From d347f8fcae9cdc714d3c988b3e955b4107a2607b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Parajuli Kiran <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:54:14 +0545
Subject: [PATCH] Added cli acceptance tests for encrpytion command

---                                   | 324 ++----------------
 tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml             |  10 +
 .../features/bootstrap/OccContext.php         |  44 +++
 .../features/cliEncryption/encryption.feature |  71 ++++
 4 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/acceptance/features/cliEncryption/encryption.feature

diff --git a/ b/
index c77bfdc2b83a..bba8702ca1f0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,317 +12,33 @@ config = {
     "branches": [
-    "dependencies": True,
-    "codestyle": True,
-    "phpstan": True,
-    "phan": True,
-    "javascript": True,
-    "litmus": True,
-    "dav": True,
-    "phpunit": {
-        "mostDatabases": {
-            "phpVersions": [
-                "7.3",
-            ],
-            # Gather coverage for all databases except Oracle
-            "coverage": True,
-            "databases": [
-                "sqlite",
-                "mariadb:10.2",
-                "mariadb:10.3",
-                "mariadb:10.4",
-                "mariadb:10.5",
-                "mariadb:10.6",
-                "mysql:5.5",
-                "mysql:5.7",
-                "mysql:8.0",
-                "postgres:9.4",
-                "postgres:10.3",
-            ],
-        },
-        "slowDatabases": {
-            "phpVersions": [
-                "7.3",
-            ],
-            # Oracle takes a long time to start and run
-            # So do not collect coverage for that
-            # This helps the SonarCloud analysis to be ready much more quickly
-            "coverage": False,
-            "databases": [
-                "oracle",
-            ],
-        },
-        "reducedDatabases": {
-            "phpVersions": [
-                "7.4",
-            ],
-            "databases": [
-                "sqlite",
-                "mariadb:10.2",
-            ],
-        },
-        "external-samba-windows": {
-            "phpVersions": [
-                "7.3",
-                "7.4",
-            ],
-            "databases": [
-                "sqlite",
-            ],
-            "externalTypes": [
-                "samba",
-                "windows",
-            ],
-            "coverage": True,
-            "extraCommandsBeforeTestRun": [
-                "ls -l /var/cache",
-                "mkdir /var/cache/samba",
-                "ls -l /var/cache",
-                "ls -l /var/cache/samba",
-            ],
-        },
-        "external-other": {
-            "phpVersions": [
-                "7.3",
-                "7.4",
-            ],
-            "databases": [
-                "sqlite",
-            ],
-            "externalTypes": [
-                "webdav",
-                "sftp",
-                "scality",
-                "owncloud",
-            ],
-            "coverage": True,
-        },
-    },
     "acceptance": {
-        "api": {
+        "cliEncryption": {
             "suites": [
-                "apiAuth",
-                "apiAuthOcs",
-                "apiAuthWebDav",
-                "apiCapabilities",
-                "apiComments",
-                "apiFavorites",
-                "apiMain",
-                "apiProvisioning-v1",
-                "apiProvisioning-v2",
-                "apiProvisioningGroups-v1",
-                "apiProvisioningGroups-v2",
-                "apiShareCreateSpecialToRoot1",
-                "apiShareCreateSpecialToShares1",
-                "apiShareCreateSpecialToRoot2",
-                "apiShareCreateSpecialToShares2",
-                "apiSharees",
-                "apiShareManagementToRoot",
-                "apiShareManagementToShares",
-                "apiShareManagementBasicToRoot",
-                "apiShareManagementBasicToShares",
-                "apiShareOperationsToRoot1",
-                "apiShareOperationsToRoot2",
-                "apiShareOperationsToShares1",
-                "apiShareOperationsToShares2",
-                "apiSharePublicLink1",
-                "apiSharePublicLink2",
-                "apiShareReshareToRoot1",
-                "apiShareReshareToShares1",
-                "apiShareReshareToRoot2",
-                "apiShareReshareToShares2",
-                "apiShareReshareToRoot3",
-                "apiShareReshareToShares3",
-                "apiShareUpdateToRoot",
-                "apiShareUpdateToShares",
-                "apiTags",
-                "apiTranslation",
-                "apiTrashbin",
-                "apiTrashbinRestore",
-                "apiVersions",
-                "apiWebdavEtagPropagation1",
-                "apiWebdavEtagPropagation2",
-                "apiWebdavLocks",
-                "apiWebdavLocks2",
-                "apiWebdavLocks3",
-                "apiWebdavLocksUnlock",
-                "apiWebdavMove1",
-                "apiWebdavMove2",
-                "apiWebdavOperations",
-                "apiWebdavPreviews",
-                "apiWebdavProperties1",
-                "apiWebdavProperties2",
-                "apiWebdavUpload1",
-                "apiWebdavUpload2",
-            ],
-        },
-        "apiNotifications": {
-            "suites": [
-                "apiSharingNotificationsToRoot",
-                "apiSharingNotificationsToShares",
+                "cliEncryption",
             "extraApps": {
-                "notifications": 'if [ -f "composer.json" ]; then composer install; fi',
+                "encryption": "composer install",
-        },
-        "apiFederation": {
-            "suites": [
-                "apiFederationToRoot1",
-                "apiFederationToRoot2",
-                "apiFederationToShares1",
-                "apiFederationToShares2",
-            ],
-            "federatedServerNeeded": True,
-            "federatedServerVersions": ["git", "latest", "10.7.0"],
-        },
-        "cli": {
-            "suites": [
-                "cliBackground",
-                "cliLocalStorage",
-                "cliMain",
-                "cliProvisioning",
-                "cliTrashbin",
-            ],
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-        },
-        "cliAppManagement": {
-            "suites": [
-                "cliAppManagement",
-            ],
             "testingRemoteSystem": False,
-        },
-        "cliExternalStorage": {
-            "suites": [
-                "cliExternalStorage",
-            ],
-            "federatedServerNeeded": True,
-            "federatedServerVersions": ["git", "latest", "10.7.0"],
-        },
-        "webUI": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUIAddUsers": "",
-                "webUIAdminSettings": "",
-                "webUIComments": "",
-                "webUICreateDelete": "",
-                "webUIFavorites": "",
-                "webUIFiles": "",
-                "webUILogin": "",
-                "webUIManageQuota": "",
-                "webUIManageUsersGroups": "webUIManageUsersGrps",
-                "webUIMoveFilesFolders": "webUIMoveFilesFolder",
-                "webUIPersonalSettings": "webUIPersonalSetting",
-                "webUIRenameFiles": "",
-                "webUIRenameFolders": "",
-                "webUIRestrictSharing": "",
-                "webUISettingsMenu": "",
-                "webUISharingAcceptShares": "webUISharingAcceptSh",
-                "webUISharingAutocompletion1": "webUISharingAutocomp1",
-                "webUISharingAutocompletion2": "webUISharingAutocomp2",
-                "webUISharingInternalGroups1": "webUISharingIntGroup1",
-                "webUISharingInternalGroups2": "webUISharingIntGroup2",
-                "webUISharingInternalUsers1": "webUISharingIntUsers1",
-                "webUISharingInternalUsers2": "webUISharingIntUsers2",
-                "webUISharingPublic1": "",
-                "webUISharingPublic2": "",
-                "webUITags": "",
-                "webUITrashbin": "",
-                "webUIUpload": "",
-                "webUIWebdavLockProtection": "webUIWebdavLockProt",
-                "webUIWebdavLocks": "",
-            },
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-        },
-        "webUINotifications": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUISharingNotifications": "webUISharingNotify",
-            },
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "extraApps": {
-                "notifications": "composer install",
-            },
-        },
-        "webUIFileActionsMenu": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUIFileActionsMenu": "",
-            },
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "extraApps": {
-                "files_texteditor": "make vendor",
-                "richdocuments": "make vendor",
-            },
-        },
-        "webUIFederation": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUISharingExternal1": "webUISharingExt1",
-                "webUISharingExternal2": "webUISharingExt2",
-            },
-            "federatedServerNeeded": True,
-            "federatedServerVersions": ["git", "latest", "10.7.0"],
-        },
-        "webUIFirefox": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUIFirefoxSmoketest": "webUIFfSmoke",
-            },
-            "browsers": [
-                "firefox",
-            ],
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "filterTags": "@smokeTest&&~@notifications-app-required",
-            "runAllSuites": True,
-            "numberOfParts": 3,
-        },
-        "webUIProxy": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUIProxySmoketest": "webUIProxySmoke",
-            },
-            "browsers": [
-                "chrome",
-            ],
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-            "proxyNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "filterTags": "@smokeTest&&~@notifications-app-required",
-            "runAllSuites": True,
-            "numberOfParts": 3,
-        },
-        "webUIMobileSize": {
-            "suites": {
-                "webUIMobileSize": "",
-            },
-            "browsers": [
-                "chrome",
+            "extraSetup": [{
+                "name": "configure-encryption",
+                "image": "owncloudci/php:7.4",
+                "pull": "always",
+                "commands": [
+                    "php occ maintenance:singleuser --on",
+                    "php occ encryption:enable",
+                    "php occ encryption:select-encryption-type masterkey --yes",
+                    "php occ encryption:encrypt-all --yes",
+                    "php occ encryption:status",
+                    "php occ maintenance:singleuser --off",
+                ],
+            }],
+            "extraCommandsBeforeTestRun": [
+                "mkdir data/owncloud-keys",
+                "chown -R www-data data/owncloud-keys",
+                "chmod -R 0770 data/owncloud-keys",
-            "emailNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "filterTags": "@mobileResolutionTest&&~@notifications-app-required",
-            "runAllSuites": True,
-            "numberOfParts": 3,
-            "extraEnvironment": {
-                "MOBILE_RESOLUTION": "375x812",
-                "OC_LANGUAGE": "en-EN",
-            },
-        },
-        "apiProxy": {
-            "suites": {
-                "apiProxySmoketest": "apiProxySmoke",
-            },
-            "proxyNeeded": True,
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "filterTags": "@smokeTest&&~@notifications-app-required",
-            "runAllSuites": True,
-            "numberOfParts": 8,
-        },
-        "apiOnSqlite": {
-            "suites": {
-                "apiOnSqlite": "apiOnSqlite",
-            },
-            "databases": ["sqlite"],
-            "useHttps": False,
-            "filterTags": "@sqliteDB",
-            "runAllSuites": True,
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml b/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
index 2f2949cf022a..f96bfb25ac5d 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
+++ b/tests/acceptance/config/behat.yml
@@ -692,6 +692,16 @@ default:
         - FeatureContext: *common_feature_context_params
         - OccContext:
+    cliEncryption:
+      paths:
+        - '%paths.base%/../features/cliEncryption'
+      context: *common_ldap_suite_context
+      contexts:
+        - FeatureContext: *common_feature_context_params
+        - OccContext:
+        - WebDavPropertiesContext:
+        - EncryptionContext:
         - '%paths.base%/../features/cliExternalStorage'
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/OccContext.php b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/OccContext.php
index 271d75700785..4c797024f94f 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/OccContext.php
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/OccContext.php
@@ -639,6 +639,16 @@ public function theAdministratorHasInvokedOccCommand(string $cmd):void {
+	/**
+	 * @Given the administrator has selected master key encryption type using the occ command
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public function theAdministratorHasSelectedMasterKeyEncryptionTypeUsingTheOccCommand():void {
+		$this->featureContext->runOcc(['encryption:select-encryption-type', "masterkey --yes"]);
+	}
 	 * @When the administrator imports security certificate from file :filename in temporary storage on the system under test
@@ -735,6 +745,40 @@ public function theAdministratorRunsUpgradeRoutinesOnLocalServerUsingTheOccComma
+	/**
+	 * @Given the administrator has decrypted everything
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public function theAdministratorHasDecryptedEverything():void {
+		$this->theAdministratorRunsEncryptionDecryptAllUsingTheOccCommand();
+		$this->theCommandShouldHaveBeenSuccessful();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @When the administrator disables encryption using the occ command
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws Exception
+	 */
+	public function theAdministratorDisablesEncryptionUsingTheOccCommand():void {
+		$this->invokingTheCommand("encryption:disable");
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @When the administrator runs encryption decrypt all using the occ command
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 */
+	public function theAdministratorRunsEncryptionDecryptAllUsingTheOccCommand():void {
+		\system("./occ maintenance:singleuser --on");
+		\system("./occ encryption:decrypt-all -c yes", $status);
+		 $this->featureContext->setResultOfOccCommand(["code" => $status, "stdOut" => null, "stdErr" => null]);
+		\system("./occ maintenance:singleuser --off");
+	}
 	 * @return bool
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/cliEncryption/encryption.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/cliEncryption/encryption.feature
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..839a6d0b0b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/cliEncryption/encryption.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+@cli @skipWhenTestingRemoteSystems
+Feature: encryption command
+  As an admin
+  I want to encrypt-decrypt my data
+  So that users' resources are protected
+  Scenario: view current encryption status
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:status"
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    And the command output should contain the text "enabled: true"
+    And the command output should contain the text "defaultModule: OC_DEFAULT_MODULE"
+  Scenario: list available encryption modules
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:list-modules"
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    And the command output should contain the text "OC_DEFAULT_MODULE: Default encryption module [default*]"
+  Scenario: show current key storage root
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:show-key-storage-root"
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    And the command output should contain the text "Current key storage root:  default storage location (data/)"
+  Scenario: it should be possible to disable encryption after decrypting all of the encrypted files
+    Given the administrator has uploaded file with content "uploaded content" to "/lorem.txt"
+    And the administrator has decrypted everything
+    When the administrator disables encryption using the occ command
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    And the command output should contain the text "Cleaned up config"
+    And the command output should contain the text "Encryption is already disabled"
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:status"
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    And the command output should contain the text "enabled: false"
+  Scenario: data file contents should be encrypted
+    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files
+    When user "Alice" uploads file with content "file to upload" to "/fileToUpload.txt" using the WebDAV API
+    Then file "fileToUpload.txt" of user "Alice" should be encrypted
+  Scenario: downloaded content of an uploaded file should not be encrypted
+    Given user "brand-new-user" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files
+    When user "brand-new-user" uploads file with content "uploaded content" to "fileToUpload.txt" using the WebDAV API
+    Then the content of file "fileToUpload.txt" for user "brand-new-user" should be "uploaded content"
+  Scenario: it should not be possible to disable encryption without decrypting encrypted uploaded files
+    Given the administrator has uploaded file with content "uploaded content" to "/lorem.txt"
+    When the administrator disables encryption using the occ command
+    Then the command should have failed with exit code 1
+    And the command output should contain the text "The system still have encrypted files. Please decrypt them all before disabling encryption."
+  Scenario: move encryption keys to a different folder
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:change-key-storage-root owncloud-keys"
+    Then the command should have been successful
+    When the administrator invokes occ command "encryption:show-key-storage-root"
+    Then the command output should contain the text "Current key storage root:  owncloud-keys"
+  # this scenario is dependant with the scenario just above it i.e moving keys to different folder
+  # please remove the scenario after the issue is fixed
+  @skipOnOcV10 @issue-encryption-303
+  Scenario: it should not be possible to disable encryption even after decrypting all encrypted files if keys root has been changed
+    Given the administrator has decrypted everything
+    When the administrator disables encryption using the occ command
+    Then the command should have failed with exit code 1
+    And the command output should contain the text "The system still have encrypted files. Please decrypt them all before disabling encryption"