📡 P3X Redis UI: A highly functional and convenient database GUI that fits in your pocket, accessible on both responsive web and desktop applications
Released on 12/27/2024
- FEATURE: Random network.corifeus.com tools for marketing
Released on 12/27/2024
- FEATURE: Added network.corifeus.com link
Released on 12/21/2024
- BUGFIX: Enable Mac OS build.
Released on 12/21/2024
- BUGFIX: Available in Flatpak again.
Released on 12/21/2024
- CHORE: Updated all packages.
Released on 11/26/2024
- CHORE: Updated all packages.
Released on 07/02/2024
- CHORE: Updated all packages.
Released on 06/09/2024
- FEATURE: Further rounded components.
Released on 06/06/2024
- FEATURE: Enable rounded buttons and toolbars.
Released on 05/21/2024
- BUGFIX: Build problem
Released on 05/21/2024
- FEATURE: Enable Apple Store. This should be the first release version on Apple Store.
Released on 05/21/2024
- FEATURE: Enable Electron quit shortcut on Control or Command and Q.
Released on 05/20/2024
- BUGFIX: The console button was always showing even though there was no connection
- FEATURE: Enable universal build.
Released on 05/17/2024
- FEATURE: Enable MacOS certificate.
Released on 05/14/2024
- BUGFIX: In readonly mode, I disabled the console, which was an error. Now you can in readonly, receive monitor patterns in the console.
Released on 05/13/2024
- BUGFIX: The Electron app was not working.
Released on 05/07/2024
- BUGFIX: The Electron app was not working.
Released on 05/04/2024
- CHORE: Updated all packages and NodeJs using v22.
Released on 04/25/2024
- BUGFIX: Console is not available in read only mode.
Released on 04/25/2024
- FEATURE: Disable
in the console.
Released on 04/24/2024
- BUGFIX: In the PubSub monitor with input, was not always working
Released on 04/24/2024
- CHORE: Updated to Electron v30
- CHORE: Updated packages to latest versions
- FEATURE: In the PubSub monitor, an input can filter the patterns to receive.
Released on 04/04/2024
- FEATURE: Refactored the main menus in reverse order.
Released on 04/04/2024
- BUGFIX: Pika Redis parser fix.
Released on 04/03/2024
- BUGFIX: The last update was triggering an alert.
Released on 04/03/2024
- FEATURE: Pika works, but with some small errors.
Released on 04/02/2024
- BUGFIX: In the latest updates, instead of the web UI it was saying
Released on 04/01/2024
- FEATURE: When the conenction in Redis is closed, handle the error. Change the behavior on catching exceptions, when the connection says
Connection is closed.
, disconnect from the connection.
Released on 04/01/2024
- BUGFIX: Further localization for Russian, Chinise and English.
Released on 04/01/2024
- BUGFIX: Further localization for Russian, Chinise and English.
Released on 04/01/2024
- BUGFIX: The SSH feature was showing wrong clients count on the settings connections list.
Released on 04/01/2024
- FEATURE: Progress icon on saving and uploading because of binary data could be big.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: Fix Russian for missing translations in some package.
- FEATURE: On buffer, it shows the size of the data.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: Upload binary data confirm and toast dialog for all keys.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: Confirm for key string uploading.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: Responsive fix for new connection list in settings.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: Uploading buffer in string type in editor.
Released on 03/31/2024
- BUGFIX: In the string key fix as it is automatically decide if it is buffer or string.
Released on 03/31/2024
- FEATURE: On the settings page, show the connected clients count.
- FEATURE: Show a disconnect button on the settings connections list.
- FEATURE: The connection form fieldset border color is dark/light mode.
- BUGFIX: In the string key on cancel it hide the value.
Released on 03/31/2024
- BUGFIX: Fix memory leak.
Released on 03/30/2024
- BUGFIX: Logging update on the server side.
Released on 03/30/2024
- BUGFIX: Fix redirection issue and add watch for connection state and if undefined go to the settings page.
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: Fix redirection issue and add watch for connection state and if undefined go to the settings page.
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: Change the connection error handling.
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: Change the connection error handling.
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: Change the connection form.
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: On the connection form reveal the password as text.
Released on 03/30/2024
- BUGFIX: SSH error handling 2.
Released on 03/30/2024
- BUGFIX: SSH error handling (it was crashing the app).
Released on 03/30/2024
- FEATURE: Show connection ID in the connection editor.
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: Cluster retry strategy was infinite. Now it is turned off.
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: Cluster was not working.
- BUGFIX: Console history was not working properly.
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: Algorithm enhanced in TLS handling.
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: The connection dialog node index was wrongly named first, when the first on that list is the second as the main redis settings is the first node.
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: The clone function in material project was keeping the AngularJs hash key. Now fixed.
Released on 03/29/2024
- FEATURE: Sentinel name is different from the connection name.
Released on 03/29/2024
- FEATURE: SSH tunnel is working with single instance (cluster and sentinel is not done).
Released on 03/29/2024
- BUGFIX: In the console, if you keep the monitor on, it will not crash if you keep on the screen for a long time (as the output console could be too big), now, only keep the last 256 items in the console.
Released on 03/28/2024
- BUGFIX: AngularJs error fix.
Released on 03/28/2024
- FEATURE: Removed the Overview menu in the Electron main menu as it was not used.
- FEATURE: Sentinel support.
Released on 03/27/2024
- CHORE: Corifeus release.
Released on 03/26/2024
- FEATURE: The default theme is basaed on the preference of the light/dark of the host. (Enterprise / Dark enterprise as default now)
- FEATURE: Added SNAP ARM 32bit version
Released on 03/26/2024
- FEATURE: The text area is using Roboto Mono font style.
- BUGFIX: The zset list was not working for editing the data.
Released on 03/26/2024
- BUGFIX: In the quick console, it was always reloading the redis key and associated data, which is bad when we are using a 5MB binary data. Redis key data refresh is manual now only.
Released on 03/25/2024
- BUGFIX: In strings type, the editing when validate JSON enabled it was not working as expected.
Released on 03/24/2024
- BUGFIX: The set member on click was not showing the editing value.
Released on 03/24/2024
- FEATURE: When loading a key, when big binary data, we are using a circular progress component.
Released on 03/24/2024
- BUGFIX: Fixed an error in the stream size bytes calculating.
Released on 03/24/2024
- FEATURE: Renamed from buffer to binary buttons and labels.
Released on 03/24/2024
- BUGFIX: Big data for clipboard was slow. Now, with binary, it is not working, but text, it is perfect.
- FEATURE: Shows the data size in all keys.
Released on 03/24/2024
- FEATURE: With values of bigger than 0.5MB, it is showing the editor as buffer.
Released on 03/24/2024
- FEATURE: Buffer uploading is working for string, hash, list, set, zset.
Released on 03/23/2024
- FEATURE: Buffer downloading is working for string, hash, list, set, zset.
- BUGFIX: The indexing was wrong with the paging in the hash, list, set, zset.
Released on 03/21/2024
- BUILD: Further more configuration for Flathub.
Released on 03/21/2024
- BUILD: Added more configuration for Flathub.
Released on 03/21/2024
- BUILD: Release test for Flathub again.
Released on 03/19/2024
- BUILD: Release test for Flathub.
Released on 03/18/2024
- FEATURE: Modified the tree hover behavior, using Material logic.
Released on 03/17/2024
- FEATURE: Modified the tree hover behavior.
Released on 03/10/2024
- BUGFIX: Setting the buffer and then again upload trying, it is not working. Now, it is always uploading (at least, it tries).
Released on 03/10/2024
- CHORE: Added a hover state in the tree.
Released on 03/10/2024
- CHORE: Build fix.
Released on 03/09/2024
- BUGFIX: The buffer for the translatation was not working in other than English.
Released on 03/09/2024
- FEATURE: In the string type, you can upload and download a buffer.
- FEATURE: When uploading, it allows up to 256MB, but Redis can restrict this size.
Released on 03/09/2024
- CHORE: Update all packages.
Released on 03/08/2024
- BUGFIX: Added info to the vulnerabilities, that the scout is showing and provided info as well.
Released on 03/08/2024
- BUGFIX: Some hover states in the buttons in the material GUI were not hovering, now it works.
Released on 03/07/2024
- FEATURE: Switch from Docker
which is latest version, now, we use the LTS version callednode:lts-slim
. - FEATURE: Docker compose
file is updated to version 3. - FEATURE: Disabled the license feature in the server, a bit increased the speed of the server - using less processing.
- CHORE: Updated the Redis v7.0.15 commands, when from the server commands are not available, it has to be manually to be copied to the code, so that the console autocomplete will work.
command is disabled. - BUGFIX: Fixed a version error, that in NPM version was different from released in Github.
Released on 03/05/2024
- BUGFIX: In Docker, it was not working with the readonly option.
Released on 02/28/2024
- FEATURE: The values were not showing the white space.
Released on 02/28/2024
- FEATURE: Add a key to the existing keys (like sub-key). Right now, it is only in the tree, now it is in the key gui as well.
- FEATURE: When adding to an existing key, add as the default key is the key plus the tree divider.
Released on 02/28/2024
- BUGFIX: The App stopped working.
Released on 02/25/2024
- BUGFIX: The keys count calculation fix.
Released on 02/25/2024
- FEATURE: Build MacOS on Intel and Apple silicon.
- FEATURE: The build for MacOS and Windows is deployed using GitHub Actions.
Released on 02/25/2024
- BUGFIX: There was a static path that was not working in the server.
Released on 02/25/2024
- CHORE: Update to latest versions of all packages including Electron.
- BUGFIX: The Fontawesome animation was not working.
- FEATURE: Add overlay show/hide functionality and disable escape key
- BUGFIX: Fix languages in the JSONEditor and Moment.
Relesed on 02/06/2024
- CHORE: Update to latest version of 2024 and update all packages.
If you want to quickly and affordably develop your next digital project, visit corifeus.eu for expert solutions tailored to your needs.
Discover the powerful and free online networking tool at network.corifeus.com.
🆓 Free
Designed for professionals and enthusiasts, this tool provides essential features for network analysis, troubleshooting, and management.
Additionally, it offers tools for:
- 📡 Monitoring TCP, HTTP, and Ping to ensure optimal network performance and reliability.
- 📊 Status page management to track uptime, performance, and incidents in real time with customizable dashboards.
All these features are completely free to use.
If you appreciate our work, consider ⭐ starring this repository or 💰 making a donation to support server maintenance and ongoing development. Your support means the world to us—thank you!
All my domains, including patrikx3.com, corifeus.eu, and corifeus.com, are developed in my spare time. While you may encounter minor errors, the sites are generally stable and fully functional.
Version Structure: We follow a Major.Minor.Patch versioning scheme:
- Major: 📅 Corresponds to the current year.
- Minor: 🌓 Set as 4 for releases from January to June, and 10 for July to December.
- Patch: 🔧 Incremental, updated with each build.
🚨 Important Changes: Any breaking changes are prominently noted in the readme to keep you informed.
P3X-REDIS-UI Build v2025.4.132