| 1 | +OVNi stands for Open Value Network infrastructure. |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +**Working definition** of *infrastructure* - a coherent set of tools and processes which support the healthy function of a beneficial system. The infrastructure integrates everything from supply chain to distribution and customer relationships management. |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +# Development |
| 6 | +## Spaces |
| 7 | +We are developing a framework for resource management, value accounting and project management on [Value Network on Github](http://github.com/valnet/valuenetwork). See an evolving prototype [here](http://valnet.webfactional.com/). |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +After the spring of 2014, a new group was formed mostly based in Europe to work on a OVN infrastructure based on semantic web and linked data. See [http://labs.ouishare.net/projects/opennetworks OuiShare labs/Value Networks] |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +NEWS: After the summer of 2014 a new initiative between OVN developers and Enspiral started to work on a the third generation of the NRO-VAS. See [OVN Sample Data on Github](https://github.com/openvocab/ovn/wiki/OVN-Sample-Data) |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +Known users of parts of OVNi |
| 15 | +* [SENSORICA](http://www.sensorica.co) is a living lab for this model. |
| 16 | +* [Guerilla Translation](http://guerrillatranslation.com/) adopted VAS. |
| 17 | +* [[add more]] |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | + |
| 20 | +Discussion groups: [Open Value Network Infrastructure Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ovnsinfrastructure), [Open Value Network G+ Community](https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107417561773024707336) |
| 21 | + |
| 22 | +Also, watch SENSORICA meetings on Infrastructure see [SENSORICA's Youtube channel](http://www.youtube.com/user/SENSORICAgroup) and search for "infrastructure meeting". |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +## Active developers |
| 25 | +The most active developers at this time are [Bob Haugen](http://plus.google.com/u/0/113885495827197979519/about), [Lynn Foster](https://plus.google.com/u/0/117655697495578168334/posts), [Tiberius Brastaviceanu](http://plus.google.com/117593809719446924575/about), [Francois Bergeron](http://plus.google.com/116029027511536438331/about), [Ampie Bernard](https://plus.google.com/u/0/114765853030329012951/posts). |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +Other contributors are: [[Kurt Laitner]], [[Steve Bosserman]], [[Ian Bentley]]... [please add your name here...] |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | +**You want to get involved?** |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | +[https://github.com/valnet/valuenetwork/wiki/Help Description of needs for the value accounting system (VAS) on github]. |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +# Theory |
| 35 | +The [[value network]] is modeled as a living system. Infrastructure design is adjusted for optimal performance of the individual [[value network]] in terms of creativity, productivity, synchronicity, quality assurance, responsiveness, adaptability...and any other explicit objectives. The [[value network]] must also respond to ethical requirements (see the [[Ethos]] page). |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +## Maps of the Infrastructure |
| 38 | +* [http://metamaps.cc/maps/468 latest map on the general layout (high level)] |
| 39 | +* [http://metamaps.cc/maps/435 remap the infrastructure on metamaps.cc] |
| 40 | +* [an alternative map of the infrastructure](http://metamaps.cc/maps/439) |
| 41 | +* [OVN Protocols Conversation](http://metamaps.cc/maps/437) |
| 42 | +* Bob's [- OVN-OS architecture layout](http://metamaps.cc/maps/442) for an open value network node |
| 43 | +* Bob's [- OVN-OS internetworking protocol](http://metamaps.cc/maps/437), for network to network interaction |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +## Requirements |
| 46 | +* [[Network of Networks]] |
| 47 | +See SENSORICA's development of the [Open Alliance](http://www.sensorica.co/home/working-space/labonline-network/montreal-labonline/project-vie/the-open-alliance), which is a growing integrated and fractal open value network to which we apply the idea of networks of networks. |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +### List of modules |
| 50 | +NOTE: The following tree representation is inadequate. Think of it as a list. All the components are mapped more precisely in the Maps above. |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +{March 25th, 2014} Bob has proposed the *Stop and Rethink* initiative on VAS. [Open document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKyn84Rz4YYJe1USRWnu73A4rV3BIKBfXZt0WuOK8jk/edit#heading=h.9aj4y11z1knd) {delete after initiative ends} |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | +![Infrastructure_diagram.jpg]! |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +* [[Individual profile]] |
| 59 | + * [[Dashboard]] |
| 60 | +* [[Communication]] |
| 61 | +* [[Coordination]] |
| 62 | +* [[Collaboration]] |
| 63 | +* [[Value system]] |
| 64 | + * [[Value accounting system]] |
| 65 | + * [[Contributions log]] |
| 66 | + * [[Evaluation]] |
| 67 | + * [[The value equation]] |
| 68 | + * [[Internetworking protocol]] |
| 69 | + * [[Value exchange system]] |
| 70 | +* [[Process management]] |
| 71 | + * [[Project and task management]] |
| 72 | + * [[Timetable]] |
| 73 | + * [[Supply chain management system]] |
| 74 | + * [[NRP for value networks]] |
| 75 | + * [[CRM for value networks]] |
| 76 | + * [[Information and knowledge management]] |
| 77 | +* Innovation tools |
| 78 | + * [[Open hardware and software repository and versioning]] |
| 79 | + * [[Discovery tool]] |
| 80 | + * [[Sensemaking]] |
| 81 | +* [[Self organization]] |
| 82 | + * [[Reputation system]] |
| 83 | + * [[Role system]] |
| 84 | + * [[Feedback system]] |
| 85 | +* [[Governance]] |
| 86 | + * [[Decision making]] |
| 87 | + * [[Normative system]] |
| 88 | +* [[Legal framework]] |
| 89 | +* [[Labonline network]] - collaboration spaces |
| 90 | +* [[Search system]] |
| 91 | +* [[Dynamic transfer of responsibility]] |
| 92 | + |
| 93 | +# Praxis |
| 94 | +## Concrete examples of infrastructures |
| 95 | +* [[SENSORICA's Google-based value accounting system]] |
| 96 | +* [SENSORICA](http://www.SENSORICA.co) new infrastructure, see [prototype in development](http://valnet.webfactional.com/) |
| 97 | + |
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