- [2020.07.20] First stable release for the phpMussel v3 Front-End.
Why "v3.0.0" instead of "v1.0.0?" Prior to phpMussel v3, the "phpMussel Core", "phpMussel CLI-mode", "phpMussel Front-End", and "phpMussel Uploads Handler" ("phpMussel Web") were all bundled together as a single repository (phpMussel/phpMussel). Since phpMussel v3, these each all have their own, separate repositories. I've opted to start releases at this repository (phpMussel/FrontEnd) at v3.0.0, in order to avoid confusion with previous versions of the "phpMussel Front-End" which exist outside this repository.
- [2020.07.31]: Improved the way that the (generated by ...) notice, displayed at the footer of HTML pages, is rendered.
- [2020.08.04]: Addressed a potential compatibility problem with installations where PHP has its output proxied through to a different host. Also slightly improved the aesthetics of the front-end, and changed the logout link to a logout button.
- [2020.10.08]: Added some 'copy to clipboard' buttons to the homepage and statistics page.
- [2020.10.09]: Aesthetic patch + added a new theme.
- [2020.10.30]: Redesigned the login pips and refactored some CSS.
- [2020.10.30]: Added the ability to specify a custom assets path to the instantiated FrontEnd object.
- [2020.11.27]: Some minor code-style cleanup.
- [2020.12.04]: Maintenance release (dependencies update, repository cleanup, etc).
- [2021.01.10]: Separated the code for performing outbound requests through cURL out to its own independent class.
- [2021.02.05]: The default timeout for external requests is now configurable.
- [2021.02.05]: The preview text next to the input fields on the configuration page didn't quite align properly; Fixed.
- [2021.02.07]: Added the ability to hide the phpMussel version used.
- [2021.02.20]: Sync common classes package.
- [2021.05.01]: Log truncation not being calculated properly; Fixed.
- [2021.03.11]: Added some missing return type declarations.
- [2021.04.27]: Removed the default username/password tip from the front-end login page.
- [2021.05.07]: Very slightly reworked/improved the front-end CSS.
- [2021.06.06]: Reworked checkbox support for the front-end configuration page in preparation for some future configuration directives.
- [2021.09.09]: The front-end signature information page reported the wrong counts for unidentified or other under the signature vendor or source counts; Fixed.
- [2021.06.07]: Since v3, the "repository backup locations" are kind of useless (not linked up with Composer, and only providing metapackage data, rather than all the attached repositories/packages). Removed those links from the front-end home page and v3 documentation accordingly.
- [2021.06.08]: Subtle aesthetic patch.
- [2021.10.30]: Code-style cleanup: Public before private properties, magic before public before private methods.
- [2021.10.30]: Removed a useless method (sendEmail, did nothing, used nowhere).
- [2021.10.31]: Added the ability to segregate cache data on the basis of prefixes specified by the instance. This could be useful for when different installations are utilising the same caching mechanisms at the same server.
- [2021.11.27]: At the front-end configuration page, configuration directives relying on specific extensions (specifically, at this time, the supplementary cache options) will now include a notice as to whether the extensions relied upon are available.
- [2022.01.22]: Dropped Gitter chat in favour of using GitHub Discussions instead.
- [2022.02.01]: Failed to correctly determine the client's IP address under certain circumstances (e.g., multiple choices available via HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); Fixed.
- [2022.03.24]: Fixed a bottleneck in the scan process caused by the readFileBlocks method (phpMussel/phpMussel#231).
- [2022.05.04]: Session cache entries weren't being deleted correctly when logging out; Fixed.
- [2022.05.26]: Instead of "GMT", the "Last modified" header given for front-end assets specified "+0000", which some browsers don't understand properly; Fixed.
- [2022.04.26]: Added a JavaScript warning to the front-end login.
- [2022.05.02]: Front-end warnings have been hidden from non-logged in users.
- [2022.05.08]: Restored the "logged in" notice shown for currently logged-in accounts at the front-end accounts page (this feature has long since already existed for v1 and v2, but had been removed at the v3 branch).
- [2022.05.08]: Made the warnings/notices at the front-end accounts page slightly smaller.
- [2022.06.09]: Following symlinks for RecursiveDirectoryIterator instances enabled.
- [2022.06.17]: Slightly improved RTL support.
- [2022.07.17]: Added a warning to the cache data page regarding logging all users out when clearing all cache data.
- [2022.07.21]: Coloured the "delete" option available at various dropdown menus red, to make it stand out a little from the other options.
- [2022.07.23]: Added the ability to reset specific parts of the configuration back to their defaults.
- [2022.07.28]: Added L10N for Malay.
- [2022.09.22]: Added L10N for Ukrainian.
- [2022.09.26]: Custom headers/footers for front-end pages and the upload denied page can now be set directly via configuration.
- [2022.09.26]: Configuration multiline support added (necessary in order to properly facilitate the custom headers/footers feature introduced earlier today).
- [2022.10.22]: Added L10N for Persian/Farsi.
- [2022.10.25]: Hardened some configuration constraints.
- [2022.10.28]: Reworked how the configuration page deals with volume-based configuration.
- [2022.11.20]: Avoid packaging unnecessary files into dist.
- [2022.12.10]: The reset button at the front-end configuration page wasn't resetting the hidden "other" field; Fixed.
- [2023.01.12]: Decimals in the names, choice keys, and labels keys of configuration directives were being coerced by PHP to underscores; Fixed.
- [2023.01.06]: Added L10N for Hebrew.
- [2023.01.19]: Multiple choice configuration directives in radio style weren't being correctly populated from the configuration at the front-end configuration page; Fixed.
- [2023.01.21]: Better value definitions for
. - [2023.01.27]: Display proper status message when updating configuration fails.
- [2023.02.21]: Replaced the emojis at the front-end navigation menu with SVGs.
- [2023.03.06]: Due to changes implemented by GitHub in how it handles anchors in markdown files, a vast majority of the internal links within the documentation were broken, as well as most links within the L10N data which pointed to said documentation; Fixed.
- [2023.02.28]: Adjusted the eTaggable method, increasing expiries from 1 month to 6 months to further reduce superfluous requests for static files, and explicitly removing the Cache-Control header due to some implementations setting the Cache-Control header within their own code, prior to calling phpMussel, thus preventing browsers from being able to properly cache phpMussel's static assets (explicitly removing the header should ensure that static assets can be cached as expected).
- [2023.03.08]: Optimised nav icons, pip icons, and related assets.
- [2023.03.24]: Added the ability to log outbound requests.
- [2023.04.01]: Reworked the loadL10N method, how it handles HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, improved rule assignment, added some assumptions for supported L10N, and added the ability to defer non-supported L10N to supported L10N where sufficiently similar to be acceptable.
- [2023.05~06]: Added L10N for Bulgarian and Czech.
- [2023.07.14]: Added CSS for selection pseudo-element.
- [2023.06~07]: Added L10N for Punjabi.
- [2023.09.16~18]: Significantly refactored all L10N data.
- [2023.09~10]: Added L10N for Afrikaans and Romanian.
- [2023.11.19]: Restyled file inputs.
- [2023.12.03]: At the page for entering a 2FA code when logging into a 2FA-enabled account, no logout button was displayed, preventing the user from logging out easily, which may be needed in the event of not receiving any 2FA code; Fixed.
- [2023.12.29]: Some of the more unusual available number formatting choices (e.g., choices not using base-10 or Arabic numerals) didn't mesh well with the JavaScript code responsible for using them; Fixed.
- [2023.12.12]: Added a method to check whether a name is reserved, and applied it as a guard at the point where signature files are read in. Attempting to perform file operations on reserved names under Windows and some other operating systems could cause the underlying file system to attempt to communicate with a serial port instead of the intended file. PHP is likely to then wait indefinitely for a response it's unlikely to ever receive, thus locking up the process and preventing further requests unless the process is restarted. Although it's infinitesimally unlikely that a user would actually want to use a reserved name for one of their signature files, as the solution is exceedingly simple, with no particular performance impact, I've implemented it accordingly.
- [2023.12.01]: Improved escaping. Added support for specifying a Redis database number to the supplementary cache options.
- [2023.12.12]: Split the code for most of the various front-end pages, which the view method was responsible for, into their own distinct files.
- [2023.12.26]: Refactored the page greeting.
- [2024.04.12]: Code-style patch.
- [2024.04.18]: Added flexrow for dropdown menus with included input fields for other values at the configuration page.
- [2024.04.30~05.01]: Added hints about time placeholders (e.g.,
, etc) to the various configuration directives for logging. - [2024.06.18]: Slightly refactored some L10N data.
- [2024.04~06]: Added L10N for Catalan, Galician, and Gujarati.
- [2024.09.26]: Fixed a passing null parameter error in the arrayToClickableList method.
- [2024.06.26]: Common classes package update.
- [2024.07.02]: Merged zh and zh-TW L10N, and dropped region designations (e.g., CN, TW) in favour of script designations (e.g., Hans, Hant).
- [2024.07.23]: Added MDN to the front-end's "useful links".
- [2024.09.02]: Code-style patch.
- [2024.11.06]: Added PHP 8.4 to workflows.