diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 9c13897..378967f 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -641,6 +641,24 @@ an [=origin=] |origin|, perform the following steps. They return a [=boolean=].
set the aggregation coordinator for a batching scope given
an [=origin=] |origin| and a [=batching scope=] |batchingScope|:
@@ -1513,8 +1531,8 @@ following steps at the end of the scope nested under step 5 ("Validate the given
17. If |group|["{{AuctionAdInterestGroup/privateAggregationConfig}}"]
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] given
+ 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the coordinator
+ from a Private Aggregation config=] given
1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, then
[=exception/throw=] |aggregationCoordinator|.
@@ -1610,8 +1628,8 @@ modified to add the following steps just before the last step ("Return
: [=debug details/key=]
:: |debugKey|
1. If |config|["{{AuctionAdConfig/privateAggregationConfig}}"] [=map/exists=]:
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the Private
- Aggregation coordinator=] given
+ 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the coordinator
+ from a Private Aggregation config=] given
1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, return failure.
1. Set auctionConfig's [=auction config/seller Private
@@ -1781,8 +1799,7 @@ steps are modified to add the following case at the end of the "Switch on
1. If |value|["`aggregationCoordinatorOrigin`"] [=map/exists=]:
1. If |value|["`aggregationCoordinatorOrigin`"] is not a [=string=],
jump to the step labeled Abort update.
- 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtain the Private
- Aggregation coordinator from a string|obtaining the Private
+ 1. Let |aggregationCoordinator| be the result of [=obtaining the Private
Aggregation coordinator=] given
1. If |aggregationCoordinator| is a {{DOMException}}, jump to the step
@@ -2119,37 +2136,17 @@ They return an [=interest group=] or null:
-To obtain the Private Aggregation coordinator given a
+To obtain the coordinator from a Private Aggregation config given a
{{ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig}} |config|, perform the following
steps. They return an [=aggregation coordinator=], null or a {{DOMException}}.
1. If |config|["{{ProtectedAudiencePrivateAggregationConfig/aggregationCoordinatorOrigin}}"]
does not [=map/exist=], return null.
-1. Return the result of [=obtain the Private Aggregation coordinator from a
- string|obtaining the Private Aggregation coordinator=] given
+1. Return the result of [=obtaining the Private Aggregation coordinator=] given
-To obtain the
-Private Aggregation coordinator given a {{USVString}} |originString|,
-perform the following steps. They return an [=aggregation coordinator=] or a
-1. Let |url| be the result of running the [=URL parser=] on |originString|.
-1. If |url| is failure or null, return a new {{DOMException}} with name
- "`SyntaxError`".
- Issue: Consider throwing an error if the path is not empty.
-1. Let |origin| be |url|'s [=url/origin=].
-1. If the result of [=determining if an origin is an aggregation coordinator=]
- given |origin| is false, return a new {{DOMException}} with name
- "`DataError`".
-1. Return |origin|.
Privacy considerations {#privacy-considerations}