All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.12.0 (2025-02-03)
- update various deps (35577a9)
- settings: allow to pass function to default value prop (c899cf1)
- settinhs: remove useless log (441fec4)
3.11.2 (2024-12-17)
- react: type issues (ae56c84)
3.11.1 (2024-12-17)
Note: Version bump only for package oak
3.11.0 (2024-12-16)
- ckeditor-5-build-custom: react version parsing (134dc89)
- react: various type issues (2d84333)
- update junipero version (2d3aa1d)
- update react to 19 (47bd757)
- upgrade a lot of deps (2f162dd)
- upgrade various deps (883baa5)
- addon-remirror: v3 compat (6e329c0)
3.11.0-beta.0 (2024-10-29)
- upgrade various deps (00dbd10)
- handle react 19 (fe75825)
3.10.9 (2024-11-18)
- react: correctly apply overrides targeting single or multiple field keys (46d8fef)
- react: correctly apply setting overrides (e05c48c)
- react: correctly handle field with multiple keys for component overrides (4685ef6)
3.10.8 (2024-11-12)
- title with expand option (b43bb9d)
3.10.7 (2024-11-12)
3.10.6 (2024-11-07)
3.10.5 (2024-10-25)
- make col droppable again (d9a9439)
3.10.4 (2024-10-25)
- ckeditor5-react: prevent ckeditor from loading on server side (2d1fe1c)
- react: allow to use polyfills to parse html (c057a75)
3.10.3 (2024-10-25)
- react: don't pre-filter fields they are already filtered deeper (142681c)
3.10.2 (2024-10-22)
- modal editable option wrongly wrapped inside a div (6f8a98c)
3.10.1 (2024-10-22)
3.10.0 (2024-10-15)
- allow to disallow duplication & copy (6f47b1d)
- also allow to override draggable & droppable (08b34d9)
3.9.1 (2024-10-11)
- react: fix types (7e609a3)
3.9.0 (2024-10-11)
- allow settings override fields to not have type (802602c)
- react: correctly render element, options & fields (ada4d56)
- upgrade various deps (9b89017)
- collapse-blocks: use context instead of value in element (2a0d252)
- indent (512df56)
- react: add a collapse option for inner content blocks on builder (70cb6eb)
- react: add unfold from element himself (08df68d)
- react: make the whole element clickable and add cursor: pointer (8a86c5e)
- rework wordings and display (e2772aa)
- update snapshots (f92a6c4)
- update test snapshots (5335e05)
3.8.5 (2024-10-09)
- fields-setting: remove key from file override (98a1d5e)
3.8.4 (2024-09-27)
- correctly condition settings groups (7c39323)
3.8.3 (2024-09-27)
- don't overwrite overrides' fields with wrong fields overrides (e06e129)
3.8.2 (2024-09-27)
- fields sorting breaking rule of hooks (cee5819)
3.8.1 (2024-09-27)
3.8.0 (2024-09-26)
3.7.13 (2024-09-25)
- react: wrongly displayed override missing labels (e63cc31)
3.7.12 (2024-09-24)
- theme: forgot dark mode once again (df0686c)
3.7.11 (2024-09-24)
- correctly handle custom fields from component overrides (1fec064)
- missing tags field helper (254eeb1)
- prevent incorrect displayable settings (a0b842f)
- theme: broken tags field (72f64b7)
- upgrade various deps (67f46fd)
3.7.10 (2024-09-17)
- theme: allow to scroll inside catalogue's tabs (0177e74)
3.7.9 (2024-09-11)
- upgrade various deps (b1980e1)
3.7.8 (2024-09-09)
- also adds default priorities to responsive settings (37e15d0)
- correctly allow field type override (9501038)
- upgrade various deps (90ef401)
3.7.7 (2024-08-01)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.20 (72b4e14)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v3.7.3 (b23fff5)
- drag-drop: remove the verification on disallow for siblings on drop (da68891)
- oak-elements: set options ont top left for every components that have a custom inner content (f06c8d3)
- options: remove linebreaks on eof (cd64ac0)
- options: rename className for innerContent (a22171a)
- remove useless linebreaks (0c2452f)
3.7.6 (2024-07-19)
3.7.5 (2024-07-16)
3.7.4 (2024-07-10)
- react: correctly handle disallow from overrides (0c216aa)
3.7.3 (2024-07-10)
Note: Version bump only for package oak
3.7.2 (2024-07-10)
- core: correctly pass disallow component prop to overrides (aedbd15)
- theme: editable modal dark mode buttons (44e0645)
3.7.1 (2024-07-08)
- various modal editable style issues (29dc187)
3.7.0 (2024-07-08)
- core: missing to object methods (a49c50b)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.18 (e7f1448)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.19 (12b39ba)
- editable: clean code (1434707)
- editable: clean import (e223fd0)
- editable: clean type of onclick function (40c1747)
- move editable to the right (bb4c1c8)
- react: correctly apply settings overrides (4e27d9e)
- react: correctly render displayable properties (1a04cbb)
- update dependencies (ad0f397)
- add new clickable component (f9bd61d)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v3.7.0 (eb81056)
- editable: add editable-type props in context builder (b3b6c62)
- editable: add story for editable modal (73393fc)
- editable: retrieve editable-type in option of builder (01b5e0c)
- editable: update for display panel modal (8f727cb)
- react: add background preview to col component (360e2b2)
3.6.10 (2024-06-20)
3.6.9 (2024-06-19)
Note: Version bump only for package oak
3.6.8 (2024-06-19)
- core: add missing border style (f593f50)
3.6.7 (2024-06-19)
- core: correctly allow to override editable prop (3ef0bbc)
- react: correctly allow to override editable prop (a7e6092)
3.6.6 (2024-06-19)
- core: wrong getText param type (c6ec87b)
3.6.5 (2024-06-19)
- core: optional parameter (18cec71)
- core: remove some any types (c2fb150)
- react: export missing type (f2d4207)
- react: wrong builder options type (cbd9d63)
3.6.4 (2024-06-14)
3.6.3 (2024-06-11)
- core: wrong addons export (e1b14a4)
- react: missing forwarded export (5d4af48)
- update junipero (2beb16e)
3.6.2 (2024-06-11)
- npm ignore tsconfig (720dbb5)
3.6.1 (2024-06-11)
- react: missing types exports (9e9d6d5)
3.6.0 (2024-06-11)
- addon-ckeditor5-react: update ckeditor to v41 (ef99c10)
- core: settings override not working (668109a)
- core: types (0c44447)
- react: a lot of types (8458000)
- react: a lot of types issues (cdf9ef0)
- react: allow more sibling fields in editable (95a6404)
- react: clean code (f5079f6)
- react: image field preview (469391e)
- react: missing exports (51a36ed)
- react: update and clean code (9c19732)
- tests typings (f3ba27e)
- theme: editable fields menus zindex (0c92e1c)
- update junipero (64aeff9)
- update various deps (8b72c2a)
- various remaining type issues (a975e97)
- add box shadow styling field (0f635a4)
- core: add border width, color & radius (f3b990b)
- typescript-core: lint core files (441e4d3)
- typescript-core: remove react (6ed6f20)
- typescript-core: remove react (21fa955)
- typescript-core: revert react (b973f43)
- typescript-react: begin react package (62d8dee)
- typescript-react: rework react builder (04bbbd7)
- typescript-react: type builder react (1ef7ff3)
- typescript: builder constructor rework (c00ceae)
- typescript: rework core lib (59a799d)
- typescript: wip typescript (cdd6222)
- typescript: wip typescript (88dec47)
- typescript: wip typescript (1c12174)
- typescript: wip typescript - react package (f4ca25f)
3.5.6 (2024-05-29)
- theme: update junipero theme (d342811)
3.5.5 (2024-05-29)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.16 (2c7fd0a)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.39 (9196385)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v6.1.11 (4b564ad)
- floating-ui: add shift option to floating col and row options (ae48220)
- floating-ui: add shift option to floating col and row options (1d79726)
- upgrade various dependencies (33eeb54)
3.5.4 (2024-04-17)
- theme: junipero icons wrongly overridden (d614c6b)
3.5.3 (2024-04-17)
- theme: move junipero theme to standalone file (6d51e80)
3.5.2 (2024-04-08)
- types: fix some types errors (c3f7102)
- types: switch from componentObject to ElementObject (9e29671)
- update various deps (c1f22bd)
3.5.1 (2024-02-19)
Note: Version bump only for package oak
3.5.0 (2024-02-19)
- core: fix merge overrides options behavior (3f1cf61)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.9 (63ce76b)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.38 (71583d5)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v6.1.8 (5354a57)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo (a9428e7)
- fix a lot of type issues (6ff92c0)
- move back to yarn (4603d57)
- overrides: remove useless import (7ef6495)
- react: forward icon ref (927e375)
- ckeditor: add Ck editor package types and enhance other (3de5ded)
- core: add info prop to field def (c774acf)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.14.1 (9f0712c)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.36.0 (ecd2143)
- react: add info tooltip to fields (ac38c5e)
3.4.0 (2023-11-24)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.33.3 (36a79b9)
- react: wrong settings order (13ac8c4)
- renovate: extend p3ol custom Presets (e3163d9)
- deps: update dependency @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react to v6.2.0 (fbfcd86)
- react: add priority override for settings (0720afb)
3.3.0 (2023-11-15)
- core: don't re-add existing components (9e769c2)
- core: overrides not being added correctly (3f6fccb)
- deps: update dependency @babel/runtime-corejs3 to v7.22.11 (d5462ca)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.25.2 (b2e8892)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.25.3 (8ead50e)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.25.4 (c861e19)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.32.1 (e0a2ba5)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.32.1 (6554864)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.32.2 (41b793e)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.37 (700822e)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.37 (4c620da)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9.0.1 (271ada9)
- react: allow to use custom option icon classname (c965568)
- react: correctly rerender on addons updates (0d74897)
- react: fix wrong drag option render (3500f73)
- strapi-plugin: force styled-components v6 (0516f24)
- theme: add missing drag option icon styling (2b17573)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.26.2 (27b430d)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.33.2 (acf5e5f)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.33.2 (b9a0a1a)
- deps: update junipero monorepo (3d7af43)
- handle addons updates/removal (827fc20)
3.2.2 (2023-08-15)
- deps: update dependency @babel/runtime-corejs3 to v7.22.10 (73fd824)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.25.1 (1b4e6bb)
- theme: update upstream junipero with broken css fix (a971d23)
3.2.1 (2023-08-04)
- ckeditor5-build-custom: fix ckeditor versions (011cefa)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/pm to v2.0.8 (0dee2af)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.35 (4716dd7)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.36 (dfe5c01)
- update junipero (c467fa1)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.25.0 (284b27b)
- deps: update junipero monorepo to v3.2.0 (d3a087c)
3.2.0 (2023-07-20)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.4 (6e9c789)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.5 (301a0a9)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.6 (2fa5793)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.7 (baf6752)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.8 (ca05037)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.30 (cc1929a)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.31 (6c44677)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.32 (434590a)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.33 (34ba414)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.34 (47eb21e)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.8.1 (a213445)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.8.2 (e9f2a50)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.31.1 (cfa996d)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.33 (0510274)
- deps: update junipero monorepo (d3b51ab)
- reorder overrides on editable (9d5dfd4)
- reuse getField when getting overrides (0947dcb)
- react: add builder to condition callback (5666f0c)
3.1.0 (2023-06-30)
- property name typo (032786e)
- allow global settings overrides (63e6822)
- core: add draft of setting overrides (88a89a0)
- core: pass component fields overrides to editable (79235d6)
- deps: update dependency @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react to v6.1.0 (ce81ebc)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.31.0 (9dbd14b)
- deps: update junipero monorepo to v3.1.0 (c1d7e96)
- react: allow to override field settings (368aa1a)
3.0.10 (2023-06-29)
- addon-ckeditor5-react: missing new tab option (e4578cd)
- ci-cd: use yarn cache for node libraries (633568e)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.3 (d48e6a3)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/react to v2.0.29 (8ac79e1)
- renovate: improve config for PRs and commits (126692e)
- theme: handle ckeditor text classes (53b7351)
3.0.9 (2023-06-07)
- allow to install package on node 20 (811ec5c)
- deps: update dependency @floating-ui/react to v0.24.2 (b56899c)
- deps: update dependency @remirror/pm to v2.0.6 (ea4dddc)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.7.10 (c690eea)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.7.7 (3c06f9a)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.8.0 (af0e495)
- deps: update dependency remirror to v2.0.32 (9c32216)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v5.3.11 (63d19c6)
- update junipero (50173d1)
3.0.8 (2023-05-19)
- theme: correctly handle non floaty basis values (11961b5)
3.0.7 (2023-05-19)
- react: add col size info (c37c8d7)
- react: add row background info (a66b810)
- theme: fix flex basis gap (a8dfcb6)
- theme: fix missing tailwind base vars (f578fb3)
3.0.6 (2023-05-19)
- deps: update dependency @strapi/design-system to v1.7.6 (8a610b2)
- react: export junipero's useTimeout (daef598)
- strapi-plugin: simulate loading to trigger a needed rerender (7ef9a96)
3.0.5 (2023-05-18)
3.0.4 (2023-05-18)
3.0.3 (2023-05-17)
- ckeditor5-build-custom: react 17 & 18 compat (174b850)
- strapi-plugin: missing ckeditor styling (ad3a360)
3.0.2 (2023-05-16)
- react: correctly paste content before builder (7dab078)
3.0.1 (2023-05-16)
- core: other group doesn't have any name (bef3fd0)
- react: add missing catalogue animation (9056d6a)
- react: fix editable overflowing on cols (5d0620b)
- react: only display groups with components (a4380d9)
3.0.0 (2023-05-15)
- dedup dependencies (0601a6d)
- deps: update dependency @junipero/core to v3.0.0-experimental-transitions.3 (5d6c14e)
- deps: update dependency @junipero/react to v3.0.0 (a21f98c)
- deps: update dependency styled-components to v5.3.10 (1e84339)
- react: allow to paste multiple elements inside containers (7efe183)
- theme: fix tabs content padding overflowing dropdown menus (70e6666)
- update floating ui (7c1f08f)
- update junipero to major (8515b9f)
- upgrade various dependencies (b70b8bf)
2.0.1 (2023-04-21)
2.0.0 (2023-04-21)
- update various deps (2fb85c7)
2.0.0-alpha.11 (2023-03-17)
1.4.0 (2022-11-15)
- deps: update babel monorepo (6e2be28)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.4 (4d8bac5)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.5 (8cd9131)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.26.0 (32d5a35)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.26.1 (eef192e)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.11.1 (6419d8c)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.11.2 (55ac082)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.11.3 (98ba670)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-model to v1.18.2 (e19753f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-state to v1.4.2 (a97c740)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.28.3 (94b67ef)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.29.0 (c4b5139)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.29.1 (6c1c9ad)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.84.0 (4d86954)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.85.0 (ec181b8)
- deps: update dependency slate-history to v0.85.0 (c10aa26)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.83.1 (ed9cc5f)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.83.2 (4f845e9)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo (b8546c0)
- oak: editable image field width (ee209e3)
- translations: repair FR translation for the foldable see more position (e5e1137)
1.3.1 (2022-09-29)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.3 (0f2b5b4)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.28.1 (668a97e)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.28.2 (6d7fbcd)
- oak-react: add a setOptions method to update options (629e4b1)
- oak-react: fix typo problem (f6f294a)
1.3.0 (2022-09-21)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.2 (8702363)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.11.0 (07c505e)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-commands to v1.3.1 (2f1293f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.28.0 (f8307ef)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.82.2 (9e9a9a3)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.83.0 (6e5f40c)
- fuck everything up after, as always (6604b80)
- oak-core: repair getComponent function (1b7c00e)
- foldable: add translations and add Foldable options (322aad6)
- foldable: add unit tests and hide remove cross on col when its the last one (c93cca8)
- foldable: centerize default seeMore and seeLess text content (875d424)
- foldable: learn how to translate foldable into french (2a7486a)
- foldable: put seeMorePosition on top of Foldable settings (39ae575)
- foldable: regenerate font with correct icomoon json (64b4463)
- foldable: regenerate icons json (075f79a)
- foldable: remove duplicated and useless style (b158cbb)
- foldable: remove gutters option (874c626)
- foldable: remove useless options on foldable component settings (4c0a172)
- foldable: repair some little bugs (db2dd6a)
- foldable: repair style on catalog icon (4aeeda5)
- foldable: rework all the behavior of the see more component (792089d)
- foldable: set after as default value for seeMorePosition field (542a7d2)
- foldable: set foldable at the bottom of the core components on catalogue: where it should be (8f6de6c)
- foldable: translate section title and restyle ità (1c08884)
- oak-ciore: add buttons to add elements when element list is not empty on foldable sections (cbf2341)
- oak-core: add unfold icon to oak-icons (7b11794)
- oak-core: lint files (fbe86ae)
- oak-core: remove useless code and add foldable empty to seeMore and seeless sectiosn (81d1d4f)
- oak-core: repair some lint and add translations (3ce9cc9)
- oak-core: reverts all the stuff made when foldable used row (3ac2351)
- oak-core: rework foldable component again, to not use rows anymore (51e5ffb)
- oak-core: use seeMorePosition instead of seeMorePlacement (3d5dbf3)
- oak: add seeMore and seeLess sections to all the recursives functions (37bd9de)
- oak: wip add seeMore component (dd8c137)
1.2.4 (2022-09-14)
- lib: prevent infinite renders due to options being real props (8769abc)
1.2.3 (2022-09-09)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.1 (cdfb2f6)
- react: avoid interfering with react diffing algo (9974014)
1.2.2 (2022-09-07)
- lib: fix components still existing between renders (b2a66f2)
1.2.1 (2022-09-07)
- deps: update dependency uuid to v9 (7b4d98c)
- lib: correctly handle non-ready sub react library (f8a7f26)
- react: remove unneeded ref override (befd29d)
1.2.0 (2022-08-30)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.6 (12d3bdd)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.24.0 (078213a)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.24.1 (168e4ce)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.25.0 (cd12e0a)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.1 (4a7d8f7)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.2 (cee6f79)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.3 (1adf033)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.4 (07244ee)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.5 (a8b3149)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.6 (404774c)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.27.1 (88136a9)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.27.2 (49af1af)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.82.0 (7dce27e)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.82.1 (fb78127)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.82.0 (26ae6b6)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.82.1 (c19dd68)
- oak-react: remove useless comment section (e09221b)
- oak-react: remove useless export and delete options dependancy on useEffect (8bbaea3)
- oak-react: stop using Builder from oak and set up a useEffect with render function (82cb25e)
- remove useless 'use-prosemirror' dependency (25275ac)
- renovate: disallow renovate from auto-closing prosemirror dependencies (51cf0ed)
- renovate: use ^ pattern matcher instead of * (e0dc3ab)
- oak: lint oak-react/index (b035c5a)
1.1.2 (2022-07-21)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: fix editor using new useProseMirror (da15099)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: fix hard breaks (553e0d7)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: internalize useProseMirror (d793b2a)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.23.4 (7ebbdba)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.23.5 (6f5b38b)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.10.0 (c3b9dd9)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.9.0 (5f8a390)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.4 (276c802)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.5 (10bff93)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.27.0 (fe16008)
1.1.1 (2022-07-02)
- oak: onbeforedragstart typo (6fe3da3)
1.1.0 (2022-07-02)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.3 (5d8ea1d)
- fix wrong row drag image (2372431)
- oak: add missing clipboard inside col content (309dd72)
- add tooltips to various options (322aed2)
- oak: add copy & paste actions (a3af777)
- oak: add new paste icon (2eaece2)
1.0.2 (2022-06-29)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.5 (ffc3a15)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.1 (b6eeb39)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.2 (f999a67)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.4 (635fa05)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.5 (a808b1d)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.7 (5b967a9)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.8 (575a4cb)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.23.1 (e12b3ce)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.23.2 (29fa97b)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.23.3 (ce5e45f)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.7.0 (3307cc5)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.7.1 (1130858)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.7.2 (cba3f0c)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.7.3 (020d829)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.8.2 (30dfd8f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-commands to v1.2.2 (5b7bf7a)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-commands to v1.3.0 (8652166)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-keymap to v1.2.0 (579fd6d)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-model to v1.17.0 (62c7085)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-model to v1.18.0 (9d427d5)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-model to v1.18.1 (a905d3f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-schema-basic to v1.2.0 (af7626b)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-state to v1.4.0 (9d81cdd)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-state to v1.4.1 (328030b)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.10 (f83d759)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.11 (08b451a)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.12 (d733883)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.13 (a7ee26f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.0 (c312c82)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.1 (93366a2)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.26.2 (017b480)
- deps: update dependency react-popper to v2.3.0 (4bfea4f)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.76.0 (8721547)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.76.1 (efa4a5d)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.78.0 (ad7121b)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.81.0 (39fdaeb)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.81.1 (1c0e684)
- deps: update dependency slate-hyperscript to v0.77.0 (411796e)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.76.0 (05dda85)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.76.1 (40fad6a)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.78.1 (3bb1e08)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.80.0 (4147f7e)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.81.0 (6aa15b6)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.19 (198ebba)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.21 (996b256)
- oak: fix potentially non existing oakRef inside tests (740440c)
- popper-js: add boundary to preventOverflow to prevent popper from overflowing oak (6f4a5f8)
- popper: use ref instead of document queryselector (fc7eb80)
- remove ref from context useCallback dependancy array (c5d29ad)
1.0.1 (2022-03-16)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.18 (08271f2)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.3 (6f5f2fc)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.4 (88d28d9)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.8 (0fbc589)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.9 (f099d15)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.75.0 (0ac652a)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.74.2 (c3c3cf7)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.75.0 (0c8371c)
- disable the possibility to update content with content props after first render (87e5ee8)
1.0.0 (2022-03-08)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.17 (35f8a4f)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.74.1 (2efc706)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.16 (03a22d0)
1.0.0-rc.22 (2022-03-04)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.21.0 (40049e1)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.21.1 (197b891)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.6.5 (a2d4bd7)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.6.6 (616588d)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.7 (f70af24)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.72.8 (34b7418)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.73.0 (0688063)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.73.1 (91e856a)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.7 (ea183b9)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.8 (4e5456e)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.9 (1b40c5d)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.73.0 (ebbd023)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.74.0 (3336a73)
- fix typo problems (6813981)
- fix typo problems (bf99090)
- remove attribute target and not _target which not exists (bc6781d)
- add unit tests (0774357)
- add unit tests (f39c070)
- add component unit tests (53542e2)
- add unit tests (e0120a5)
- add unit tests (b358c24)
- add
unit tests (6d52da3)
- add unit tests (107db51)
- add unit tests (a68fb41)
- add unit tests (c7a4c10)
- add unit tests (a5f877f)
- add unit tests (2c36de9)
- add <Title /> unit tests (cbd31fe)
- add unit tests (ee084ea)
- add Draggable unit tests (1164eed)
- add some unit tests to Editable (ebda063)
- add space between all tests (c33efef)
- add utils unit tests (95ed806)
- build project before runnings tests (7c2b6b6)
- getAlignment just return alignment (bd2b54e)
- set up oak addon richtext field prosemirror tests (c6bc1bc)
- set up tests for oak addon basic components package (88ce9fc)
- use jest mock instead of contexts overrides as context is an import (9baef58)
1.0.0-rc.21 (2022-01-25)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-commands to v1.2.1 (e4e4ed2)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.5 (c8309e1)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.6 (27735fe)
- prosemirror: change order to apply color on underline line (aff31f6)
1.0.0-rc.20 (2022-01-18)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.20.3 (477af8b)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-commands to v1.2.0 (62fe80a)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.6 (b89438b)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.4 (a074bda)
- deps: update dependency use-prosemirror to v1.2.3 (4ec0a2b)
- fix dependencies duplicates (mostly prosemirror) (42eba96)
1.0.0-rc.19 (2022-01-12)
- lint: remove unecessary imports (fb4e0bb)
- oak: remove oak from dependencies of all packages to avoid mismatching oak versions (ccb219c)
- ci: add CI tests jobs (24739a5)
- oak: add unit tests set up (f83f3aa)
- test: add getOverrides method on builder context for a test (b2fa690)
- tests: add tests on Col component (bbad3c6)
- tests: add unit tests for builder component (dc76194)
- tests: begin Col component tests (03886da)
- tests: delete failing test for first merge purpose (366c241)
- unit-tests: add tests for catalog component (0d61065)
- wip: add coreimagefield component (f2acbb8)
1.0.0-rc.18 (2022-01-06)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: add missing color (4bd3323)
1.0.0-rc.17 (2022-01-06)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: add missing fr locale (6e1151b)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.2 (3f17821)
1.0.0-rc.16 (2022-01-03)
- deps: update dependency @babel/runtime-corejs3 to v7.16.5 (0692ef9)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.20.2 (d2ee936)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-model to v1.16.1 (c01006e)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.3 (bcecece)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.4 (6f1420f)
- deps: update dependency prosemirror-view to v1.23.5 (f074f74)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.72.3 (0bf69d5)
- oak: prevent component being added to wrong group (7177d74)
- allow displayable field options to be shown (03f047c)
1.0.0-rc.15 (2021-12-16)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: allow links to span around other marks (5fd4279)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: apply 79acc9e (5ea10b0)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: fix missing italic icon (5914ab0)
- addon-richtext-field-prosemirror: force color field to be always opened (cedc8e3)
- addon-richtext-field: make color panel to be always opened (e25e1ae)
- prosemirror: repair path to prosemirror index (585bd4d)
- rename umd module name (9a20b5e)
- scope editor link configuration styles into editor itself (56ff8c4)
- prosemirror: add getMarkAttrs function to know which attribute is currently active (f1309c6)
- prosemirror: add size, and use span for underline (3e6d8b5)
- prosemirror: add some transforms functions and move Editor to avoid hook errors (fdd8bda)
- prosemirror: add stories (eff888f)
- prosemirror: add update current link (4ce486c)
- prosemirror: begin horizontal text alignment and make mark replacement on toggle (9e483e2)
- prosemirror: continue block type work, and allow to serialize on save (43fff42)
- prosemirror: enable horizontal alignment (a627213)
- prosemirror: fix paragraphs displays (d9cb447)
- prosemirror: handle default with link and size (a8e76bc)
- prosemirror: handle multiple initialization (bdfaec1)
- prosemirror: handle texts size (377a053)
- prosemirror: link finally working (9f5873a)
- prosemirror: lint all files, reindent, reorganize imports, (6a9d7a4)
- prosemirror: lint new files (a356c50)
- prosemirror: lint, use a real variable name (4cce16b)
- prosemirror: little refactor of prosemirror schema (b30fa0d)
- prosemirror: make slate and prosemirror style independant from each other (7137ed0)
- prosemirror: prevent default event on click (6109abc)
- prosemirror: remove title from link attributes (3a4bb88)
- prosemirror: set activeness of menu buttons (cd31ba1)
- prosemirror: set prosemirror type to richtext (08d535b)
- prosemirror: size's working and color button color follow selected color (dd9f49b)
- prosemirror: use span instead of strong and em html tags (f773745)
- prosemirror: wip add prosemirror text editor plugin (062204d)
- prosemirror: wip first POC of size on content (023a970)
1.0.0-rc.14 (2021-12-16)
- check type of afterConstruct (00ba00c)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.20.0 (913ce9b)
- link: add selectors to bypass junipero override and change padding into margin to avoid placeholder positioning issue (79acc9e)
- pass element with content to construct (7df44d3)
- overrides: allow override of construct on append (a66d5d8)
1.0.0-rc.13 (2021-12-14)
- lib: fix non existing overrides when options change (362dc1c)
1.0.0-rc.12 (2021-12-13)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.11.0 (00270f5)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.19.0 (e20f658)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.19.1 (f1fe2e2)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.19.3 (b517b45)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.6.2 (ca5780c)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.6.3 (cb5db9b)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.6.4 (41a5279)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.70.0 (88dba43)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.71.0 (4cf65dc)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.72.0 (4f9e562)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.69.0 (58d4959)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.70.0 (e9f0781)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.71.0 (f5681aa)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.0 (6e0eded)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.72.1 (3959c7c)
- overides: import mergeDeep from junipero-utils (92a07a2)
- overrides: add overrides on duplication and enable multiple overrides for a component (d087d4d)
- Revert "chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.16.0" (9c8c2fa)
1.0.0-rc.11 (2021-10-20)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.18.3 (4aed489)
- deps: update dependency slate-hyperscript to v0.67.0 (001f420)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.67.0 (256ee07)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.15 (6c5a244)
1.0.0-rc.10 (2021-10-12)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.15 (32bfe93)
1.0.0-rc.9 (2021-10-12)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.10.2 (4be1d49)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.18.2 (5becad7)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.66.6 (99b91be)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.66.7 (9fd97af)
- image-component: fix misspelled trad (b5df41a)
- image: add horizontal aligment on image component (2613dfa)
1.0.0-rc.8 (2021-09-29)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.17.3 (b71d853)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.66.0 (65edf2a)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.66.1 (f95466b)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.66.5 (0590cd3)
- deps: update dependency slate-history to v0.66.0 (20deb28)
- deps: update dependency slate-hyperscript to v0.66.0 (9fed053)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.66.1 (98f2a60)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.66.4 (0484ae8)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.14 (71840b8)
- text-editor: fix deserialize node when element tag are in text tags (aac15aa)
1.0.0-rc.7 (2021-09-06)
- typo: change various traductions (4523db6)
1.0.0-rc.6 (2021-09-03)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.10.1 (f5b3d29)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.17.2 (40cc27a)
- form: remove . which fail with babel (48fcf38)
- image-field: set default value for image field to empty string (4fe1df9)
1.0.0-rc.5 (2021-09-01)
- options: remove prevent default fuckery on options, and add it just on drag and drop button (9ba978f)
1.0.0-rc.4 (2021-09-01)
- options: prevent redirects on custom options (175dd9a)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2021-08-31)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.16.4 (999618f)
- forms: use passed duplicate function if it exists (abd65a6)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2021-08-27)
- better handle links inside html content (6251c8a)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2021-08-26)
- addon-richtext-field: better handle edge cases on content render (097476d)
- lib: also replace translated content on col prepend/append (3864027)
1.0.0-rc.0 (2021-08-26)
- serialize/deserialize field values instead of element itself (3d0cb17)
- text-editor: shorten current color retrieve method (56e8614)
- text-editor: use Slate function instead of html API selection to retrieve current text properties (1869e72)
1.0.0-beta.15 (2021-08-26)
- addon-basic-components: fix missing checks (26a589d)
- fix richtext serialization issues (f7732e5)
- lib: fix element construct with translated default content (f5b5baa)
- lib: fix missing text issues (07036a3)
- add auto sized column (based on content) (8733062)
- add link button (3c210ee)
- add stretch flex align option (80ce49d)
- link: use block instead of node for link handling (51aaa9c)
- text-editor: add new Icon to oak font (44175c2)
- text-editor: add styling (b35a53c)
- text-editor: handle french traductions for rich text field (3cd98a8)
- text-editor: links working (0151684)
- text-editor: make requested changes (b9fc098)
- text-editor: moves link button right before color button (b66511b)
- text-editor: removes link on leaf (d3d8b97)
- text-editor: removes unecessary quote (7322439)
- text-editor: stop using true false on targets (aa2ade1)
1.0.0-beta.14 (2021-08-26)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.16.3 (e57eedb)
- fix cols not being 100% wide when row is in column mode (e7a17ca)
- fix icons layout issues (fe45b77)
- add duplicate ability (d7ac36c)
1.0.0-beta.13 (2021-08-19)
- deps: update dependency @babel/runtime-corejs3 to v7.15.3 (5b2fba0)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.11 (4aca020)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.12 (e4ac02a)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.9.3 (79eabef)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.16.1 (e8df7d9)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.16.2 (266d547)
- deps: update dependency slate to v0.65.3 (fe3f23d)
- deps: update dependency slate-history to v0.65.3 (cd51b1c)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.65.3 (2eab600)
- text-editor: allow multiple style on element (5d6020c)
- text-editor: make requested changes (2818bd9)
1.0.0-beta.12 (2021-08-02)
- addon-basic-components: fix key (80f4e6f)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.16.0 (6b154cb)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.10 (dc20ccd)
- editor: add traduction for default value of editor content (706e3ea)
- editor: avoid using restricted words (9bdc258)
- font-size: set editor font size with base content size (5099633)
- oak-editor: add traductions for editor tooltip Texts (35e7525)
- oak-select: fix code (2f40d50)
- oak-select: removes useless fragment (37a239f)
- oak-select: removes useless line break (a139c5e)
- oak-select: use field label props instead of new name one (4068976)
- oak-trads: change english and french trads for text and title defaults (c9d9d24)
- oak: fix some traductions following the trads document (41f27f2)
- oak: fix trads (162ec5d)
- oak: fix trads following traductions document (ab4a04f)
- select-field: add optional name props for select and use it in design tab (249445a)
- text-editor: make requested changes (9f3e5a0)
1.0.0-beta.11 (2021-07-27)
- addon-basic-components: quote image url (135d5d9)
- alignments: fix horizontal alignement (8bb838d)
- alignments: remove useless whitespace (55f701d)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.9 (94712b3)
- editor: use vars to handle text editor colors (6cc962a)
- image: add overflow on file name (b644f3f)
- image: re add widthon image preview (08166c8)
- remove useless modifiers (ed84e5d)
- repeat-value: fix repeat y value (f97f656)
- add styles to the colorField of ColorButton (fd92b62)
- adjust spacing (a6aa4ce)
- image-size-field: add trads (29a323b)
- image-size: change EN trad (fc59d9e)
- image-size: delete default value and add placeholder (a732813)
- image: add size select field and width and height if size is custom (b8d2829)
- image: switch default value to auto (0a27b4f)
- remove shadow and round corners of color wheel (558e11f)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2021-07-07)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.7 (033966f)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.8 (cc00c0d)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.14 (87e54ac)
- deps: update poool junipero monorepo to v2.0.0-rc.5 (561b7f9)
- editor: add verification on element childNodes (9480447)
- editor: change text placholder (42ee14d)
- editor: use jsx element instead of empty string (55435b5)
- image-component: show add touchable zone if upload fails (d72d8a7)
1.0.0-beta.9 (2021-07-01)
- lib: fix missing default text render value (d536701)
1.0.0-beta.8 (2021-06-30)
- get-text: fix get text with non string value (66e4e76)
- lib: allow for icon to be a function (5633be0)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2021-06-30)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-rc.2 (0a856f8)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.15.2 (12b39a0)
- select-field: fix default selectField parseValue (bf56946)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2021-06-29)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2021-06-29)
- fix overflows (afbfa74)
- addon-basic-components: add displayable to button props (0868572)
- addon-basic-components: add element infos (f943a25)
- lib: add condition to displayable fields (291f636)
- lib: display element infos (f2cdaed)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2021-06-29)
- lib: allow to add custom fields & priorities (2ebda53)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-06-28)
- lib: export lib & app to avoid multiple react apps when needed (375c6f8)
- react: directly use new exported builder from oak (c828a81)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-06-28)
- lib: fix editable resizing every field out there (8f934f9)
- lib: fix missing styles imports (9b61de2)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-06-28)
- lib: fix wrong field name (75b1082)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2021-06-28)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.31 (890a363)
- react: fix missing parent classname (18c9fd6)
- lib: add date & toggle fields (c2a3fd2)
1.0.0-alpha.15 (2021-06-24)
- lib: allow for multiple components groups (617d3c3)
1.0.0-alpha.14 (2021-06-24)
- lib: handle components without construct (ff5d718)
1.0.0-alpha.13 (2021-06-23)
- addon-basic-components: fix title layout (e2b4cc2)
- lib: fix hover states (d7aeb5c)
- lib: handle function icons (9bd1348)
- oak: fix column direction layout (a825deb)
1.0.0-alpha.12 (2021-06-23)
- colors: add selector .oak on all resets - DASHV6-127 (2a9cee2)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.15.1 (761b986)
- oak: prevent oak colors from overflow on dashboard ones - DASHV6-127 (44ee133)
1.0.0-alpha.11 (2021-06-22)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.30 (513b0bd)
- addon-basic-components: add empty space component (86382a2)
- design: add settings and remove options (2b5e43c)
- empty-space: add FR traductions, use textKey instead of inline trads and make required changes (9bdd1b8)
- oak: move empty space to oak core components (e867f83)
1.0.0-alpha.10 (2021-06-21)
1.0.0-alpha.9 (2021-06-21)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.29 (6c89cfe)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.15.0 (0920ef4)
- set react as external everywhere until a better solution comes to mind (4a20a34)
1.0.0-alpha.8 (2021-06-18)
1.0.0-alpha.7 (2021-06-18)
- addon-basic-components: fix default font size (cf996b0)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2021-06-18)
- addon-basic-components: (wip) fix text-alignment serialization (5905079)
- addon-basic-components: correctly display line breaks (509c33c)
- addon-basic-components: correctly handle deserialization (6d7ba39)
- addon-basic-components: fix content wrapping and empty line serialization (eef282c)
- addon-basic-components: fix editor box sizing (37c73d0)
- addon-basic-components: fix eslint warnings (34c33a2)
- addon-basic-components: fix html serialization (38da9dc)
- addon-basic-components: fix icons active color (1fb40d3)
- addon-basic-components: fix multiple uneeded div addition (8c92475)
- addon-basic-components: fix selection check when child is an array (6eb5f83)
- addon-basic-components: fix size buttons styles (5d1ccdd)
- addon-basic-components: fix text not being colorized (b511128)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.25 (bb603fe)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.26 (4569148)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.14.0 (0ae86a8)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.65.2 (f281207)
- editable: remove useless blank line (bb39416)
- editable: use junipero button with custom colors (0dd7d17)
- lib: add max height to editable dropdowns (c9747d1)
- lib: add missing hook method (188721c)
- lib: avoid losing edits when closing editable on click outside (2cb6287)
- lib: better multi-field settings layout (3a31ad6)
- lib: revert changes on editable cancel (45a216d)
- oak: clean code (4f627c4)
- oak: fix missing white space rule (6c99956)
- oak: prevent editable popper from bein hidden (c3ba2a4)
- oak: stop event propagatin for selectField click (dbd71d0)
- oak: use given val instead of state.value to dispatch event, and remove useless function (39369f7)
- addon-basic-components: add block button component (5073d27)
- addon-basic-components: add junipero tooltip on icon hover (55ff7a2)
- addon-basic-components: add minus icon (a5938de)
- addon-basic-components: add text alignment buttons (822b5a8)
- addon-basic-components: add text size management (ec6410f)
- addon-basic-components: translate components & fields (1bf6b95)
- editable: WIP remove dangerous stopPrpagation on selectField (25948de)
- lib: add col special responsive settings (dc5421d)
- lib: add fr translation file (87f1dfc)
- lib: add responsive settings for all components (861e884)
- lib: add row style settings (6450a1e)
- lib: add styling settings to every component (b0f01b4)
- lib: allow to pass custom texts as options (2075f00)
- lib: translate core components & fields (6d69c79)
- oak: add 2 booleans to know if undo or redo are possible on parent app (15d683f)
- oak: add a way to not call onchange if its parent who required the changes - DASHV6-59 (c102eef)
- oak: add delay on onChange for textEditor (16e64a2)
- oak: add isSerialized on title (68b2809)
- oak: add little padding under undo redo - DASHV6-59 (bd08a9b)
- oak: add maximum on change memory (78413e4)
- oak: add onChange event on oak lib (f7bde8e)
- oak: add redo and rework undo (b8f7721)
- oak: add save button for all editable content (ff46813)
- oak: add serialization into HTMl (b041c19)
- oak: add text size icons (90647cf)
- oak: add tundo/redo possibility booleans to builder (f213493)
- oak: add type on col when dividing (9cab0e2)
- oak: add undo and redo to fonticons icomoons json (8e70a4f)
- oak: add undo redo icons to custom fonticon DASHV6-59 (ee03810)
- oak: add update button on text editor (b06c751)
- oak: change display (39b8bfa)
- oak: change ref of oak app (985bace)
- oak: change serialize function (6368154)
- oak: change starting content on oak story (6075a80)
- oak: change validate button display - DASHV6-59 (3bc7739)
- oak: enable storybook addon actions on oak react story (4b031f1)
- oak: enable the undo and redo function outside of oak (19d04f5)
- oak: enable undo of first modification (a5b4878)
- oak: first step of undo (9ea5d8d)
- oak: fix dumb code (bbc7fa9)
- oak: fix indent (6dab16c)
- oak: handle the undo/redo impossible state - DASHV6-59 (8671a35)
- oak: improve redo - DASHV6-59 (b213c2b)
- oak: override some dashboard styles (e010a0f)
- oak: put undo redo to the left - DASHV6-55 (b855841)
- oak: remove console.log (eba90af)
- oak: remove console.log (e6b94e7)
- oak: remove save button on textEditor (8b5806b)
- oak: remove useless code and logs" (7920106)
- oak: remove useless import (950367a)
- oak: remove useless import (586ace7)
- oak: remove useless props and rework style (6e90f16)
- oak: repair value not update in editable fields - DASHV6-59 (1286af7)
- oak: rework undo redo buttons - DASHV6-59 (aa0b4b6)
- oak: serialize object before sending it to parent app (626f366)
- oak: update story to test refresh (34b4d07)
- okak: add disabled state on undo and redo buttons (7cf58a8)
- text-color: (wip) add text colorization (844294f)
- texts: remove useless divs when text is left aligned (1086e0e)
- undo: add guards on deserialize to avoid deserialize a deserialized object (e92cc56)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2021-06-03)
- deps: update dependency @poool/junipero to v2.0.0-beta.24 (3a4a115)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.13.1 (ee3f5d4)
- deps: update dependency slate-react to v0.65.0 (22866b0)
- oak: set builder and use its setContent method on react implementation - DASHV6-59 (d9e0616)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2021-05-28)
- lib: fix overflowing component name (2a3ee72)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-05-28)
- oak: add width and max width for components buttons (441cb6e)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-05-27)
- addon-basic-components: remove additional css modules (bd99cf1)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-05-27)
- addon-basic-components: enable richtext in titles (b4b0a54)
- addon-basic-components: fix image field (b069f25)
- addon-basic-components: remove useless styles (e76b9af)
- builder: lint on input json (699895e)
- catalogue: fix multiple components rendering on catalogue (dfd1fad)
- cols: add margin before and after content (8c5af4a)
- cols: rename class and remove useless css properties (4571c71)
- cols: rename property in css too (3078b39)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.5.1 (113442a)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.5.2 (416ca0d)
- deps: update dependency @popperjs/core to v2.5.3 (43c0c6a)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.13.0 (ef7558d)
- deps: update dependency core-js to v3.8.0 (63bf373)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.4.8 (efa1f60)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.0 (fa20a38)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.2 (746ac95)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.3 (4dee13e)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.4 (bd38e8c)
- deps: update dependency preact to v10.5.5 (7fff196)
- elements: adjust the margin for all elements and not just rows (5359f22)
- fix catalogue (f2c2f4f)
- fix crash on load (9109a87)
- fix drag & drop fuckery (bd482bd)
- fix editables layouts (ee8ec94)
- fix element being droppable within self children (b7bdc37)
- fix import (9b9ed65)
- fix layout issues (4ffe402)
- fix missing html parsing on paste (ab92386)
- fix missing row drag image (3804cec)
- fix settings poppers (8b77ce5)
- fix unknown elements appearance (0aef3c8)
- import junipero styles (05e55b5)
- lib: allow component icon to be a function (42b7812)
- lib: fix catalogue layout (8a68e5a)
- lib: fix circular dependency (a038c00)
- lib: fix icon component (abce43e)
- lib: fix loop renders on settings ref set (14a724a)
- lib: fix missing edit icon (6fd4ebc)
- lib: fix missing junipero styles (d5c63b2)
- lib: fix various styling issues (1be2351)
- lib: fix wrong prop (b6fb087)
- lib: globally fix icons (3a6bd96)
- lib: replace nanoid with uuid (no crypto dependency) (4ec70a5)
- lib: rework icons (8dd0f1d)
- lib: update icons (203633a)
- move col settings popper (c7d3d94)
- move rendering to component level (0dccf3b)
- oak: fix build system (61607cb)
- oak: replace options when no displayed to avoid EditBox from being moved (a178b09)
- react: export hooks (1bb4647)
- react: fix import (f6f38af)
- rows: remove useless css property (16af99d)
- rows: switch left and rights arrow from floating to flex (b515faf)
- row: use themed colors instead of inline rgb (4dc3554)
- title: change default heading Title (220f6c9)
- add basic builder interface (d7b7e8b)
- add basis for catalogue component (2ba719e)
- add custom options (4fac22d)
- add fancy rich text editor (b56b53e)
- add flex on rows to enable cols (d4d8c15)
- add hello world row component (0d5de35)
- add Id for each element (ad0309d)
- add settings forms (604773b)
- addon-basic-components: add basic editor toolbar (09ada71)
- addon-basic-components: add basic image component (84f7ac8)
- addon-basic-components: add button component (46505a2)
- addon-basic-components: add hotkeys (f8fa82c)
- addon-basic-components: add image name (cee21e8)
- baby step, add drag and drop (4a96b75)
- catalogue: close catalogue when clicking on the cross (76ac26d)
- catalogue: set options to invisble instead of display: none, to prevent popper anchor from being undefined (32eea79)
- catalogue: use Aspen inside text options as wysiwyg editor (640d213)
- catalog: use junipero button for catalog (95c74c3)
- col: add min width to prevent col from bein too little (5f7be48)
- cols: fix remove on top right of each cols (687a11c)
- cols: set a flex: 1 for each new cols to fill all the space by default (54efcd3)
- cols: transform placeholder catalog from absolut position to flex positionning (3c078ce)
- css: delete ugly css (0d38593)
- display all heading level (cb96b2c)
- DragNdrop: add component image when dragging (1aa4ae3)
- dragNdrop: add dropping on empty column (cd33c47)
- dragNdrop: add indicator on dragover (6d80656)
- dragNdrop: move functions and repair behavior (b48d1c8)
- edit: bigger z-index (c207bb4)
- editor: disable drop on editor (33b3fa2)
- edit: prevent edit box from being behind content (7c76617)
- enable row drag & drop (0fa68a2)
- filter by id on dropping (d3dfd34)
- fix colors and use html button instead of juniperos ones (c6e0e13)
- font: add oak ico font (d171169)
- fonts: add Icon component (6ff16db)
- fonts: add liga to new icons (ea2a94b)
- fonts: add new icons to font (ac41f31)
- fonts: material icons is unused, so preview head is too (8691b39)
- fonts: use clear instead of close because its same logo (79e793f)
- fonts: use custom fonts insead of material icons (9dac179)
- fonts: use oak ico on catalogue (0750bbb)
- improve title display (b5e64a9)
- lib: add button icon (05b2cd7)
- lib: add useElement hook (dd589ea)
- lib: enable element de/serialization on init (a3b0f7c)
- lib: enable field condition (3076a11)
- modals: add customization for modals, and style for differents placements (ae1646f)
- modals: add customize options for title (f571605)
- modals: hide modal onScroll when mouse is not hovering element to prevent it from being attached to nothing (52270fc)
- move delete from bottom to up rightt (33c0908)
- move from chevron to + sign to respect figma (a9947aa)
- oak: add nested rows ability (0ac2509)
- oak: add preventDefault on click (ddefd57)
- oak: change default font weight for titles (5658f79)
- oak: lint catalog (685c245)
- oak: make edit global and use composition to populate it (fbaa092)
- oak: move text options (aa78aa7)
- oak: move title options (f83631d)
- oak: repair base content (3a572d6)
- oak: rewrite css files (92c7aef)
- options: display option correctly whether its a row or another element (97b7814)
- options: replace hovered options (73fd707)
- page builder: add title component (b79ea02)
- popper: add pedit popper on every component, for testing purposes (e30fe8a)
- prepare wysiwyg (dff5595)
- react: handle changes (59258e1)
- remove useless import (77f9364)
- row: add customization on rows (008c192)
- row: adjust vertical alignment (75edd43)
- row: change color of bean (be85a9c)
- rows: 2nd proposal for horizontal alignment, applied for all elements (34961f2)
- rows: add fixed width and redesign style opstion (a3f89ae)
- rows: add flex personalisation and remove min-width (5e1ab54)
- rows: add horizontal alignment (68fbbdd)
- rows: add style for lateral division, arrows and allow puhing element on top and bottom (64d21a1)
- rows: app possibility to unshift instead of push element (49fd436)
- rows: delete rows if there is no more col inside of it (90359ec)
- rows: enable horizontal alignement for rows too - might be improved (9a79018)
- rows: force the edit icon to be on top (421e8c7)
- rows: improve display (0b96adb)
- rows: improve rows display and add the possibility to switch vertical alignement of a content (e0262de)
- rows: move delete button from popper to rows display and close popper when outside click is fired (3ef4cf3)
- rows: put alignment on style object and delete useless code (943f0d1)
- rows: remove useless className (d278331)
- rows: remove useless margin and center content (8a60562)
- rows: reorganize row to implement new styles (faec54c)
- rows: switch from old absolute top and bottom rows to flex display (a8c8211)
- rows: TEST: switch lateral gutters and horizontal borders in flex display (503d414)
- rows: update col style to fit with figma ones (265594c)
- test a big loading with custom options (f66b429)
- text: add text component (2638d61)
- textEditor: add textEditor component to oak (a81dfe2)
- texts: add customization to texts (fcea3c1)
- title: add customization on title modal (48cf2d1)
- use LayoutEffect instead of useEffect to trigger on first loading (8500aca)
- wysiwyg: enable Aspen for title (3d1908d)
- z-index: finally fix the broken z-index, by placing popover on root of the dom, (translate3d was the fucker) (9890900)