- Mac apps are signed and notarized, as now required by Apple.
- No longer crashing when files in databases are missing or damaged, and more helpful error messages in these cases.
- Mac app available for Apple silicon (AMD), as well as for Intel.
- Logeion links work again.
- Configurable option to add links to other Greek/Latin dictionaries.
- Option to use a different English dictionary.
- New provision for downloading TLL PDFs.
- Added option to open PDFs in system browser rather than inside Diogenes app.
- Added link to settings page when running outside Electron app.
- Fix setting of XML export folder so export works outside Electron app.
- Add switch to force XML export to consider texts prose or verse.
- Upgrade to Electron v. 34
- Browser front-end updated to Electon version 20 (from version 5):
- This should eliminate spurious anti-virus warnings (for now);
- PDFs are now shown in a new Diogenes window rather than in an external browser; likewise for external web links.
- Tweaks to the user interface:
- better keyboard navigation;
- semi-persistent state for the splash screen;
- facility to jump to a new passage in the work currently being read.
- Added support for the the more recent TLL fascicles (from vols. 9.1 and 11.2).
- Updated icon for Macs (thanks to Helge Baumann).
- Very large search output is now split into pages to avoid crashing the browser.
- Facility to search the headwords of ancient lexica (e.g. the Suda).
- Better display of editorial notes in PHI texts.
- Fixed a long-standing bug that prevented accented and non-Latin characters from being used in the names of in user-defined subsets of texts.
- Fixed (for Windows 10 and later) another long-standing Windows bug that caused problems when non-Latin characters were used in the names of the paths to the folder holding the databases.
- Removed problematic code that sometimes interfered with finding citations in very short or fragmentary texts. [In fact, this was done incorrectly and was only properly fixed in version 4.7]
- TLG search results are now presented in (rough) chronological order (with huge thanks to Jiang Qian for his assistance).
- Multiple search feature now permits looking for the repetition of a word (thanks to Michael Putnam for the suggestion).
- Many errors in Lewis and Short, especially citation references, have been fixed by Logeion (thanks to Helma Dik).
- Diogenes now deals more gracefully with hitting the end of a file while browsing.
- There is a new software package (diogenes-epub) for converting Diogenes XML output to epub format for e-readers.
- Fixed display of some LSJ entries.
- Fixed picking up GUI config settings when running server from the Linux command-line.
- Fix to bug that interfered with chronological ordering except on Windows.
- Fixed downloading of TLL PDFs after reorganization of BAdW website.
- Fixed OLD and TLL links for words with diacritics.
- Fixed bug in morphological search for Perseus lemmata with commas.
- Fixed some errors in TLL page numbers.
- Fixed LSJ link when parsing ὄνος.
- Added a new menu item to permit the user to set the display font.
- Added a facility to permit user-defined CSS to override display settings.
- Fixed a bug where parsing a word caused the program to hang for certain Windows users.
- Fixed bug so that a new window adopts the user-specified window size.
- Reinstated word-list searches for user-defined subsets of the TLG.
- Fixed morphological search functionality that was inadvertently broken in the previous release.
- Fixed find-in-page mini-window bug in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed bug where full bibliographical information was displayed inconsistently on Windows.
- Fixed some erroneous TLL page references, caused by later corrigenda.
- Highlight clicked word.
- Fix sorting of authors with identical names.
- Automatically clear Electron's HTTP cache when upgrading to a new version of Diogenes, which was a source of some subtle bugs.
- Fix export crash when dealing with corrupted input files.
- Now using the Logeion version of Lewis and Short.
- Aligned Greek punctuation with current Unicode recommendations.
- Reinstated searching for Greek words with accents and capital letters.
- Added tooltip for Greek text entry, strict and loose.
- Fixed parsing of capitalized Latin words.
- Improved speed of Perseus look-ups.
- Fixed crash in Juvenal when encountering unknown markup.
- Fixed LSJ short definition for πᾶς.
- Added key binding for Escape key to dismiss sidebar.
- Fixed bug where the morphology of elided Greek forms was not parsed.
- Fixed LSJ short definition for κόλπος.
- Restored behaviour of simple full search to read texts in numerical order.
- Fixed bug in simple searching through sub-corpora.
- Fixed bug when parsing capitalized Greek words with separate parses for upper and lower-case.
- Fixed broken .rpm installer for Linux
- Bug that broke find-in-page feature fixed.
- Alphanumeric headings added back to LSJ entries.
- Links to Logeion added.
- "Close window" menu item added.
- Major New Release