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During deployment (make deploy), secret files are downloaded from a vault into one of the subdirectories and transformed into Kubernetes/Openshift secrets. They can also be downloaded independently with make download-secrets (only Packit team members with access to Bitwarden vault). By default, these subdirectories contain only templates, which don't contain any secret, but which are processes and injected with secrets during the deployment process. If you want to see them rendered before you run the deployment, use make render-secrets-from-templates.

Install bw CLI

Update secrets in Bitwarden

Use scripts/ to update secrets, and don't have to click through the Bitwarden Web UI, deleting and uploading attachments.

Here is the workflow how to do that:

  1. Make sure your local copy is up-to-date. For example:

    $ SERVICE=packit DEPLOYMENT=stg make download-secrets
  2. Edit the secret file you want to update, for example:

    $ $EDITOR secrets/packit/stg/extra-vars.yml
  3. Update the secret in Bitwarden. For example:

    $ ./scripts/ secrets/packit/stg/extra-vars.yml

The script figures out which Bitwarden item to edit from the path to the file, so that needs to be provided as secrets/<service>/<deployment>/<file>.

Nothing happens if the file did not change. The script also helps with updating the ! Changelog !: saves the note in a file, opens the file with $EDITOR to be edited, and updates the note in Bitwarden.

Update secrets in OpenShift

Use scripts/ to update secrets directly in OpenShift from the command-line.

  1. First make sure the local copies of the secrets are in sync with what's stored in Bitwarden. For example:

    $ SERVICE=packit DEPLOYMENT=stg make download-secrets
  2. Edit the file you want to update. For example:

    $ $EDITOR secrets/packit/stg/packit-service.yaml.j2
  3. Render secret files from the templates:

    $ SERVICE=packit DEPLOYMENT=stg make render-secrets-from-templates

    This creates packit-service.yaml from packit-service.yaml.j2 (no secret values, stored in public repo) and extra-vars.yml (secret values, downloaded from the vault).

  4. Login to OpenShift and select the right project. For example:

    $ oc login ...
    $ oc project packit-stg
  5. Update the secret in OpenShift with the content of the file. You'll need to know the name of the secret. For example:

    $ scripts/ packit-config secrets/packit/stg/packit-service.yaml

Don't forget that you'll need to re-spin the pods using the secret, so that they pick up the change.

What secret files the deployment expects

Not all services expect all of them. For example source-git services don't need copr & private-key.pem. Check generate_secrets role to see some pre-filled.

  • copr - Your copr credentials.
  • extra-vars.yml - tokens, passwords, keys, etc.
  • fedora.keytab - Fedora kerberos.
  • fedora.toml - fedora-messaging configuration. Generated from fedora.toml.j2 and extra-vars.yml either during deployment or manually with make render-secrets-from-templates.
  • fullchain.pem & privkey.pem- Let's encrypt TLS certs.
  • id_ed25519[.pub] - SSH keys, to push to a git forge.
  • packit-service.yaml - The service configuration. Generated from packit-service.yaml.j2 and extra-vars.yml either during deployment or manually with make render-secrets-from-templates.
  • private-key.pem - Specified in a GitHub App settings. Used to sign access token requests.
  • ssh_config - SSH configuration to be able to run fedpkg inside the OpenShift pod.

Running a service/bot locally

Before you can try the service locally you need to have expected secrets in secrets/{SERVICE}/dev/. Either

  • generate them with make generate-local-secrets or
  • if you're a Packit team member with access to Bitwarden vault, download stg/ secrets (DEPLOYMENT=stg make download-secrets) and copy into dev/

In both cases you have to do some tweaks before using them:

  • packit-service.yaml.j2:
    • deployment: dev
    • fas_user: your-fas-username
    • validate_webhooks: false
    • server_name: service.localhost:8443
  • extra-vars.yml
    • would be nice to use your tokens/api keys in packit_service.authentication, but it's not crucial since it's for staging instances
    • sentry.dsn: just empty it to not send your devel bugs to Sentry
    • fedora_messaging: replace with a new generated (uuidgen) one (if you'll run fedmsg)
  • copr: would be nice to use your own token if you're planning to build in Copr
  • id_ed25519[.pub]: replace with your ssh keys

Not all services use all of them. For example copr is needed only by packit service.

Encrypting Secrets for OpenShift Tests in Testing Farm


To run OpenShift tests triggered by Packit successfully, you need to encrypt the CRC Pull Secret.

When submitting a contribution PR where tests are executed, the encryption should be performed against your personal fork if the PR originates from your fork. Otherwise, encryption should be performed against the packit/deployment repository.

Important: The encryption has a 448 character limit per secret. If your pull secret exceeds this limit, split it into multiple smaller chunks.

Obtaining Required Information

  1. CRC Pull Secret: Access the pull secret from "Bitwarden → RH Portal account for Image Builder and OpenShift Local → Red Hat OpenShift Local Pull Secret"

  2. Token ID: Use the public Packit testing farm token for the Public Ranch: 0cfc00a8-94d7-4408-babc-4d0bc43821ea

Encryption Process

For each part of your split secret, follow these steps:

  1. Encrypt the secret part using the testing-farm CLI tool (if you don't have a TESTING_FARM_API_TOKEN yet, create one here):
export TESTING_FARM_API_TOKEN=<your token>
testing-farm encrypt --token-id 0cfc00a8-94d7-4408-babc-4d0bc43821ea --git-url <crc_pull_secret_part>
  1. Add the encrypted output to the corresponding CRC_PULL_SECRET_PART_X list in the .testing-farm.yaml file in your repository.

Example Configuration Structure

Your .testing-farm.yaml file should contain entries similar to:

version: 1
      - "0cfc00a8-94d7-4408-babc-4d0bc43821ea,encrypted_string_here"
      - "0cfc00a8-94d7-4408-babc-4d0bc43821ea,another_encrypted_string_here"

Make sure to replace YOUR_USERNAME with your actual GitHub username in the git URL.