in range(len(fig.data)):
+ step = dict(
+ method="relayout",
+ label=str(i+1),
+ args=["shapes", clusters[i]],
+ )
+ steps.append(step)
+sliders = [dict(
+ active=3,
+ currentvalue={"prefix": "Groups in cluster: "},
+ pad={"t": 50},
+ steps=steps
+ title_text="Groups",
+ showlegend=False,
+ sliders=sliders
### Sliders in Plotly Express
Plotly Express provide sliders, but with implicit animation using the `"animate"` method described above. The animation play button can be omitted by removing `updatemenus` in the `layout`:
diff --git a/release.md b/release.md
index d65f2cac0e..7f853f0e52 100644
--- a/release.md
+++ b/release.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Manually update the versions to `X.Y.Z` in the files specified below.
+ update the release date
- - `packages/python/plotly/README.md`
+ - `README.md`
+ this must be done at this point because the README gets baked into PyPI
- `plotly/_widget_version.py`:
+ Update `__frontend_version__` to `^X.Y.Z` (Note the `^` prefix)