diff --git a/packages/@ourworldindata/grapher/src/horizontalColorLegend/HorizontalColorLegends.tsx b/packages/@ourworldindata/grapher/src/horizontalColorLegend/HorizontalColorLegends.tsx
index 2816a157a24..9c73efaec5e 100644
--- a/packages/@ourworldindata/grapher/src/horizontalColorLegend/HorizontalColorLegends.tsx
+++ b/packages/@ourworldindata/grapher/src/horizontalColorLegend/HorizontalColorLegends.tsx
@@ -842,6 +842,7 @@ export class HorizontalCategoricalColorLegend extends HorizontalColorLegend {
return (
- const { manager, bounds, yAxis, innerBounds } = this
+ return this.manager.isStatic
+ ? this.renderStatic()
+ : this.renderInteractive()
+ }
- const chartContext: StackedBarChartContext = {
- yAxis,
+ @computed get chartContext(): StackedBarChartContext {
+ return {
+ yAxis: this.yAxis,
targetTime: this.manager.endTime,
timeColumn: this.inputTable.timeColumn,
formatColumn: this.formatColumn,
@@ -621,98 +624,76 @@ export class StackedDiscreteBarChart
x0: this.x0,
baseFontSize: this.baseFontSize,
+ }
- const handlePositionUpdate = (d: PlacedItem): HashMap => ({
- translateY: [d.yPosition],
- timing: { duration: 350, ease: easeQuadOut },
- })
- const renderRow = ({
- data,
- state,
- }: {
- data: PlacedItem
- state: { translateY: number }
- }): React.ReactElement => {
- const { entityName, label, bars, totalValue } = data
+ renderRow({
+ data,
+ state,
+ }: {
+ data: PlacedItem
+ state: { translateY: number }
+ }): React.ReactElement {
+ const { yAxis } = this
+ const { entityName, label, bars, totalValue } = data
- const totalLabel = this.formatValueForLabel(totalValue)
- const showLabelInsideBar = bars.length > 1
+ const totalLabel = this.formatValueForLabel(totalValue)
+ const showLabelInsideBar = bars.length > 1
- return (
- {label.render(
- yAxis.place(this.x0) - labelToBarPadding,
- -label.height / 2,
- {
- textProps: {
- textAnchor: "end",
- fill: "#555",
- onMouseEnter: (): void =>
- this.onEntityMouseEnter(label.text),
- onMouseLeave: this.onEntityMouseLeave,
- },
- }
- )}
+ return (
+ {bars.map((bar) => (
+ ))}
+ {label.render(
+ yAxis.place(this.x0) - labelToBarPadding,
+ -label.height / 2,
+ {
+ textProps: {
+ textAnchor: "end",
+ fill: "#555",
+ onMouseEnter: (): void =>
+ this.onEntityMouseEnter(label.text),
+ onMouseLeave: this.onEntityMouseLeave,
+ },
+ }
+ )}
+ {this.showTotalValueLabel && (
+ {totalLabel}
+ )}
+ )
+ }
- {bars.map((bar) => (
- ))}
- {this.showTotalValueLabel && (
- {totalLabel}
- )}
- )
- }
+ renderAxis(): React.ReactElement {
+ const { manager, bounds, yAxis, innerBounds } = this
const axisLineWidth = manager.isStaticAndSmall
return (
+ <>
{this.showHorizontalAxis && (
- {this.showLegend && (
- )}
+ >
+ )
+ }
+ renderLegend(): React.ReactElement | void {
+ if (!this.showLegend) return
+ return
+ }
+ renderStatic(): React.ReactElement {
+ return (
+ <>
+ {this.renderAxis()}
+ {this.renderLegend()}
+ {this.placedItems.map((item) =>
+ this.renderRow({
+ data: item,
+ state: { translateY: item.yPosition },
+ })
+ )}
+ >
+ )
+ }
+ renderInteractive(): React.ReactElement {
+ const { bounds } = this
+ const handlePositionUpdate = (d: PlacedItem): HashMap => ({
+ translateY: [d.yPosition],
+ timing: { duration: 350, ease: easeQuadOut },
+ })
+ // needs to be referenced here, otherwise it's not updated in the renderRow function
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions
+ this.focusSeriesName
+ return (
+ {this.renderAxis()}
+ {this.renderLegend()}
@@ -747,23 +779,14 @@ export class StackedDiscreteBarChart
{(nodes): React.ReactElement => (
- {nodes.map((node) => renderRow(node))}
+ {nodes.map((node) => this.renderRow(node))}
- {this.Tooltip}
+ {this.tooltip}
- @computed get activeColors(): string[] | undefined {
- const { focusSeriesName } = this
- if (!focusSeriesName) return undefined
- const activeColors = this.series
- .filter((series) => series.seriesName === focusSeriesName)
- .map((series) => series.color)
- return activeColors.length === 0 ? undefined : activeColors
- }
private static Bar(props: {
bar: Bar
entity: string
@@ -799,13 +822,14 @@ export class StackedDiscreteBarChart
return (
props?.onMouseEnter(entity, bar.seriesName)