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1147 lines (898 loc) · 47.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1147 lines (898 loc) · 47.4 KB

2.10.0 - 2017-11-18


  • Adds packages: enzyme@^3.0.0

  • Bumps packages: "babel-eslint": "^8.0.2" "babel-plugin-module-resolver": "^3.0.0" "babel-preset-env": "^1.6.1" "brotli-webpack-plugin": "^0.5.0" "copy-webpack-plugin": "^4.2.1" "cross-env": "^5.1.1" "eslint": "^4.11.0" "eslint-plugin-compat": "^2.1.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.8.0", "eslint-plugin-jest": "^21.3.2", "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.2" "iltorb": "^2.0.2" "node-sass": "^4.7.1" "npm-run-all": "^4.1.2" "react-test-renderer": "^16.1.1" "resolve-url-loader": "^2.2.0" "serve": "^6.4.1" "webpack": "^3.8.1" "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.9.1" "webpack-dev-server": "^2.9.4" "apollo-local-query": "^0.3.1" "apollo-server-koa": "^1.2.0" "boxen": "^1.2.2" "chalk": "^2.3.0" "koa": "^2.4.1" "react": "^16.1.1" "react-dom": "^16.1.1" "react-hot-loader": "^3.1.3"

2.9.5 - 2017-10-18


  • Fixes publicPath with extract-text-webpack-plugin, so that fonts/images are referenced properly in production

2.9.4 - 2017-10-18


  • Adds PM2 to Dockerfile, for Docker-compatible process management, clustering and auto-restart policing.
  • Replaces start command with auto-clustering via PM2

2.9.3 - 2017-10-18


  • Adds app-wide history instance to kit/lib/routing.js, for controlling routes outside of React directly
  • Replaces React Router's <BrowserRouter> with <Router history={history}>, to stay in sync with global pushstate

2.9.2 - 2017-10-17


  • Setting ctx.apollo.networkOptions via a function passed to config.addBeforeMiddleware() will now get passed to the call to Apollo's createNetworkInterface() when using a third-party GraphQL server, enabling dynamic per-request CORS / authorisation logic, as needed

2.9.1 - 2017-10-17


  • Adds .addBeforeMiddleware(), for adding Koa middleware that runs before Apollo/Redux instantiation
  • Adds .disableTiming() to optionally remove the Response-Time header / timing middleware


  • Renames ctx.apollo to ctx.apollo.client. Now, setting ctx.apollo.options in before middleware will merge those settings into Apollo client creation
  • Adds logic to check for the presence of ctx.apollo.client and before using default Apollo/Redux init. This allows overrides in before middleware for completely custom instantiation

2.9.0 - 2017-10-17


  • Fixes static building via npm run build-static, by replacing broken chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin (closes #55)


  • Adds src to modules path, to avoid src/ prefixes at the start of userland imports (closes #69)
  • Fixes stats configuration to work with the latest Webpack versions
  • Adds CORS config to webpack_dev_server, to enable LAN-wide browser hot-code reloading (closes #99)
  • Removes leading / in asset output, to allow defining a <base> tag in userland via React Helmet (closes #102)


  • Refactors rules, to be grouped by plugin
  • Adds jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid rule to avoid 'href' on React Router <Link> attributes
  • Adds function-paren-newline rule to enforce consistent parenthesis
  • Adds object-curly-newline rule to allow one-line / multi-line object definitions
  • Fixes various kit and src files to conform to new rules


  • Bumps to React v16 - officially out of RC!


  • Adds .disableKoaHelmet() for disabling koa-helmet on the server (closes #79)
  • Adds .setKoaHelmetOptions() for passing options to Koa Helmet
  • Sets .koaHelmetOptions and .bodyParserOptions to null by default


  • Disables SSL by default


  • Removes leading / in bundled assets (along with Webpack) to allow for a <base> tag to define the load path

Testing (Jest)

  • Fixes Jest testing to be compatible with Babel and React (closes #81, merges #84 - thanks @nate0001)


  • Fixes 'local' typo (merges #89 - thanks @kane-c)
  • Fixes misspelled browserslist file (merges #95 - thanks @klarstrup)
  • Adds idiomatic React Helmet <head> tags, adds missing html/body attributes, base, link, style, script and noscript, uses new Helmet.renderStatic() call (closes #101 & #94 - thanks @klarstrup)
  • Adds default <base href="/" /> tag, when none is defined with React Helmet


  • Adds Alpine-based Dockerfile to reduce Docker image size from 943mb -> 323mb (closes #98, merges #97 - thanks @kane-c)
  • Adds docker-compose.yml for production (closes #98)
  • Adds for local development. Removes the local node_modules to ensure Alpine-compatible Linux binaries are being referenced by local code changes. Supports hot code reloading in-browser and via SSR


  • Bumps packages: "babel-eslint": "^8.0.1" "copy-webpack-plugin": "^4.1.1", "cross-env": "^5.1.0", "eslint": "^4.9.0", "eslint-config-airbnb": "^16.1.0", "eslint-plugin-compat": "^2.0.1", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.0.2", "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.4.0", "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.1", "file-loader": "^1.1.5", "graphql-tag": "^2.5.0", "iltorb": "^2.0.1" "jest": "^21.2.1", "less": "^3.0.0-alpha.3", "postcss-loader": "^2.0.8", "resolve-url-loader": "^2.1.1", "rimraf": "^2.6.2", "serve": "^6.2.0", "style-loader": "^0.19.0", "webpack": "^3.8.0", "webpack-chunk-hash": "^0.5.0", "webpack-config": "^7.5.0", "webpack-dev-server": "^2.9.2", "webpack-manifest-plugin": "^1.3.2", "apollo-server-koa": "^1.1.7", "graphql": "^0.11.7", "koa-send": "^4.1.1", "prop-types": "^15.6.0", "react": "^16.0.0", "react-apollo": "^1.4.16", "react-dom": "^16.0.0", "react-hot-loader": "^3.1.1"

2.8.5 - 2017-09-07


  • Adds cssnano.config.js, to fix url() resolution for cssnano@next

2.8.4 - 2017-09-07


  • Brings package-lock.json up to date
  • Bumps packages: "react-dom": "^16.0.0-rc.2"

2.8.3 - 2017-09-07

## React

2.8.2 - 2017-09-07


  • Fixes 72 - bumps to cssnano@next to avoid @font-face issues from externally imported packages


  • Bumps to React v16 RC2


  • Bumps packages:
  • cssnano": "^4.0.0-rc.2"
  • "react": "^16.0.0-rc.2"

2.8.1 - 2017-09-06


  • Fixes process.env.NODE_ENV in development


  • Updates Dockerfile to use HOST and PORT env vars, instead of the previous SERVER_PROD_*


  • Bumps packages:
  • jest ^20.0.4 → ^21.0.1
  • graphql ^0.11.2 → ^0.11.3
  • eslint ^4.5.0 → ^4.6.1
  • image-webpack-loader ^3.4.0 → ^3.4.2
  • webpack ^3.5.5 → ^3.5.6

2.8.0 - 2017-09-04

Breaking changes.

This release introduces some breaking changes to host environment vars, and SSL work:

Host and port environment variables

Until now, changing hosts/ports required setting environment-specific variables, such as SERVER_DEV_HOST or BROWSER_PROD_PORT. The number of combinations made this somewhat confusing; there's little point setting SERVER_PROD_HOST when ReactQL is built in development mode, for example.

In this release, we've simplified config to just:

  • HOST
  • PORT

... which sets both the server endpoints, as well as the default GraphQL URI -- in whichever environment you happen to be running in (i.e. npm start = dev, npm run build-run = production)

Additionally, you can set the following in 'hot code reload' Webpack browser mode:


... which will specifically override HOST and DEV for that mode.


v2.6.0 introduced SSL. This was implemented as sharing a SINGLE port for both HTTP + HTTPS, which works well for development - but less so for production, where ports 80 and 443 are more typical. The tcpHandler() function has been removed, and both servers now run on their own environment-defined ports.

In addition to the new environment variables above, you can set SSL_PORT in the environment which will mount the HTTPS server on the correct port. If you fail to pass this, the HTTPS server simply won't start, and options sent to config.enableSSL() will be ignored.


Since env vars have been simplified, most of the boilerplate in this file was rendered moot. This has now been refactored into an enhanced getServerURL function that automatically returns either 'http://' or 'https://' as the URL prefix, the correct host, along with a port number -- (unless the port is 80 or 443, in which case the port is omitted since it's implicit.)


  • Fixes #71 - setting SERVER_DEV_HOST and SERVER_PROD_HOST results in the correct GraphQL and app endpoints


  • Removes packages: "get-port": "^3.2.0"

2.7.0 - 2017-09-01


  • Now config.addRoute() (and derivatives) accept multiple route handlers


  • Bumps packages: graphql ^0.11.1 → ^0.11.2 react-helmet ^5.1.3 → ^5.2.0 brotli-webpack-plugin ^0.4.0 → ^0.4.1 css-loader ^0.28.5 → ^0.28.7 iltorb ^1.3.5 → ^1.3.6 image-webpack-loader ^3.3.1 → ^3.4.0 npm-run-all ^4.1.0 → ^4.1.1

2.6.0 - 2017-08-28

This release enables SSL with one line -- config.enableSSL(options)!

Now SSL and plain HTTP can live side-by-side, on the same port, thanks to a new tcpHandler() function that proxies data to the correct listening port, avoiding the need to expose more than one port publicly.

All changes:


  • Adds config.getKoaApp(), for passing a function that access Koa's app instance, allowing you to do something with app that's not covered by other functions (closes reactql/kit#65)
  • Adds config.enableSSL(opt), for running Koa via a HTTPS/SSL server
  • Adds config.disableHTTP(), for disabling a plain HTTP server listener (used in conjunction with config.enableSSL(), when you want SSL-only)
  • Adds config.forceSSL(opts), for re-writing plain http:// -> https:// using koa-sslify


  • Adds http and https configurations, for enabling SSL
  • Adds get-port, for assigning http(s) listeners to random ports
  • Adds listen() function, for proxying traffic to http(s) depending on the request received (if the first byte == 22 ? SSL : HTTP)
  • Refactors kit/entry/server.js to no longer export an immediate async function (no longer returns a Promise)
  • Refactors kit/entry/server_* to use the new server.js default export


  • Adds example use of config.getKoaApp(), that extends the app.context prototype with an engine = 'ReactQL' key, which we later use in middleware to add a 'Powered-By' response header. Also adds a general error catching function, for server-level errors.
  • Adds src/cert/self_signed.js, to export a sample self-signed SSL certificate to enable SSL in userland
  • Adds config.enableSSL() example, for running HTTPS side-by-side with the regular HTTP port
  • Adds commentary for new config.disableHTTP() and config.forceSSL() functions


  • Adds packages: "get-port": "^3.2.0" "koa-sslify": "^2.1.2"

  • Bumps packages: graphql ^0.10.5 → ^0.11.1 apollo-server-koa ^1.1.0 → ^1.1.2 react-apollo ^1.4.14 → ^1.4.15 react-router ^4.1.2 → ^4.2.0 react-router-dom ^4.1.2 → ^4.2.2 npm-run-all ^4.0.2 → ^4.1.0

2.5.3 - 2017-08-26


  • Adds config.setApolloNetworkOptions(), for passing opts to Apollo's createNetworkInterface
  • Renames config.setApolloOptions() -> config.setApolloClientOptions(), to differentiate with config.setApolloNetworkOptions()
  • Adds server-side config.setCORSOptions(), for setting CORS config options for koa-cors

2.5.2 - 2017-08-26


  • Adds config.setApolloOptions(), for passing in an object of Apollo Client instantiation options


  • Refactors createLocalInterface to accept Koa's context object when using local GraphQL schema via apollo-local-query

2.5.1 - 2017-08-22


  • Adds setErrorHandler() function, to enable custom error logging/middleware


  • Adds example that uses a custom error handler
  • Fires sample INCREMENT_COUNTER action in server middleware, to demonstrate sending count: 1 down the wire via SSR


  • Bumps packages: babel-loader ^7.1.1 → ^7.1.2 eslint ^4.4.1 → ^4.5.0 eslint-plugin-react ^7.2.1 → ^7.3.0 webpack-config ^7.2.1 → ^7.4.0

2.5.0 - 2017-08-21

## Redux

  • Breaking change - reducers should no longer be registered as { state, reducer}. Instead, the format is:
// root key name, reducer function, and initial state (as a plain object)
config.addReducer('keyName', reducerFunction, { count: 0 });
  • Initial state should now be a plain object; it will be wrapped in a call to seamless-immutable automatically, providing immutability by default

  • Refactors kit/lib/redux.js -> unwind() to wrap custom reducers in a defaultReducer function, that detects a Redux undefined sentinel state and returns a plain object -- otherwise, calls the 'real' reducer. (The side-effect to this is that reducer no longer need to handle undefined values!)


  • Adds optional middleware / afterware to Apollo client instantiation via:
  • config.addApolloMiddleware()
  • config.addApolloAfterware() Both functions can be called isomorphically; the middleware will be attached only to the environment in which it's called, so wrap in an if (SERVER)... block if you need to isolate this behaviour. Note: If you're using a built-in GraphQL server, ReactQL will use apollo-local-query instead of regular HTTP requests so middleware won't be executed -- be aware of this if you're doing HTTP header authentication!


  • Refactors the Config class to progressively add server-side config functions by moving the class into sub-classes for the browser/server

2.4.0 - 2017-08-18


  • Moves Apollo client and Redux store to Koa ctx middleware, so it's available to all routes
  • Adds config.addMiddleware(), to add custom middleware to the Koa server

## App

  • Adds sample Powered-By header, to showcase custom middleware
  • Adds dump to sample /test and 404 routes, to show the difference in Apollo response

2.3.0 - 2017-08-17


  • Adds GraphiQL IDE by default to /graphql when using external GraphQL endpoint
  • Allows explicit GraphiQL IDE endpoint to be set on config.enableGraphQLServer|setGraphQLEndpoint()
  • Updates GraphiQL endpoint to match internal GraphQL POST endpoint URL by default (falls back to /graphql)


  • Breaking change -- now config.enableGraphQLServer() should be called isomorphically!
  • Adds explicit config.setGraphQLSchema() for passing the schema to the GraphQL server (use inside a SERVER block only!)

2.2.0 - 2017-08-17


  • Bumps packages: regenerator-runtime ^0.10.5 → ^0.11.0 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^5.1.1 → ^6.0.2 apollo-server-koa ^1.0.5 → ^1.1.0 react-apollo ^1.4.8 → ^1.4.14 react-redux ^5.0.5 → ^5.0.6 react-router ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 react-router-dom ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 redux ^3.7.1 → ^3.7.2 babel-core ^6.25.0 → ^6.26.0 babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread ^6.23.0 → ^6.26.0 babel-plugin-transform-regenerator ^6.24.1 → ^6.26.0 babel-polyfill ^6.23.0 → ^6.26.0 cross-env ^5.0.4 → ^5.0.5 css-loader ^0.28.4 → ^0.28.5 eslint-plugin-react ^7.1.0 → ^7.2.1 html-webpack-plugin ^2.29.0 → ^2.30.1 less-loader ^4.0.4 → ^4.0.5 postcss-nested ^2.1.0 → ^2.1.2 progress-bar-webpack-plugin ^1.9.3 → ^1.10.0 webpack ^3.4.1 → ^3.5.5 webpack-bundle-analyzer ^2.8.2 → ^2.9.0 webpack-config ^7.0.0 → ^7.2.1 webpack-dev-server ^2.6.1 → ^2.7.1 webpack-manifest-plugin ^1.2.1 → ^1.3.1

2.1.0 - 2017-08-07


  • Fixes production server run error introduced by when diagnosing #55
  • Fixes docker image building


  • Bumps packages:
  • "cross-env": "^5.0.4"
  • "eslint": "^4.4.1"
  • "chalk": "^2.1.0"

2.0.0 - 2017-08-06

New features in 2.0.0

Kit v2 introduces a few significant improvements that make it easier to upgrade between kits, and power-up your ReactQL experience:

React v16 + new streaming SSR

React has been bumped to the new v16, and renderToString has been replaced with renderToStream -- for turbo-powered first page rendering of React to HTML.

Early tests have shown a promising reduction from 12ms+ for React-only rendering (no GraphQL) to 4-5ms on my local Macbook Pro, using out-the-box defaults.

What's more, on Node 8+, the asynchronous createReactHandler that sets up the Redux store, runs Helmet, initialises the component tree and starts the stream, has been benchmarked as low as 0.48ms on my same machine!

Your ReactQL project will be faster than ever.

Kit API - a cleaner separation between 'kit' and 'app' code

In kit v1.x, the lines between ReactQL and your client code were a little blurry. Editing the Apollo endpoint meant modifying config/project.js, which was a file that Webpack also used to assess whether to show the bundle optimiser post-build.

If you wanted to add anything more to the server or browser, you'd typically need to delve into kit/* files and make changes.

Now, the separation between two is clearer than ever. ReactQL v2.x introduces a new Config singleton instance that provides 'hooks' into adding functionality to the standard config, without mashing together custom code.

ReactQL is and always has been a 'starter kit', and will continue to be so. But now the framework-esque separation of client and kit code paves the way to clean abstractions, and easier upgrading.

In a future ReactQL CLI version, it's possible that you'll be able to upgrade an active project to the latest kit with a single command, instead of the current process of creating a new project, copying over src and manually/surgically editing kit files.

Built-in GraphQL server.

ReactQL was originally focused on being a front-end starter kit. But the effort put into creating a fast and capable SSR stack means you now also have an ideal home to run a monolithic GraphQL server, too.

Starting with 2.0, you're now able to add a GraphQL server easily, by add a few lines of code to src/app.js:


// Import the new `Config` singleton instance
import config from `kit/config`;

// Enable GraphQL on the server -- this code will be eliminated from the browser bundle
if (SERVER) {

That's it!

The above mounts a GraphQL server inside Koa at /graphql, gives you a visual UI to query data via GraphiQL, and sets up Apollo to point to the server URI automatically. It takes care of your server-side CORS config, and adds POST body processing for incoming GraphQL queries.

It also adds apollo-local-query to Apollo client initialisation on the server, so instead of routing requests over the network, GraphQL queries are made against the schema already loaded in memory -- eliminating TCP/IP overhead.

Of course, if you want to connect to a third-party endpoint, you can still do that easily:


(Special thanks to for allowing us to use their service in the starter kit in 1.x. Hopefully the move above will also take some load off your server 😄)

Add Redux reducers more easily

With the new Config API, you no longer need to edit kit/lib/redux.js to add custom reducers.

Instead, you can add them to src/app.js and keep reducers in userland:

import config from `kit/config`;

// Create a reducer somewhere, shaped as { state, reducer() } -- this will
// probably be imported from a separate file
const someReducer = {
  // This is the reducer's initial state
  state: {
    someSetting: true,
  reducer(state, action) {
    // ... reducer code to do something with `state`

// Add the reducer, and specify the reducer key
settings.addReducer('someKey', someReducer);

Custom routes

You can now add custom GET|POST|PUT|PATCH routes to the server, like so:

// We can add custom routes to the web server easily, by using
// `config.add<Get|Post|Put|Patch>Route()`.  Note:  These are server routes only.
config.addGetRoute('/test', async ctx => {
  ctx.body = 'Hello from your ReactQL route.';

Routes will be added in insertion order, to obey your precedence rules.

POST body parsing

koa-bodyparser is enabled by default, to process POST requests for a built-in GraphQL server or custom POST routes.

By default, it'll process JSON and form requests automatically.

You can disable with:


Or pass in your own custom options to koa-bodyparser with:

  // Example of a config option -- see
  jsonLimit: '8mb',

Custom 404 handler

The custom 404 handler added in 2.0 is one of several planned API 'hooks' that allow you to attach custom functionality to common server and browser entry points, without editing kit code.

This example ships in the starter kit:

config.set404Handler((ctx, store) => {
  // For demo purposes, let's get a JSON dump of the current Redux state
  // to see that we can expect its contents
  const stateDump = JSON.stringify(store.getState());

  // Explicitly set the return status to 404.  This is done for us by
  // default if we don't have a custom 404 handler, but left to the function
  // otherwise (since we might not always want to return a 404)
  ctx.status = 404;

  // Set the body
  ctx.body = `This route does not exist on the server - Redux dump: ${stateDump}`;

You get access to the Koa ctx request context object as well as the Redux store, giving you the flexibility to handle responses in whichever way makes the most sense for your application.

In future kits, expect hooks to crop up in places like redirect and error handling.

Neater src layout; more commentary

The out-the-box sample app that comes with a new ReactQL project is now better organised. Instead of a single src/app.js file, components have been given their own files/folders, and tons of extra commentary has been added to give you a better idea of what's happening under the hood.

Whilst src/app.js is still required in every project (that's where ReactQL will look for your app code), now the file should serve two simple purposes:

  1. Configuring the app, per the new features above.
  2. Exporting the root React component, to mount automatically inside <Html> -> <div id="main"/>

This best practice will make it easier to organise your code, and know what goes where.

Several components also demonstrate the pattern of asset co-location; images and SASS code is often in the same directory as the calling .js file, to make it clear which assets belong to which React components.

v2.0 documentation will land on soon.

All changes:

Code layout

  • Removes moot config/project.js


  • Adds new Config class to kit/config.js, initialised as a singleton to use globally in src/app.js
  • Adds the following new methods:
  • addReducer(key, reducer) -- adds a new Redux reducer in the shape of {state, reducer()}
  • disableBodyParser() -- disables koa-bodyparser in the server config
  • setBodyParserOptions(opt) -- pass custom koa-bodyparser options to override defaults
  • addRoute(method, route, handler) -- add new Koa route
  • addGetRoute(route, handler) -- add new GET route
  • addPostRoute(route, handler) -- add new POST route
  • addPutRoute(route, handler) -- add new PUT route
  • addPatchRoute(route, handler) -- add new PATCH route
  • addDeleteRoute(route, handler) -- add new DELETE route
  • set404Handler(func) -- sets a custom 404 handler, which is given (state, store) inside createReactHandler()
  • enableGraphQLServer(schema, endpoint = '/graphql', graphiql = true) -- enables built-in GraphQL web server at /graphql, (optionally) enables up GraphiQL
  • setGraphQLEndpoint(uri) -- sets the GraphQL server URI for Apollo. For use with external GraphQL servers.


  • Replaces ReactDOM's deprecated render with the new hydrate method, for rehydrating server HTML.


  • Bumps to React v16's streaming API.
  • React's data-reactid tags no longer appear in resulting HTML, saving bandwidth
  • Adds GraphQL server configuration
  • Adds GraphiQL UI option when using a local GraphQL server
  • Adds apollo-local-query, for bypassing the network when using a local GraphQL server
  • Adds createNeworkInterface(), for memoizing network interface creation on the server
  • Refactors React to use renderToStream instead of renderToStaticMarkup
  • Refactors <Html> component to take component tree as a child prop, and not as a rendered string
  • Adds custom route configuration
  • Adds kcors to allow cross-origin requests by default (for REST/GraphQL)


  • Removes serverClient() method in kit/lib/apollo.js, to avoid unnecessary apollo-local-query bundling on the browser
  • Improves getURL() in kit/lib/env.js, to allow a boolean flag to enable HTTPS
  • Adds getServerURL() to kit/lib/env.js, to explicitly get the web server host and port (typically for GraphQL)
  • Refactors kib/lib/redux.js to derive config from the config.reducers Map


  • Adds new npm run build-analyze option, to open a browser window showing the bundle analysis report after building
  • Removes explicit BUNDLE_ANALYZER config option -- now uses the above command


  • Refactors app code to tidy up the src folder
  • Gives each component its own file/folder layout, with images/CSS co-located
  • Adds tons of extra commentary to make it clearer how each component works
  • Moves <root>/reducers to src/reducers, to reflect best practices
  • Refactors counter reducer to use the new {state, reducer()} reducer shape (now exported bare; no longer attached to a reducer key)
  • Refactors SASS/CSS to use separate files to be imported by components, instead of together in one file


  • Fixes spacing issues being reported in ESLInt 4.0
  • Shaves 9kb off vendor.<hash>.js bundle (383kb -> 374kb... 107kb gzipped... 90.9kb Brotli!)


  • Adds packages:
  • "apollo-local-query": "^0.3.0",
  • "apollo-server-koa": "^1.0.5",
  • "graphql": "^0.10.5"
  • "kcors": "^2.2.1"
  • "koa-bodyparser": "^4.2.0"
  • Bumps packages:
  • "eslint": "^4.3.0"
  • "serve": "^6.0.6"
  • "react": "^16.0.0-beta.3"
  • "react-dom": "^16.0.0-beta.3"

Known issues

  • Static bundling via npm run build-static builds an an invalid <script> include for the Webpack manifest, pending reactql/kit#55

1.17.1 - 2017-08-02


  • Refactors inline image and font file regex to kit/webpack/common.js
  • Fixes image/font file loading, when importing from an NPM package

1.17.0 - 2017-07-30

Server (development)

  • Adds --inspect to server fork in development, to enable debugging

1.16.0 - 2017-07-26


  • Moves sass sourceMap option to newer options object


  • Bumps packages: brotli-webpack-plugin ^0.3.0 → ^0.4.0 boxen ^1.1.0 → ^1.2.1 react-apollo ^1.4.3 → ^1.4.8 chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin ^1.1.0 → ^1.1.2 eslint-config-airbnb ^15.0.2 → ^15.1.0 eslint-plugin-babel ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 iltorb ^1.3.3 → ^1.3.5 postcss-nested ^2.0.2 → ^2.1.0 serve ^6.0.2 → ^6.0.3 webpack ^3.1.0 → ^3.4.1 webpack-dev-server ^2.5.1 → ^2.6.1 webpack-manifest-plugin ^1.1.2 → ^1.2.1

1.15.1 - 2017-07-22


  • Fixes url() imports in CSSNano, by disabling normalizeUrl

1.15.0 - 2017-07-21


  • Fixes global CSS/Sass/LESS RegEx check

1.14.0 - 2017-07-17


  • Merges #49 - browser window now automatically opens on npm start


  • Removes compression-webpack-plugin in favour of zopfli-webpack-plugin
  • Bumps packages extract-text-webpack-plugin ^2.1.2 → ^3.0.0 postcss-cssnext 3.0.0 → 3.0.2

boxen ^1.1.0 → ^1.2.0 react-router ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 react-router-dom ^4.1.1 → ^4.1.2 redux ^3.7.1 → ^3.7.2 postcss-nested ^2.0.2 → ^2.0.4 webpack ^3.1.0 → ^3.3.0 webpack-bundle-analyzer ^2.8.2 → ^2.8.3

1.13.0 - 2017-07-08


  • Enables scope hoisting webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin-- shaves a few KB of the vendor bundle size


  • Bumps packages: postcss-cssnext 2.11.0 → 3.0.0 react-apollo ^1.4.2 → ^1.4.3 babel-preset-env ^1.5.2 → ^1.6.0 eslint-config-airbnb ^15.0.1 → ^15.0.2 eslint-plugin-import ^2.6.1 → ^2.7.0 iltorb ^1.3.2 → ^1.3.3 serve ^6.0.0 → ^6.0.2 webpack ^3.0.0 → ^3.1.0 webpack-dev-server ^2.5.0 → ^2.5.1 webpack-manifest-plugin ^1.1.0 → ^1.1.2

1.12.0 - 2017-07-02


  • Reverts back to ESLint v3, to avoid Airbnb syntax issues (fixes #44)
  • Reverts to eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^5.1.0, fixing ESLint v3 issues


  • Adds jest test runner (currently no tests)
  • Adds npm test option to package.json
  • Adds .travis.yml for building and testing lint status via Travis-CI

1.11.0 - 2017-06-30


  • Removes Uglify2 compression options, to avoid edge cases in NPM packages
  • Bump to Webpack v3 and latest versions (shaves 12.2% off the default vendor build sizes)


  • Bumps versions: chalk ^1.1.3 → ^2.0.1 eslint ^3.19.0 → ^4.1.1 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^5.0.3 → ^6.0.2 serve ^5.2.2 → ^6.0.0 webpack ^2.6.1 → ^3.0.0 koa ^2.2.0 → ^2.3.0 redux ^3.7.0 → ^3.7.1 babel-loader ^7.1.0 → ^7.1.1 eslint-import-resolver-webpack ^0.8.1 → ^0.8.3 eslint-plugin-import ^2.3.0 → ^2.6.1 graphql-tag ^2.4.0 → ^2.4.2 html-webpack-plugin ^2.28.0 → ^2.29.0 resolve-url-loader ^2.0.3 → ^2.1.0

1.10.1 - 2017-06-21


  • Fixes #35 - image optimiser binaries are now built successfully

1.10.0 - 2017-06-20


1.9.0 - 2017-06-20


  • Removes redundant OccurrenceOrderPlugin (on in default in Weback v2)
  • Updates module.loaders -> module.rules, and loaders.loaders -> rules.use


  • Bumps packages: "babel-core": "^6.25.0" "babel-loader": "^7.1.0" "babel-preset-env": "^1.5.2" "cross-env": "^5.0.1" "eslint-plugin-compat": "^1.0.4" "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.1.0", "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^2.1.2", "file-loader": "^0.11.2", "graphql-tag": "^2.4.0" "less-loader": "^4.0.4" "resolve-url-loader": "^2.0.3" "sass-loader": "^6.0.6", "serve": "^5.2.2", "style-loader": "^0.18.2" "webpack-dev-server": "^2.5.0" "koa-helmet": "^3.2.0", "koa-router": "^7.2.1" "react": "^15.6.1", "react-apollo": "^1.4.2", "react-dom": "^15.6.1" "redux": "^3.7.0"

1.8.1 - 2017-06-15



  • Bumps packages: "postcss-loader": "^2.0.6"

1.8.0 - 2017-06-15

State management (Redux)

  • Refactors kit/lib/redux.js to provide a pattern for adding custom reducers outside of Apollo
  • Adds reducers/counter.js sample reducer, for incrementing a counter
  • Adds <ReduxCounter> example to src/app.js for triggering an increment action and listening for store changes
  • Adds react-redux, for passing Redux store state to React via props
  • Adds redux-thunk, for allowing custom actions that return functions, giving them access to dispatch related actions
  • Adds seamless-immutable, for enforcing immutability in custom Redux state


  • Bumps to ESLint v4 (from v3.19)


  • Adds packages "react-redux": "^5.0.5" "redux-thunk": "^2.2.0", "seamless-immutable": "^7.1.2"
  • Bumps packages: "eslint": "^4.0.0"

1.7.0 - 2017-06-08


  • Fixes issue in kit/lib/env.js, where isProduction was always returning false


  • Adds Dockerfile, for building a production web server Docker image
  • Adds .dockerignore, copied from the existing .gitignore to avoid unnecessary build context


  • Removes yarn.lock -- the official advice is to avoid Yarn at present, due to certain third-party NPM packages relying on 'postinstall' hooks to build binaries from source
  • Adds package-lock.json, for faster builds with NPM v5
  • Explicitly adds iltorb and node-zopfli, binary packages required for Brotli and Zopfli compression respectively
  • Adds packages: "iltorb": "^1.3.1" "node-zopfli": "^2.0.2"

1.6.0 - 2017-06-06


  • Adds graphql-tag loader, for storing queries in .gql|graphql files (closes #32)
  • Refactors src/app.js to use file queries
  • Adds src/queries/all_messages.gql, for retrieving GraphCool endpoint messages
  • Adds src/queries/message.gql, imported by all_messages.gql as a query fragment


  • Adds graphql-tag loader config to kit/webpack/base.js


  • Adds packages: "graphql-tag": "^2.2.1"

1.5.3 - 2017-06-06


  • Replaces cheap-module-source-map with source-map in development, for compatibility with CSS
  • Adds sourceMap option to common.css.getExtractCSSLoaders()

1.5.2 - 2017-06-05


  • Adds React ignore for the following props:
  • dispatch, for less Redux boilerplate
  • data, injected by Apollo


  • Removes redundant kit/lib/apollo.js -> mergeData() function

1.5.1 - 2017-06-01


  • Adds more complete kit/lib/env.js, with functions for getting browser/server-specific host/ports

1.5.0 - 2017-06-01


  • Adds kit/lib/env.js, for determining local environment settings
  • Adds getHost(), getPort() and getURL() to kit/lib/env.js to detect where the local server is/will be spawned on
  • Updates Webpack and kit/entry/server_*.js configs to use dynamic environment host/port/URL
  • Adds development/production env vars to webpack builds, to provide context to Webpack


  • Replaces concurrently with npm-run-all, to avoid errors in NPM v5.0.0 when terminating with Ctrl/Cmd + C
  • Removes packages: "concurrently": "^3.4.0"
  • Adds packages: "npm-run-all": "^4.0.2"

1.4.1 - 2017-05-30


  • Adds 301/302 redirect handling (issues Location: header to new URL)
  • Adds 404 Not Found handling; by default, just sets a 404 status code


  • Adds sample <Redirect> handler, from /old/path to /new/path
  • Adds fall-through 404 handler, when no routes are matched

1.4.0 - 2017-05-30


  • Fixes edge case where <script defer> tags in kit/views/ssr.js could cause manifest/vendor/browser files to load in the wrong order
  • Adds Brotli compression - builds .br versions of static assets in production
  • Adds staticMiddleware() to kit/entry/server.js for serving static file assets
  • Replaces koa-static middleware with a direct call to parent koa-send
  • Bumps to PostCSS v6 by removing inline Webpack config


  • Removes packages: "koa-static": "^3.0.0"

  • Adds packages: "brotli-webpack-plugin": "^0.3.0" "koa-send": "^4.1.0"

  • Bumps packages: "babel-preset-env": "^1.5.1" "css-loader": "^0.28.4" "eslint-plugin-compat": "^1.0.3" "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.3.0" "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^5.0.3" "node-sass": "^4.5.3" "style-loader": "^0.18.1" "webpack": "^2.6.1" "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.8.2" "koa-router": "^7.2.0" "react-helmet": "^5.1.3"

1.3.2 - 2017-05-29

  • Replaces gzip with zopfli compression on Webpack build assets (up to 5% better compression)
  • Adds npm run build-browser script, for generating just a production browser bundle

1.3.1 - 2017-05-28

  • Fixes #30 - code splitting now works on both the dev and production web server

1.3.0 - 2017-05-27

## Linting

  • Fixes #24 - ESLint works with latest Atom ESLinter, bypasses the need for Webpack and babel-register, and speeds up linting.
  • Removes kit/webpack/eslint.js - which is now moot


  • Closes #4 - Introduces server development bundling. Now running npm start bundles both a hot-reloading browser bundle, and a spawns server-side rendering that reloads upon code changes.
  • Adds distDev route to paths, for server development bundled assets
  • Adds kit/webpack/server_dev.js Webpack config for building and launching a development server
  • Adds separate kit/webpack/server_prod.js Webpack config for building production server bundle
  • Refactors kit/entry/server.js for working in both dev/production
  • Adds console messages to show server start-up info, including network IP and ports
  • Fixes __dirname in the built server bundle, so that dist/server.js can be run from anywhere (mentioned in / fixes leebenson/reactql#36)


  • Adds kit/lib/console.js and logServerStarted() function, for dumping neat console messages to the screen when starting servers
  • Adds kit/lib/routing.js, with <Status> (internal), <NotFound> and <Redirect> components for handling status codes, 404s and redirects, universally.

Webpack / bundling

  • Adds ability to use multiple webpack-configs in a given config file, by exporting as an array
  • Tidies up kit/webpack/base with common stats; fixes path typo
  • Adds kit/webpack/dev.js, which is extended by server_dev and browser_dev and adds the correct env vars and source-maps.
  • Closes #22 - Adds static bundling. Now you can run npm run build-static to create a production browser bundle along with an index.html file, for uploading to a static web host
  • Adds npm run build-static-run, for static bundling and running the static site locally on port 5000
  • Adds npm run static, for running an already built static bundle
  • Refactors kit/webpack/browser_prod.js to add console messages; fixes minor chunk hash typo
  • Adds css.getDevLoaders() and css.getExtractCSSLoaders() helper functions to kit/webpack/common.js, for CSS configs that work across multiple configs
  • Adds stats to kit/webpack/common.js, for a common output format that shows built assets, errors and warnings, with minimal clutter


  • Adds packages: "concurrently": "^3.4.0" "serve": "^5.1.5" "boxen": "^1.1.0", "chalk": "^1.1.3", "ip": "^1.1.5"
  • Removes redundant packages: "babel-register": "^6.24.1" "node-noop": "^1.0.0" "promise-monofill": "^1.0.1"
  • Re-orders packages so that they correctly appear within devDependencies or dependencies
  • Refactors npm run... commands as follows: "browser": Runs hot-reloaded Webpack dev server for the browser on port 8080 "build": Builds production bundles for server and browser "build-run": Builds production bundles, and runs a live web server "build-static": Builds a production browser bundle and index.html, for hosting statically "build-static-run": Builds static bundle, and runs it locally on port 5000 "clean": Removes dist folder and contents "lint": Runs ESLint on project source code "server": Runs a previously build production web server "server-dev": Runs a development web server on port 8081 (restarts automatically on code changes) "start": Starts both a development web server and a hot-reloadable browser Webpack dev server (ports 8081/8080 respectively) "static": Starts a static web server on port 5000 for a previously built static bundle "test": Currently does nothing. TBD.


  • Adds 404 route handling (currently a blank response - but 404 codes can be implemented at the server level to be handled by middleware, or respond appropriately; redirects TBD.)

1.2.0 - 2017-05-22

  • Adds npm run build-browser-only option, which creates index.html alongside regular JS and CSS browser bundling. Useful for static hosts or via a BYO web server.
  • Adds provisional postcss.config.js, for upcoming PostCSS v6.0 (note: not implemented yet; CSSNext currently awaiting MoOx/postcss-cssnext#374)
  • Fixes PostCSS source maps in development
  • Adds HOST environment var for overriding localhost default
  • Adds Running on http://localhost:4000/ default message when server starts (or whatever the correct HOST and PORT are)
  • Bumps NPM packages: "cross-env": "^5.0.0", "css-loader": "^0.28.1", "eslint-config-airbnb": "^15.0.0", "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^5.0.1", "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.0.1", "image-webpack-loader": "^3.3.1", "node-noop": "^1.0.0", "postcss-cssnext": "2.11.0", "postcss-loader": "^2.0.5", "postcss-nested": "^2.0.2", "promise-monofill": "^1.0.1", "sass-loader": "^6.0.5", "style-loader": "^0.18.0", "webpack": "^2.5.1", "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.8.1", "webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.5", "webpack-node-externals": "^1.6.0"
  • Bumps yarn.lock
  • Merges #25 - .editorconfig ESLint fix eol-last

1.1.2 - 2017-04-29

  • Closes #33 - Webpack config options are not specified by WEBPACK_CONFIG in package.json

1.1.1 - 2017-04-24

  • Adds CSSNano, for optimising resulting stylesheet code via PostCSS
  • Adds extensible css-loader defaults to kit/webpack/common.js
  • Fixes src/styles.css to use SASS-style nesting of elements
  • Bumps yarn.lock
  • Bumps NPM: chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin ^1.0.0 → ^1.1.0 webpack-dev-server ^2.4.3 → ^2.4.4

1.1.0 - 2017-04-22

  • Adds '.global.(css|scss|sass|less)' loaders, making it trivial to separate 'localised' and global styles
  • Fixes ESLint'ing to allow for...of, correctly filtering out the Airbnb restriction
  • Adds postcss-nested, to allow SASS-style nesting on plain CSS
  • Adds kit/webpack/common.js for shared configuration between Webpack files
  • Refactors style loading in Webpack files targeting all environments
  • Fixes prop-types warning generated by react-apollo by bumping to 1.1.0
  • Adds global style to src/
  • Refactors class names with original name, prepended to the base64 hash
  • Updates yarn.lock
  • Bumps NPM packages: react-apollo ^1.0.1 → ^1.1.0 babel-eslint ^7.2.1 → ^7.2.3 babel-loader ^7.0.0-beta.1 → ^7.0.0 webpack-dev-server ^2.4.2 → ^2.4.3

1.0.7 - 2017-04-17

  • Optimises window.* initial variables on SSR by removing whitespace
  • Allows passing a window prop to <Html> on SSR, instead of separate props for webpackManifest / state

1.0.6 - 2017-04-17

  • Moves manifest.json and chunk-manifest.json to dist instead of dist/public (stops them being accessible publicly)
  • Fixes issue with manifest paths not working on non-root routes

1.0.5 - 2017-04-17

  • Closes #1 - Adds /favicon.ico route handling-- if an icon is available, it'll be served. Otherwise, the server will return "204 No Content"
  • Adds sample ReactQL favicon at static/favicon.ico
  • Moved static/webpack.html default page for the Webpack Dev Server to kit/views/webpack.html, to emphasise that static is userland
  • Improves Webpack Dev Server config to check static/* first, and then kit/views/* when looking for static files (i.e. the webpack.html default view)
  • Adds CopyWebpackPlugin to production-- static/* will be copied to dist/public/* to make static files available to the production server

1.0.4 - 2017-04-17

  • Adds decorator syntax via transform-decorators-legacy
  • Adds static class properties transform-class-properties
  • Adds support for extending React.PureComponent without generating linting errors (when using props/context)
  • Modifies sample <GraphQLMessage> component in src/app.js to use @graphql as a decorator and static propTypes

1.0.3 - 2017-04-17

  • Merges #8 - removes deprecation warning related to loaderUtils.parseQuery()

1.0.2 - 2017-04-17

  • Merges #7 - bumps NPM packages

1.0.1 - 2017-04-16

  • Adds
  • Adds process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' to server Webpack config, for SSR minification (React in particular)

1.0.0 - 2017-04-16

  • Initial kit -- all starter kit code provided up to CLI version 2.2.0