, verify
and decode
bamboo entries from javascript / typescript.
This is a low level module. It's unlikely you want this. See @bamboo-logs/bamboo-log for a module that wraps these functions and provides an easier to use API.
Publish and verify our first entry!
const {publish, verify, decode, KeyPair} = require('@bamboo-logs/bamboo-wasm')
// Create a new cryptographic keypair for signing our entries
const keyPair = new KeyPair()
// The payload for our first entry
const payload = Buffer.from("Hello World!")
// The bamboo log id that we'll publish to. See the bamboo spec for more.
// Note that logId is a BigInt because it can be up to 2^64 -1.
const logId = 0n
// Is this the entry the last entry for this logId?
const isEndOfFeed = false
// Publish our first entry!
const entryBytes = publish(keyPair.publicKeyBytes(), keyPair.secretKeyBytes(), logId, payload, isEndOfFeed)
// Decode the entry bytes as an `Entry`
const entry = decode(entryBytes)
try {
// verify throws (with a useful exception) if the entry is invalid
verify(entryBytes, payload)
console.log("Entry was valid")
}catch(e){ }
( Array contents omitted for clarity )
entryHash: Uint8Array(66) [ ... ],
payloadHash: Uint8Array(66) [ ... ],
lipmaaLinkHash: undefined,
backLinkHash: undefined,
signature: Uint8Array(64) [ ... ],
author: Uint8Array(32) [ ... ],
isEndOfFeed: false,
logId: 0n,
payloadSize: 12n,
sequence: 1n
Entry was valid
See the Typescript types in index.d.ts
wasm-pack build -t nodejs --scope bamboo-logs --release --out-name index -- --no-default-features --features u32_backend
wasm-opt index_bg.wasm --enable-mutable-globals -O4 -o ./index_bg.wasm
wasm-pack test --headless --firefox
wasm-pack publish
for communicating between WebAssembly and JavaScript.console_error_panic_hook
for logging panic messages to the developer console.wee_alloc
, an allocator optimized for small code size.