== Welcome to The Odin Project v0.0.6
It's game on.
Note to self: You can't call any custom stylesheets or heroku will shit the bed. The assets get precompiled so NO WAY can you call custom stylesheets at runtime.
************************** DEPLOYMENT NOTES: ********************** < none >
Optimize Google Analytics Set up viral feedback looping like launchrock -- give each signup a unique referral code and make links between them so you see downstream who refers most.
Add social buttons to the splash process
************************** Major Roadmap **************************
v0.0.6: Bug fixes v0.0.7: Anonymize email reach-outs, add mailer conf to accounts 0.0.?: Anonymize scheduler results 0.0.?: Scheduling back-end 0.0.?: Feedback mechanism
Build mailer button in the event profiles
Select which project too if multiple! Fix up suggestion mailer to include username/email and proper referral link Add user prefs filters as well
********************** Current Version Sandbox ********************
v0.0.6: Bug Fixes
- Bug: when getting referred directly to /scheduler?cb=12345 (e.g. http://www.theodinproject.com/scheduler?cb=3), then immediately clicking into Preferences and removing that project, the redirect from Preferences takes you back to the same referral URL so the project is immediately added back on ... an infinite process. Need to clear the query string or something to prevent this.
DONE Fix linkages to profiles to actually how the correct URL links to that program and their account on it. DONE Fix language for editing contact info -- not always a URL! DONE Remove the "github account unavailable" thing from index DONE Make gravatar containers fixed size on index page DONE Fix display of students index page to not collapse so quickly on resize DONE Fix navbar upon narrow window to not get pushed lower due to body top padding (media query) DONE Set up default Gravatar DONE Put logo image into logo text DONE Put logo image into favicon DONE Display timezone that calendar is currently in! DONE Check timezone compatability DONE AJAX Loading icon
********************** General Sandbox ****************************
calendar basic display, calendar population, event creation
Default event details based on user profile info?? esp username and details with their contact info ?Make the click action bring up the "you need to update your profile" box if that's the case before allowing addition of new events?
Make a dynamic route matcher to show the user profiles so you can just go to the /users/foobar link instead of /users/1 (hide the IDs) Make the gravatar default image the odin logo
- ? HTML safe my inputs?
Build "contact" button in event to mail them with your contact info (and have an alert for okaying it)
---- Issues and Gotchas ----
handle all-day events (midnight to midnight-1)? But what about min-time constraints? erb... sensing bug that will come up if someone wants to book 1 hour from an all dayer @ 11pm... Currently allows you to write overlapping calendar events
Look and feel??? ??? Front end frameworks ???
---- Future stuff ----
Users not signed in can access scheduler but see only grayed out, no-info bars? May just be too randomly complex for no reason.
---- Devise ----
Haven't done any of the suggested config.action_mailer.default_url_options stuff or setting the precompile assets for heroku stuff.
Turn on add-ons like pgbackups
http://everydayrails.com/2012/04/07/testing-series-rspec-controllers.html https://gist.github.com/zhengjia/428105
*********************** Version Archive **************************
v0.0.5: Profile Links from Scheduler DONE set calendar display to start on today's weekday and to not show the allday option. AVOIDED BUG: Creating multiple all-day events then deleting one will result in the others being turned into 12-1am events. Very odd. DONE Set up the event modal dialogs to show which project(s) that person wants to pair on when clicked. DONE Create Login link on splash page but hide signup DONE Hide login from navbar if on login pages... so just hide it always! DONE Change event title returned to be creator's username DONE Fix link to user root after account update DONE Set up user profile page that includes github and best ways to contact DONE Set up user profile page editing functions DONE Add link to profile page on navbar DONE Add cancel link to edit page DONE Add edit picture on Gravatar link DONE Add links to G+ and Skype and Screenhero DONE Link from modal to user profile page (and pull info from it for quick reference) DONE Set up users index page to list all users and their projects, last login DONE Set up students link on navbar DONE Redo hiding signup stuff so option is required to show it DONE Bundle update gems
TESTS: DONE Fix tests for cal_events and login links DONE User unit tests DONE Events also have an event creator project list sent DONE signup is hidden from splash page DONE That profile page actually shows up DONE profile page displays at least one link, an about, and a project DONE profile page edit button only for logged in user DONE only logged in user can get to edit link DONE Only logged in user can access profile or edit pages DONE only current user can access edit page DONE edit page shows editable options DONE Update method works for user profile page DONE navbar has profile link DONE navbar has students (index) link DONE users index shows users DONE each indexed user has a username
DEPLOYMENT NOTES: *** MIGRATION! Added columns to User for profile. *** BUNDLE UPDATE AGAIN! Fail! missing "fontawesome.less" Attempts to fix:
- run $ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
- Fail! same error. hmm.
- Removed the public/assets folder that created.
- Downgrading the bootstrap gem to v 2.2.6 from 2.2.7
- bundle install, try again
- It worked! ...why...? How can I use this correctly in the future.
- Ran the migration, success.
v0.0.4: Mobile Friendly Splash DONE Reduce image size DONE hard size background DENIED Media query stylesheet PARTIAL ems not px for splash fonts DONE kill the signed-in-successfully flash message
v0.0.3: Referral Links DONE * Create a URL catcher that plants a cookie in the browser for ?cb= anything (and can be expanded into others) 1 day cookie DONE * Check the cookie when the Scheduler page is reached, then do whatever comes next DONE If no prev events, park on scheduler page with that content bucket already set, kill cookie DONE If prev events, go to preferences page and add a new-but-unsaved event (just a select?), kill cookie either way, put message saying what's up DONE Have "Update" button go back to scheduler page. Need to set up a referrer query string for this... can we autopopulate it or do we manually need to figure it out? DONE Improve spacing of the box to handle bigger project names DONE Alpha privacy disclaimer (your info will be public for a while) DONE Link the pairing instructions to the github curriculum DONE signed in user goes to scheduler by default not splash
- test: FAIL cookie setting >> testing cookies is murderously painful. FAIL cookie expiration >> IBID FAIL cookie clearing after operations >> IBID FAIL cookie can only be valid content bucket >> IBID DONE will add new content bucket if alone PENDING/FAIL will add new content bucket with message only if it doesn't already exist >> since signin redirects to scheduler prematurely currently DONE won't accept an invalid content bucket DONE signed in user goes to sched by default DONE session will return user after form submit if referred