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Flattening JSON Kafka Messages


KSQL can be used to flatten the schema of data in a Kafka message. This can be useful when a downstream system requires the schema to be flat, and not nested. For example you may have data on a Kafka topic that looks like this:

  "user": {
    "first_name": "Lars",
    "last_name": "Treagus",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "ip_address": "",
  "logon_date": "2018-02-05T19:45:59Z"

You can use KSQL to process every message as it arrives on the source topic and write it to a new Kafka topic with the nesting removed so that that the message looks like this:

  "user_first_name": "Lars",
  "user_last_name": "Treagus",
  "user_email": "[email protected]"
  "ip_address": "",
  "logon_date": "2018-02-05T19:45:59Z"


  • Docker

  • If running on Mac/Windows, at least 4GB allocated to Docker:

    docker system info | grep Memory

    Should return a value greater than 8GB - if not, the Kafka stack will probably not work.

Try it at home!

Minimum version is Confluent Platform 5.0

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Launch:

    cd ksql-recipes-try-it-at-home/flattening-json-kafka-messages
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Run KSQL CLI:

    docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088
  4. Register the existing user_logons topic for use as a KSQL stream called user_logons. Note the STRUCT data type for the nested field:

    CREATE STREAM user_logons \
            (user      STRUCT<\
                              first_name VARCHAR, \
                              last_name  VARCHAR, \
                              email      VARCHAR>, \
            ip_address VARCHAR, \
            logon_date VARCHAR) \
            WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='user_logons', \
  5. Optionally, inspect the first few messages as they arrive:

    SELECT * FROM user_logons LIMIT 5;
  6. Write the flattened structure as a new Kafka topic, updated continually from new messages arriving on the source topic. Note the use of the operator to access the nested columns.

    CREATE STREAM user_logons_all_cols \
            WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='user_logons_flat') AS \
            SELECT user->first_name AS USER_FIRST_NAME, \
                    user->last_name AS USER_LAST_NAME, \
                    user->email AS USER_EMAIL, \
                    ip_address, \
                    logon_date \
                    FROM user_logons;

    Note how the target Kafka topic is explicitly set. Without KAFKA_TOPIC specified, the name of the stream will be used.

    The new stream populates a Kafka topic. You can see this from LIST TOPICS:

    ksql> LIST TOPICS;
     Kafka Topic        | Registered | Partitions | Partition Replicas | Consumers | ConsumerGroups
     user_logons        | true       | 1          | 1                  | 1         | 1
     user_logons_flat   | true       | 4          | 1                  | 0         | 0

    The contents of the topic can be viewed by any Kafka client, or simply with PRINT from KSQL:

    ksql> PRINT 'user_logons_flat';
    {"ROWTIME":1547205974896,"ROWKEY":"null","USER_FIRST_NAME":"Hetti","USER_LAST_NAME":"Debrett","USER_EMAIL":"[email protected]","IP_ADDRESS":"","LOGON_DATE":"2017-11-17T06:26:31Z"}

    Press Ctrl-C to exit the PRINT command.