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261 lines (260 loc) · 11.5 KB

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261 lines (260 loc) · 11.5 KB

1d paths

  • use AbstractGeometry{1} for this!
  • concrete subtypes include segments, circular arcs, splines, loop closing
  • allow moves to be relative as well as absolute
  • circular arc: defined either by angle+center+radius, sagitta+endpoints...
  • meshing methods produce polylines
  • concrete type for polyline
  • operators 1d ↔ 2d: border, interior
  • path_extrude(surface, profile) => path_extrude(∂surface)
  • path(element1, element2, ...)

Bug fixes

  • in GLMakie, (non-convex) polygons are incorrectly triangulated
  • path_extrude of shape with holes: hole extrusions are reversed
  • instead of trying funny stuff with symdiff, we could just concatenate everything and do a self-union to regularize
  • matrix*set_parameters etc.; raise(.8)*mat*cone(3)*lozenge...
  • raise in 2d
  • volume - volume - volume
  • implement n-ary setdiff
  • hull of 2d points: hull([1,1], ...)
  • linear extrude of repositioned 2d mesh: use normal (this would also fix Minkowski)
  • polygon([[0,0], bezier(...)...]): element type
  • simplify crossing polygon
  • rotation with axis
  • highlighed sphere difference
  • minkowski(volume, polygon) seems broken
  • rotate_extrude() with slide and polygon touching y-axis
  • linear_extrude(scale=0) is a cone: merge points on top
  • fix problem of triangulating tangent polygons: separately triangulate each connected component
  • clarify priority: linear_extrude(8)*(5*object)
  • projection of hollow sphere does not work: replace the temporary fix by something better (but this is likely Clipper's fault)
  • simple syntax for making conditionals (⇒ use those empty objects)

Simple fixes

  • make default children return an error and add AbstractGeometryLeaf
  • atol/rtol ?
  • auto-compute offset npoints from meshing options
  • likewise for sweep (volume case)
  • check whether translate(highlight()*s) works
    • it should be enough to check that all transformations apply to highlights
  • make a nice logo (threaded bolt? some variant of Julia logo?)
  • bring back some Angle types (with degrees) to allow overloading of extrude, e.g. extrude(90°); likewise, use cospi and sinpi
    • using Unitful: ° is probably (almost) enough
  • add a symmetry parameter for circles
    • (and spheres?)
  • a move system (= a representation of abstract affine rotations)
  • allow NamedTuple for this
  • possible via move(origin, s...; direction, spin)

Code cleaning

  • remove DataStructures dependency
  • import: stl, amf, ply, dxf (-> load)
    • stl and ply would follow from integrating Meshes.jl For MeshIO: stl needs decompose(Point3f0, mesh) decompose(GLTriangleFace, mesh) decompose_normals(mesh)
    • this still needs to somehow merge points in stl (e.g. self-union) ?
  • replace include by something using FileIO e.g. .cg.jl?
  • : CSG tree normalization (only useful when using convexity rendering...)
  • split Offset in two structures OffsetShape and OffsetVolume
  • make transformations even lazier, so that they are evaluated only once their subjects (and more importantly, their dimension) are known
  • check if operator associativity is still needed
  • overload extrude() (for paths, angles, numbers)
  • move doc examples to WGLMakie
  • remove ConvexHull.jl dependency (use method from igl instead?)
  • linear_extrude / prism ?
  • rotate_extrude / revolution ?
  • replace ad-hoc plot methods by correct Makie interface
  • make meshing type-stable
  • update iglwrap and use latest version
    • loop
    • minkowski_sum (might need tetrahedralize)
    • upsample (only useful once we have deformations)
    • swept_volume
    • centroid
    • convex_hull
    • offset_surface
    • intersect_with_half_space
  • cylinder(..., center)
  • cylinder(h, r1, r2)
  • add a parameter to circles, spheres and cylinders to mesh them as circumscribed
  • document how to extend (e.g. new object type)

New features


  • multiply: dispose copies of a mesh (better than union because we compute the child mesh only once)
  • replace attributes by a pointer to the original colored object; this could allow detecting edges etc.
  • refine: shorten all edges until no longer than given length
  • 2d (just divide edges)
  • 3d (split triangles)
  • path type: e.g. take a rectangular path, round corners, then create the shape defined by 1-directional offset
  • ellipse
  • geometry operations:
  • point in shape,
  • random sample of shape,
  • area/volume of shape
  • add some relational definitions: mutual tangent, intersection, etc.
  • path sweep: use straight skeleton/medial axis for disappearing vertices
  • compute medial axis
  • compute straight skeleton
  • volume \ surface := volume \ extrude(surface)
  • propagate atol and rtol through transformation matrices (use largest eigenvalue)
  • equivalent of OpenSCAD's for loop?!
  • linear_extrude with twist and scale
  • rotate_extrude with slide (per-turn) along the axis
  • compute center of gravity (and use it for scaling etc.)
  • add a 1d type (points, segments; paths) for minkowski (/ extrusions)?
    • this makes sense; Clipper.jl seems happy to do Minkowski with a path
  • define a path type (for Minkowski + stroke) ?
  • probably useful for 3d paths at least
  • TriangleMeshes: have a way to detect non-pwm meshes and explain why
    • fix meshes on stl import: a bit harder, IGL does not have a function for this
  • also in 2d, regularize polygons (e.g. one backwards loop)
  • triangulate faces of Surface
  • allow self-union (for fixing meshes)
  • Minkowski sum in mixed dimensions
  • half-plane intersection
  • swept surfaces (path_extrude)
  • allow planar sweep too?
  • volume sweep (use swept_volume) ?
  • fix Clipper's missing sweep? (e.g. adding a few extra points far away (preserving tangents) and removing anything close to those points) [ ] or write a patch for the C++ library?
  • find a way to fix path extrusion? either
    • write something from scratch...
    • cut “by hand” the result of a “butt” extrusion;
    • intersect the result of a custom “fill” extrusion;
    • patch the clipper library...
  • lofting/skinning
  • allow complement (for intersection)
  • half-space intersection
  • plane intersection: slice
  • projection
  • path wrapping
  • wrapped volumes
  • text
    • OpenSCAD: src/, ::render function
    • use Pango for text and FreeType for fonts
  • Bézier curves (used as path for path_extrude, stroke, polygon)
  • symmetrize(m, s...) = union(s..., mirror(m, s...)) find some easy syntax allowing also symmetrize(m)*s
  • 2d Minkowski difference


  • surface(volume) = instantiate as a mesh (avoids recomputation)
  • plot(...; zoom=...)


  • anchor/attachment system attach(square(1), :left => circle(3), ) anchor(square(…), [-1,0]) anchor(square(…), :left) square(…, anchor=:left)
  • this needs allowing “children” for the primitives, e.g. square(5)*[ position(:top) circle(5), ]
  • check that it is easy for the user to define arbitrary Transforms.
  • rewrite attach using Transform
  • and allow: attach(X) * [ :left => Y, :right => Z, ] # as array or tuple


  • check @code_warntype everywhere for a start
  • still slow; see if we can resurrect CornerTables (using Clipper for the hard 2d part).
  • make objects mutable to store computed mesh


    [1,0,0] + annotate("blah", (.5,.5,5))* sphere(3);
    Annotation("blah",(1.5,.5,.5), mesh(sphere(3)))
  • hook them in existing highlight procedure
  • add a LineNode reference to constructors (i.e. first thing in call stack outside module).
  • color: add more properties (e.g. shininess) to be able to show e.g. metal parts
  • find some way of referencing parts of objects, e.g. cylinder().edge(:top) references the top edge, and have it accessible through CSG hierarchy (thus, maybe later providing a way to e.g. fillet it?)
  • get a better syntax for transforms, e.g. symmetrize = transform(axis,s->s ∪ mirror(axis,s)) ??
  • add examples (with images) in documentation
  • more sophisticated/real examples
  • overload color*object for color::Colorant
  • find a way to access .x, .y and .z for Point and Vec types [ ] probably requires making Vec a separate type from SArray (to avoid piracy)
  • think of using LabelledArrays.jl (SLArray) as an alternative to StaticVector for Vec types
  • do something for keyword argument dispatch; e.g. the following should be equivalent: circle(r=1) circle(d=2) circle(radius=1) circle(diameter=2) circle(1) and it should be “open” for adding new keywords, e.g. circle(1, center=[0,0]) # => translate([0,0])* circle(1) square(3, closing=1) # => calls closing(1)*square(3)


  • using : for transforms is very tempting:
  • , , \: booleans
  • + translation
  • Minkowski sum
  • object ± real = offset
  • - ⊖ Minkowski difference
  • : convex hull ?
  • × extrusion (scalar => linear_extrude; interval => rotate_extrude; path => path_extrude)
  • make kwargs open for user extension (e.g. rounded squares)
  • replace minkowski with circle by an offset

Issues in other packages

  • Rotations.jl: using the same type for angles and coordinates is not terribly useful (in particular with angles in radians).


  • write a full doc about how to define a new transform
  • check the list of exports
  • write a minimal regression test
    • the doc is the test
    • add some more complicated examples in the doc to expand the tests
  • distinguish between core and sub-packages (implementing BOSL2 stuff)?


vim: et: