diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 378967f..3e6694f 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -300,8 +300,7 @@ APIs exposing Private Aggregation {#apis-exposing-private-aggregation}
This API is currently exposed in global scopes defined in the specifications of
two APIs:
1. Shared Storage and
-1. Protected Audience (via the
- monkey patches below).
+1. Protected Audience.
Structures {#structures}
@@ -1214,939 +1213,6 @@ Note: Without this, [=aggregatable reports=] would be subject to delays, making
-Protected Audience API monkey patches {#protected-audience-api-monkey-patches}
-Issue(43): This should be moved to the Protected Audience spec, along with any
- other Protected Audience-specific details.
-New WebIDL {#protected-audience-api-specific-webidl}
-partial interface InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope {
- readonly attribute PrivateAggregation privateAggregation;
-dictionary PASignalValue {
- required DOMString baseValue;
- double scale;
- (bigint or long) offset;
-dictionary PAExtendedHistogramContribution {
- required (PASignalValue or bigint) bucket;
- required (PASignalValue or long) value;
- bigint filteringId = 0;
-[Exposed=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope, SecureContext]
-partial interface PrivateAggregation {
- undefined contributeToHistogramOnEvent(
- DOMString event, PAExtendedHistogramContribution contribution);
-dictionary AuctionReportBuyersConfig {
- required bigint bucket;
- required double scale;
-dictionary AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig {
- boolean enabled = false;
- // Must only be provided if `enabled` is true.
- bigint? debugKey;
-partial dictionary AuctionAdConfig {
- sequence auctionReportBuyerKeys;
- record auctionReportBuyers;
- AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig auctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig;
-Note: `requiredSellerCapabilities` is defined in the Protected
- Audience spec.
-Issue: Do we want to align naming with implementation?
-The {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/privateAggregation}} [=getter steps=]
-are to [=get the privateAggregation=] given [=this=].
-The contributeToHistogramOnEvent(DOMString
-event, PAExtendedHistogramContribution contribution) method steps are:
-1. Let |scopingDetails| be [=this=]'s [=PrivateAggregation/scoping details=].
-1. If |event| [=string/starts with=] "`reserved.`" and « "`reserved.always`",
- "`reserved.loss`", "`reserved.win`" » does not [=list/contain=] |event|,
- return.
- Note: No error is thrown to allow forward compatibility if additional
- reserved event types are added later.
-1. Let |bucket| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"].
-1. If |bucket| is a {{PASignalValue}}:
- 1. If |bucket|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is not a valid [=signal base
- value=], [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- 1. If |bucket|["{{PASignalValue/offset}}"] is not a {{bigint}}, [=exception/
- throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
-1. Otherwise, if |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"] is
- not [=set/contained=] in [=the exclusive range|the range=] 0 to
- 2128, exclusive, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- Issue: Make the error type consistent with
- {{PrivateAggregation/contributeToHistogram(contribution)}}.
-1. Let |value| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/value}}"].
-1. If |value| is a {{PASignalValue}}:
- 1. If |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is not a valid [=signal base
- value=], [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- 1. If |value|["{{PASignalValue/offset}}"] is a {{bigint}}, [=exception/
- throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
-1. Otherwise, if |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/value}}"] is
- negative, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
-1. If |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/filteringId}}"] is
- not [=set/contained=] in [=the exclusive range|the range=] 0 to
- 256[=default filtering ID max bytes=], exclusive, [=exception/
- throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- Issue: Make the error types on validation issues here and above consistent
- with {{PrivateAggregation/contributeToHistogram(contribution)}}.
- Note: It is not currently possible to set a non-default filtering ID max
- bytes for Protected Audience.
-1. Let |batchingScope| be null.
-1. If |event| [=string/starts with=] "`reserved.`", set |batchingScope| to the
- result of running |scopingDetails|' [=scoping details/get batching scope
- steps=].
- Note: Each non-reserved |event| will have a different [=batching scope=]
- that is created later.
-1. Let |entry| be a new [=on event contribution cache entry=] with the items:
- : [=on event contribution cache entry/contribution=]
- :: |contribution|
- : [=on event contribution cache entry/batching scope=]
- :: |batchingScope|
- : [=on event contribution cache entry/debug scope=]
- :: The result of running |scopingDetails|' [=scoping details/get debug scope
- steps=].
- : [=on event contribution cache entry/worklet function=]
- :: The [=worklet function=] that is currently being executed.
-1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
-1. Let |auctionConfig| be |global|'s
- [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/auction config=].
-1. Let |ig| be the result of [=maybe obtain an interest group|maybe obtaining an
- interest group=] given |global|.
-1. Let |cacheMap| be |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/per-bid or seller on
- event contribution cache=].
-1. If |cacheMap|[|ig|] does not [=map/exist=], [=map/set=] |cacheMap|[|ig|] to
- a new [=on event contribution cache=].
-1. Let |onEventContributionCache| be |cacheMap|[|ig|].
-1. If |onEventContributionCache|[|event|] does not [=map/exist=], set
- |onEventContributionCache|[|event|] to a new [=list=].
-1. [=list/Append=] |entry| to |onEventContributionCache|[|event|].
-Issue: Ensure errors are of an appropriate type, e.g. {{InvalidAccessError}} is
- deprecated.
-Issue(44): Consider accepting an array of contributions.
-WebIDL modifications {#protected-audience-api-webidl-modifications}
-The {{AuctionAdConfig}} and {{AuctionAdInterestGroup}} dictionaries are
-modified to add a new field:
-dictionary ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig {
- USVString aggregationCoordinatorOrigin;
-partial dictionary AuctionAdConfig {
- ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig privateAggregationConfig;
-partial dictionary AuctionAdInterestGroup {
- ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig privateAggregationConfig;
-Note: `sellerCapabilities` is defined in the Protected
- Audience spec
-Structures {#protected-audience-api-specific-structures}
-Extending auction config
-Extend the auction config [=struct=] to add new fields:
-: per-bid or seller on event contribution cache
-:: A [=map=] from [=interest group=] or null to a [=on event contribution
- cache=].
- Note: a null key represents the seller.
-: batching scope map
-:: A [=map=] from a [=tuple=] consisting of an origin (an
- [=origin=]) and a coordinator (an [=aggregation
- coordinator=]) to a [=batching scope=].
- Note: Does not include [=batching scopes=] for contributions conditional on
- non-reserved events.
-: permissions policy state
-:: A [=permissions policy state=].
-: seller Private Aggregation coordinator
-:: An [=aggregation coordinator=]. Defaults to the [=default aggregation
- coordinator=].
-: auction report buyer keys
-:: A [=map=] from buyer [=origins=] to {{bigint}}s.
-: auction report buyers
-:: A [=map=] from [=strings=] to {{AuctionReportBuyersConfig}}s.
-: auction report buyer debug details
-:: A [=debug details=].
- Issue: Consider replacing the strings above with specific enum types.
-Extending interest group
-Extend the interest group [=struct=] to add a new
-: Private Aggregation coordinator
-:: An [=aggregation coordinator=] or null.
- Note: a null value specifies the default coordinator.
-Add the following definitions in a new subsection at the end of
-renumbered appropriately.
-Permissions policy state
-A permissions policy state is a [=struct=] with the following items:
-: private aggregation enabled
-:: A [=boolean=] (default false)
-Signal base value
-A signal base value is one of the following:
-: "winning-bid
-:: The numeric value is the bid value of the winning bid.
-: "highest-scoring-other-bid
-:: The numeric value is the bid value of the highest scoring bid that did not
- win.
-: "script-run-time
-:: The numeric value is the number of milliseconds of CPU time the calling
- function (e.g. `generateBid()`) took to run.
-: "signals-fetch-time
-:: The numeric value is the number of milliseconds it took for the trusted
- bidding or scoring signals fetch to complete, when called from
- `generateBid()` or `scoreAd()`, respectively.
- Issue: Can this value be used in `reportWin()` or `reportResult()`?
-: "bid-reject-reason
-:: The numeric value is an integer representing the reason a bid was rejected.
- Note: this mapping to an integer is defined in [=determine a signal's
- numeric value=].
-Worklet function
-A worklet function is one of the following:
-: "generate-bid
-:: The `generateBid()` function.
-: "score-ad
-:: The `scoreAd()` function.
-: "report-result
-:: The `reportResult()` function.
-: "report-win
-:: The `reportWin()` function.
-On event contribution cache entry
-An on event contribution cache entry is a [=struct=] with the following items:
-: contribution
-:: A {{PAExtendedHistogramContribution}}
-: batching scope
-:: A [=batching scope=] or null
-: debug scope
-:: A [=debug scope=]
-: debug details
-:: A [=debug details=] or null (default null)
-: worklet function
-:: A [=worklet function=]
-On event contribution cache
-An on event contribution cache is a [=map=] from [=string=] to a [=list=] of
-[=on event contribution cache entries=].
-Extend the global
-scopes subsection to add:
-Each {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} has an:
-: auction config
-:: An auction config
-Extend the InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope
-subsection to add an extra field to the end of the list beginning
-"Each {{InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} has a":
-: interest group
-:: Null or an [=interest group=]. Null for seller reporting
- (i.e. `reportResult()`).
-Algorithm modifications {#protected-audience-api-algorithm-modifications}
-The {{Navigator/joinAdInterestGroup()}} method steps are modified to add the
-following steps at the end of the scope nested under step 5 ("Validate the given
-group and ..."):
-17. If |group|["{{AuctionAdInterestGroup/privateAggregationConfig}}"]
- [=map/exists=]:
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the coordinator
- from a Private Aggregation config=] given
- |group|["{{AuctionAdInterestGroup/privateAggregationConfig}}"].
- 1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, then
- [=exception/throw=] |aggregationCoordinator|.
- 1. Set interestGroup's [=interest group/Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] to |aggregationCoordinator|.
-The {{Navigator/runAdAuction()}} method steps are modified to add the
-following step just after step 5 ("If auctionConfig is a
-failure, then..."), renumbering the later steps as appropriate:
-6. Set auctionConfig's [=auction config/permissions policy
- state=] to a new [=permissions policy state=] with the items:
- : [=permissions policy state/private aggregation enabled=]
- :: The result of determining whether global's [=associated
- Document=] is [=allowed to use=] the
- "[=private-aggregation=]
" [=policy-controlled feature=].
-The validate and convert auction ad config steps are
-modified to add the following steps just before the last step ("Return
-auctionConfig"), renumbering the later step as appropriate:
-31. If |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyerKeys}}"] [=map/exists=]:
- 1. Let |interestGroupBuyers| be |auctionConfig|'s
interest group buyers.
- 1. If |interestGroupBuyers| is null, set |interestGroupBuyers| to a new
- [=list=].
- 1. [=list/For each=] |index| of [=the exclusive range|the range=] 0 to
- |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyerKeys}}"]'s [=list/size=],
- exclusive:
- 1. Let |key| be
- |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyerKeys}}"][|index|].
- 1. If |key| is not [=set/contained=] in [=the exclusive range|the
- range=] 0 to 2
128, exclusive, [=exception/throw=] a
- {{TypeError}}.
- 1. If |index| is equal to or greater than |interestGroupBuyers|' [=list/
- size=], [=iteration/continue=].
- Note: [=iteration/Continue=] is used (instead of [=iteration/
- break=]) to match validation logic for all given buyer keys.
- 1. Let |origin| be |interestGroupBuyers|[|index|].
- 1. [=map/Set=] |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/auction report buyer
- keys=][|origin|] to |key|.
- Issue: Check behavior when an origin is repeated in
- {{AuctionAdConfig/interestGroupBuyers}}.
-1. If |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyers}}"] [=map/exists=]:
- 1. [=map/For each=] |reportType| → |reportBuyerConfig| of
- |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyers}}"]:
- 1. If « "`interestGroupCount`", "`bidCount`",
- "`totalGenerateBidLatency`", "`totalSignalsFetchLatency`" » does not
- [=list/contain=] |reportType|, [=iteration/continue=].
- Note: No error is thrown to allow forward compatibility if
- additional report types are added later.
- Issue: Should these strings be dash delimited?
- 1. If |reportBuyerConfig|["{{AuctionReportBuyersConfig/bucket}}"] is not
- [=set/contained=] in [=the exclusive range|the range=] 0 to
- 2
128, exclusive, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- Issue: Consider validating the case where the bucket used (after
- summing) is too large. Currently, the implementation appears to
- overflow. See
- protected-audience/1040.
- 1. [=map/Set=] |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/auction report
- buyers=][|reportType|] to |reportBuyerConfig|.
-1. Set |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/auction report buyer debug details=]
- to a new [=debug details=].
-1. If |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig}}"]
- [=map/exists=]:
- 1. Let |debugModeConfig| be
- |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/auctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig}}"].
- 1. Let |enabled| be
- |debugModeConfig|["{{AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig/enabled}}"].
- 1. Let |debugKey| be
- |debugModeConfig|["{{AuctionReportBuyerDebugModeConfig/debugKey}}"].
- 1. If |debugKey| is not null:
- 1. If |debugKey| is not [=set/contained=] in [=the exclusive range|the
- range=] 0 to 2
64, exclusive, [=exception/throw=] a
- {{TypeError}}.
- 1. If |enabled| is false, [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
- 1. Set |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/auction report buyer debug
- details=] to a new [=debug details=] with the items:
- : [=debug details/enabled=]
- :: |enabled|
- : [=debug details/key=]
- :: |debugKey|
-1. If |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/privateAggregationConfig}}"] [=map/exists=]:
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the coordinator
- from a Private Aggregation config=] given
- |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/privateAggregationConfig}}"].
- 1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, return failure.
- 1. Set
auctionConfig's [=auction config/seller Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] to |aggregationCoordinator|.
-Issue: Make all map indexing links (throughout the spec) where possible, i.e.
- matching this section.
-The generate and score bids algorithm is modified by
-inserting the following step before each of the two "Return leadingBidInfo's
-leading bid" steps (one in a
-nested scope), renumbering this and later steps as necessary.
-1. [=Process the Private Aggregation contributions for an auction=] given
- auctionConfig and leadingBidInfo.
-The evaluate a script steps are modified in two ways.
-First, we add the following steps after step 11 ("If
-evaluationStatus is an [=ECMAScript/abrupt completion=]..."),
-renumbering later steps as appropriate:
-12. Set |global|'s {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/privateAggregation}}'s
- [=PrivateAggregation/allowed to use=] to |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/
- permissions policy state=]'s [=permissions policy state/private aggregation
- enabled=].
-1. Let |debugScope| be a new [=debug scope=].
-1. Set |global|'s {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/privateAggregation}}'s
- [=PrivateAggregation/scoping details=] to a new [=scoping details=] with the
- [=struct/items=]:
- : [=scoping details/get batching scope steps=]
- :: An algorithm that performs the following steps:
- 1. Let |origin| be |realm|'s [=realm/settings object=]'s [=environment
- settings object/origin=].
- 1. Let |ig| be the result of [=maybe obtain an interest group|maybe
- obtaining an interest group=] given |realm|'s [=realm/global
- object=].
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be null.
- 1. If |ig| is not null, set |aggregationCoordinator| to |ig|'s
- [=interest group/Private Aggregation coordinator=].
- 1. Otherwise, set |aggregationCoordinator| to |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/seller Private Aggregation coordinator=].
- 1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is null, set |aggregationCoordinator| to
- the [=default aggregation coordinator=].
- 1. Return the result of running [=get or create a batching scope=] given
- |origin|, |aggregationCoordinator| and |auctionConfig|.
- : [=scoping details/get debug scope steps=]
- :: An algorithm that returns |debugScope|.
-Issue: Once
- protected-audience/615 is resolved, align the above monkey patch with
- how access to other functions is prevented in
- {{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}}s until the script's initial
- execution is complete.
-Second, in the nested scope of the last step, we insert a new step just after
-the step labelled "Clean up after script", renumbering the later step as
-2. Let |debugDetails| be the result of [=get a debug details=] given
- |debugScope|.
-1. Let |ig| be the result of [=maybe obtain an interest group|maybe obtaining an
- interest group=] given global.
-1. Let |onEventContributionCache| be auctionConfig's [=auction
- config/per-bid or seller on event contribution cache=][|ig|].
-1. [=map/iterate|For each=] event → |entries| of
- |onEventContributionCache|:
- 1. [=list/iterate|For each=] |onEventEntry| of |entries|:
- 1. If |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution cache entry/debug scope=]
- is |debugScope|, set |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution cache
- entry/debug details=] to |debugDetails|.
-1. [=Mark a debug scope complete=] given |debugScope|.
-The evaluate a bidding script steps are modified in the
-following two ways. First, we add a new parameter auction
-config |auctionConfig|.
-Note: This algorithm already takes an [=interest group=] parameter |ig|.
-Second, we add the following step after step 6 ("Set global's
-group to ig"), renumbering later steps as appropriate:
-7. Set global's [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/auction
- config=] to auctionConfig.
-The evaluate a scoring script steps are modified in the
-following two ways. First, we add a new parameter auction
-config |auctionConfig|.
-Second, we add the following step after step 1 ("Let |global| be a new
-renumbering the later step as appropriate:
-2. Set global's [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/auction
- config=] to auctionConfig.
-The evaluate a reporting script steps are modified in
-the following two ways. First, we add two new parameters: an
-auction config |auctionConfig| and an [=interest
-group=] or null |ig|.
-Second, we add the following step after step 1 ("Let |global| be a new
-renumbering the later step as appropriate:
-2. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope/auction config=] to
- auctionConfig.
-1. Set |global|'s [=InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/interest
- group=] to ig.
-Then, we modify the invocations of the above algorithms to plumb the new
-parameters in:
-The generate potentially multiple bids algorithm is
-modified to add a new auction config parameter
-|auctionConfig|. Additionally, its last step is modified by adding the argument
-|auctionConfig| to the invocation of evaluating a bidding
-script. Further, the generate and score bids
-algorithm is modified by adding the argument |auctionConfig| to both invocations
-of generate potentially multiple bids.
-The score and rank a bid algorithm is modified by
-adding the argument |auctionConfig| to the invocation of
-evaluating a scoring script.
-The report result algorithm is modified by passing in
-the arguments |auctionConfig| and null to the invocation of
-evaluate a reporting script.
-The report win algorithm is modified by passing in
-the arguments |auctionConfig| and winner's
-interest group to the invocation of
-evaluate a reporting script.
-The estimated size of an interest
-group algorithm is modified to add the following line at the end of the sum:
-16. The [=string/length=] of the [=serialization of an origin|serialization=] of
- ig's [=interest group/Private Aggregation coordinator=] if
- the field is not null.
-The update interest groups
-steps are modified to add the following case at the end of the "Switch on
-key" step.
-: "`privateAggregationConfig`"
- 1. If |value| is not a [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=strings=], jump to
- the step labeled Abort update.
- 1. If |value|["`aggregationCoordinatorOrigin`"] [=map/exists=]:
- 1. If |value|["`aggregationCoordinatorOrigin`"] is not a [=string=],
- jump to the step labeled Abort update.
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] given
- |value|["`aggregationCoordinatorOrigin`"].
- 1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, jump to the step
- labeled Abort update.
- 1. Otherwise, set ig's [=interest group/Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] to |aggregationCoordinator|.
-New algorithms {#protected-audience-api-specific-new-algorithms}
-Add the following definitions:
process the Private Aggregation contributions for an auction given
auction config |auctionConfig| and a
leading bid info |leadingBidInfo|:
-1. Let |winnerOrigin| be null.
-1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s
- bid is not null, set |winnerOrigin| to |leadingBidInfo|'s
leading bid's
interest group's
-1. [=map/iterate|For each=] |ig| → |onEventContributionCache| of
- |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/per-bid or seller on event contribution
- cache=]:
- 1. Let |origin| be null.
- 1. If |ig| is null, set |origin| to |auctionConfig|'s
- 1. Otherwise, set |origin| to |ig|'s
- 1. [=map/iterate|For each=] |event| → |entries| of
- |onEventContributionCache|:
- 1. If |event| is "`reserved.win`" or does not [=string/start with=]
- "`reserved.`":
- 1. If |origin| is not |winnerOrigin|, return.
- 1. If |event| is "`reserved.loss`" and |origin| is |winnerOrigin|,
- return.
- 1. [=list/iterate|For each=] |onEventEntry| of |entries|:
- 1. Let |filledInContribution| be the result of [=filling in the
- contribution=] given |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution
- cache entry/contribution=] and |leadingBidInfo|.
- Issue: Once
- protected-audience/627 is resolved, align 'filling in'
- logic with `forDebuggingOnly`.
- 1. If |event| does not [=string/start with=] "`reserved.`":
- 1. Store |event|, |filledInContribution|, |onEventEntry|'s [=on
- event contribution cache entry/debug details=] in the
- {{FencedFrameConfig}} as appropriate.
- Note: Each non-reserved |event| will have a different
- [=batching scope=].
- Issue: Once
- protected-audience/616 and any successors are
- landed, align integration and fill in fenced frame's
report a private aggregation
- event.
- 1. [=iteration/Continue=].
- 1. Let |entry| be a new [=contribution cache entry=] with the items:
- : [=contribution cache entry/contribution=]
- :: |filledInContribution|
- : [=contribution cache entry/batching scope=]
- :: |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution cache entry/batching
- scope=]
- : [=contribution cache entry/debug scope=]
- :: |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution cache entry/debug
- scope=]
- : [=contribution cache entry/debug details=]
- :: |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution cache entry/debug
- details=]
- 1. [=Append an entry to the contribution cache|Append=] |entry| to
- the [=contribution cache=].
-1. Let |sellerBatchingScope| be the result of [=get or create a batching
- scope|getting or creating a batching scope=] given |auctionConfig|'s
seller, |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/seller Private Aggregation coordinator=], and
- |auctionConfig|.
-1. Let |auctionReportBuyersDebugScope| be a new [=debug scope=].
-1. [=map/For each=] |reportType| → |reportBuyerConfig| of |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/auction report buyers=]:
- 1. [=map/For each=] |buyerOrigin| → |buyerOffset| of |auctionConfig|'s
- [=auction config/auction report buyer keys=]:
- 1. Let |bucket| be the sum of |buyerOffset| and |reportBuyerConfig|'s
- {{AuctionReportBuyersConfig/bucket}}.
- Issue: Handle overflow here or in validation. See
- protected-audience/1040.
- 1. Let |value| be the result (a {{double}}) of switching on
- |reportType|:
- : "`interestGroupCount`"
- :: The number of interest groups in the [=user agent=]'s interest group set whose owner is
- |buyerOrigin|.
- : "`bidCount`"
- :: The number of valid bids generated by interest groups whose owner is
- |buyerOrigin|.
- : "`totalGenerateBidLatency`"
- :: The sum of execution time in milliseconds for all `generateBid()`
- calls in the auction for interest groups whose owner is
- |buyerOrigin|.
- : "`totalSignalsFetchLatency`"
- :: The total time spent fetching trusted buyer signals in
- milliseconds, or 0 if the interest group didn't fetch any
- trusted signals.
- : None of the above values
- :: [=Assert=]: false
- Note: This enum value is validated in validate and convert auction ad
- config.
- Issue: More formally spec the values here.
- 1. Set |value| to the result of multiplying |reportBuyerConfig|'s
- {{AuctionReportBuyersConfig/scale}} with |value|.
- 1. Set |value| to the maximum of 0.0 and |value|.
- 1. Set |value| to the result of converting |value| to an integer by
- truncating its fractional part.
- 1. Set |value| to the minimum of |value| and 2
- 1. Let |contribution| be a new {{PAHistogramContribution}} with the
- items:
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/bucket}}
- :: |bucket|
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/value}}
- :: |value|
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/filteringId}}
- :: 0
- Issue: Consider allowing the filtering ID to be set here.
- 1. [=map/For each=] |ig| of the [=user agent=]'s
- interest group set whose
owner is
- |buyerOrigin|:
- 1. If seller capabilities don't allow this reporting, [=iteration/
- continue=].
- Issue: Align behavior with seller capabilities handling once
- protected-audience/966 is resolved.
- 1. Let |entry| be a new [=contribution cache entry=] with the items:
- : [=contribution cache entry/contribution=]
- :: |contribution|
- : [=contribution cache entry/batching scope=]
- :: |sellerBatchingScope|
- : [=contribution cache entry/debug scope=]
- :: |auctionReportBuyersDebugScope|
- 1. [=Append an entry to the contribution cache|Append=] |entry| to
- the [=contribution cache=].
-1. [=Mark a debug scope complete=] given |auctionReportBuyersDebugScope| and
- |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/auction report buyer debug details=].
-1. [=map/For each=] (|origin|,
aggregationCoordinator) →
- |batchingScope| of |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/batching scope map=]:
- 1. [=Process contributions for a batching scope=] given |batchingScope|,
- |origin|, "
" and null.
-Issue: Verify interaction with component auctions.
-Issue: Use `[=map/For each=]` where possible.
get or create a batching scope given an [=origin=] |origin|, an
-[=aggregation coordinator=] |aggregationCoordinator| and an
auction config |auctionConfig|, perform the following
-steps. They return a [=batching scope=].
-1. Let |batchingScopeMap| be |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/batching scope
- map=].
-1. Let |tuple| be (|origin|, |aggregationCoordinator|).
-1. If |batchingScopeMap|[|tuple|] does not [=map/exist=]:
- 1. Set |batchingScopeMap|[|tuple|] to a new [=batching scope=].
- 1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is not null, [=set the aggregation
- coordinator for a batching scope=] given |aggregationCoordinator| and
- |batchingScopeMap|[|tuple|].
-1. Return |batchingScopeMap|[|tuple|].
fill in the contribution given a
-{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution}} |contribution| and a
leading bid info |leadingBidInfo|, perform the
-following steps. They return a {{PAHistogramContribution}}.
-1. Let |bucket| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"].
-1. If |bucket| is a {{PASignalValue}}, set |bucket| to the result of [=filling
- in the signal value=] given |bucket|, 2
128−1 and |leadingBidInfo|.
-1. Let |value| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/value}}"].
-1. If |value| is a {{PASignalValue}}, set |value| to the result of [=filling in
- the signal value=] given |value|, 2
31−1 and |leadingBidInfo|.
-1. Let |filledInContribution| be a new {{PAHistogramContribution}} with the
- items:
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/bucket}}
- :: |bucket|
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/value}}
- :: |value|
- : {{PAHistogramContribution/filteringId}}
- :: |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/filteringId}}"]
-1. Return |filledInContribution|.
fill in the signal value given a {{PASignalValue}} |value|, an
-integer |maxAllowed| and a
leading bid info
-|leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps. They return an integer.
-1. [=Assert=]: |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is a valid [=signal base
- value=].
-1. Let |returnValue| be the result of [=determining a signal's numeric value=]
- given |value|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] and |leadingBidInfo|.
-1. If |value|["{{PASignalValue/scale}}"] [=map/exists=], set |returnValue| to
- the result of multiplying |value|["{{PASignalValue/scale}}"] with
- |returnValue|.
-1. Set |returnValue| to the result of converting |returnValue| to an integer by
- truncating its fractional part.
-1. If |value|["{{PASignalValue/offset}}"] [=map/exists=], set |returnValue| to
- the result of adding |returnValue| to |value|["{{PASignalValue/offset}}"].
-1. Clamp |returnValue| to [=the inclusive range|the range=] 0 to |maxAllowed|,
- inclusive, and return the result.
determine a signal's numeric value given a [=signal base value=]
-|signalBaseValue| and a
leading bid info
-|leadingBidInfo|, perform the following steps. They return a {{double}}.
-1. If |signalBaseValue| is "
[=signal base value/winning-bid=]
- 1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s
- bid is null, return 0.
- 1. Otherwise, return |leadingBidInfo|'s
leading bid's
-1. If |signalBaseValue| is
- "
[=signal base value/highest-scoring-other-bid=]
- 1. If |leadingBidInfo|'s
- scoring other bid is null, return 0.
- 1. Otherwise, return |leadingBidInfo|'s
highest scoring other
- bid's
-1. If |signalBaseValue| is "
[=signal base value/script-run-time=]
- 1. Return the number of milliseconds of CPU time that the calling function
- (e.g. `generateBid()`) took to run.
-1. If |signalBaseValue| is
- "
[=signal base value/signals-fetch-time=]
- Switch on the associated [=worklet function=]:
- : [=worklet function/generate-bid=]
- :: Return the number of milliseconds it took for the trusted bidding signals
- fetch to complete, or 0 if no fetch was made.
- : [=worklet function/score-ad=]
- :: Return the number of milliseconds it took for the trusted scoring signals
- fetch to complete or 0 if no fetch was made.
- : [=worklet function/report-result=]
- : [=worklet function/report-win=]
- :: Return 0.
- Issue: Consider disallowing this in the latter two [=worklet functions=].
-1. If |signalBaseValue| is
- "
[=signal base value/bid-reject-reason=]
- 1. If the bid did not succeed purely because it didn't meet the required
k-anonymity threshold, return 8.
- 1. Let |bidRejectReason| be "`not-available`".
- 1. If the seller provided a reject reason, set |bidRejectReason| to that
- value.
- 1. If |bidRejectReason| is:
- : "`not-available`"
- :: Return 0.
- : "`invalid-bid`"
- :: Return 1.
- : "`bid-below-auction-floor`"
- :: Return 2.
- : "`pending-approval-by-exchange`"
- :: Return 3.
- : "`disapproved-by-exchange`"
- :: Return 4.
- : "`blocked-by-publisher`"
- :: Return 5.
- : "`language-exclusions`"
- :: Return 6.
- : "`category-exclusions`"
- :: Return 7.
- : None of the above values
- :: [=Assert=]: false
- Note: this enum value is validated in `scoreAd()`.
- Issue: Verify this once
- protected-audience/627 is resolved.
- Issue: Once protected-audience/594
- lands, update this mapping to align.
- Issue: Verify handling when the bid was not rejected.
- Issue: Consider disallowing this from reportWin() and reportResult().
maybe obtain an interest group given an
-{{InterestGroupScriptRunnerGlobalScope}} |global|, perform the following steps.
-They return an [=interest group=] or null:
-1. Switch on |global|'s type:
- : {{InterestGroupBiddingScriptRunnerGlobalScope}}
- :: Return |global|'s interest group.
- : {{InterestGroupScoringScriptRunnerGlobalScope}}
- :: Return null.
- : {{InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope}}
- :: Return |global|'s [=InterestGroupReportingScriptRunnerGlobalScope/interest
- group=].
-To obtain the coordinator from a Private Aggregation config given a
-{{ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig}} |config|, perform the following
-steps. They return an [=aggregation coordinator=], null or a {{DOMException}}.
-1. If |config|["{{ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig/aggregationCoordinatorOrigin}}"]
- does not [=map/exist=], return null.
-1. Return the result of [=obtaining the Private Aggregation coordinator=] given
- |config|["{{ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig/aggregationCoordinatorOrigin}}"].
Privacy considerations {#privacy-considerations}