Date: Sat, Mar 28, 2020 @ 12:00-13:30 ET
π Participation: meet.jit.si/ournetworks
and calendar
π Notes: https://hackmd.io/thUKLLPMQSan3mRo2d6bGA?edit
πͺ Attendance:
- garry
- mauve
- sarah
- dc
- Previous Business
- gi+dc: jam on site on IPFS (later)
- mauve: log-in to nextcloud
- dc: reach out to Amelia
garry, sarah,dc: update bios - dc: update budget
- mauve: update/first draft sponsorship package
- dc: JHI still on horizon
- all: still apply for OAC, anticpating new discussion of format
- Standing Business
- Run through "In Progress"
- Run through "Calendar Deadlines"
- Other Business
- Conf Name
- Design Process
- Milestones
- Fundraising
- Decentralized Things Organizers Call: https://hackmd.io/bTm177gZST-m2Sx9Ndt6BQ?edit
- Our Networks in Uncertain Times "..." Our Networks in Uncertain Times Our Networks "..." in Uncertain Times Our Networks. In Uncertain Times "..."
- sarah: not wanting a title that generates anxiety, more positive
- garry: what uncertainty means to us? nuanced was of thinking about this time
- sarah: taking the reformulation of conf and making its own agent
- dc: perennial question in EDGI, being proactive without recapitulating...
- mauve:
- solidarity?
- growing?
- working together, mutual aid?
- sarah: +1 garry?
- mauve: food scrapes into water
- garry:
- post-certainty
- uncertain places
- dawn:
- better take on utopia?
- in our CFP:
- radical equitable futures
- "collectively invent the future of our network"
- learn as we go
- offer mutual aid
- the long list:
- Growing +M1 +dc "growing our networks in uncertain times/places" +1sf +gi
- Community +M3 +gi
- Kinship +gi +sf
- gi: kinship in uncertain times
- Connection +sf +dc
- "Our Networks in Uncertain Places" +M2
- Solidarity
- Growing in Uncertain Times
- Our Uncertain Networks
- Growth
- "Post-certainty growth" <-- dc bad connections to OOO / Hansen, sociology convos on expertise
- "Our Uncertain Networks"
- garry: design changing with time and space (interchangable)
- dc: see that in organic patterns of growth
- sarah: time and place swapping
- garry: keeping with theme could have multiple titles
- Consensed on title: "Growing Our Networks in Uncertain Times/Places""
- Reviewed last years: https://docs.google.com/document/d/123645rAxWgXkwDhbjzHAi6UKRJEvR0H3vKb8d3Qq7CQ/edit#heading=h.vjuw4yhdnmzh
- could do in gh issue instead
- dc: need as much material if internal vs. external process?
- #todo gi: create gh issue
- had look and feel inspo thread - GH!
- #todo dc: gh issue for this, move over
- 2 months feels good
- dc: inspiring to have design on site before CFP closes
- 7 weeks May 11
- imagining it internally done
- Deliverables
- In progess
- deck with 1-3 options
- Final
- Colour palette
- Fonts/Typefaces
- Layout logic and/or grid system for the placement of content
- Treatment of imagery
- Supporting graphics and artwork
- Concept for a redesign of ournetworks.ca (emphasis on visuals and application of brand as opposed to content)
- Concept for conference materials
- Posters, pin-ups, social media
- In progess
- mostly digital assets?
- care package as part of registration:
- ARboxs (stencilled with our logo) -- plastic?
- cardboard equivalents?
- https://ar-cardboards.com/
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32951237253.html
- stencil with our logo (laser cut)
- seed care packages (seed bombs?)
- our own paper with wildflower seeds
- core online spaces printed material and set up
- its a map that we made
- mail something to another attendee?
- instruct people to name their wifi to ournetworks
- wifi config
- share your wifinetworks near me images
- ARboxs (stencilled with our logo) -- plastic?
- mushrooms and cardboard as growing media?
- radio.garden
- visualization of where people are
- retro globe
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32951237253.html
- questions:
- favouring certain materials
- logistics, needs to be maybe under 2cm for canada cost shipping
- we ship, but people could assemble their own from the website
From above we'd tentatively identified deadlines, checked in and confirmed these made sense:
- 03/29 Theme and CFP announced
- 04/04 Sponsorship package, budget finalized
- 04/04 Grant applications submitted
- 05/?? Delivery of designs
- 05/11 Website Relaunch
- 06/01 CFP closes
- 06/10 Submission decisions
- 06/16 Registration launched
- 06/16 Initial program released
- ??/?? First-wave registration packages shipped
- 07/10 Activations Kickoff (as early as)
- ??/?? Last day registration packages shipped
- 08/03 Virtual Load in
- 08/07 Our Networks 2020
#todo dc: move into readme/gh issue
- OAC (deadline this week)
- #todo sarah make template for OAC
- sarah first pass of language, smae info
- will need to redescribe event as online
- might need other submitter
- gi able to step in to submit?
- dc added as a signer?
- JHI (deadline 2 weeks)
- #todo dc make template for JHI
- into Sept
- ping people for review
- Sponsership package
- mauve: able to start on package
- ping for review
- Week of fnding stuff in order?
- Lock down sponsorship package for next weekend Sat Apr 4
- Moving into 2 weeks meeting schedule
- Check-in on Signal weekly on Saturday (esp. when not meeting!)
- We never set time for open hour!
- gi: 1 enough?
- 2 that week
- Thurs Apr 30 5:30 pm ET
- Sat May 2 12 pm ET
- Documentation/recording
- Accessibility
[Move to/Update project issues from this list]
- dc: dc ad mauve to nextcloud drive
garry, sarah,dc: update bios - dc: update budget
- dc: move milestones into readme/gh issue
- gi: create gh issue on design process
- dc: gh issue for look and feel, move over
- sarah: make template for OAC, confirm if dc needs to be added
- dc make template for JHI
- mauve: update/first draft sponsorship package