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Version: 6.5.1

A Helm Chart for Dafka Producer


Key Type Default Description
auth.enabled bool false should use authentication
auth.saslMechanism string "PLAIN" sasl mechanism (PLAIN or SCRAM)
auth.saslPassword string nil sasl password (not encrypted)
auth.saslUsername string nil sasl username string nil aws secret object name for sasl password string nil aws secret object name for truststore string nil aws secret object name for truststore password
auth.secrets.gcp.saslPasswordResource string nil gcp secret resource for sasl password
auth.secrets.gcp.truststorePasswordResource string nil gcp secret resource for truststore password
auth.secrets.gcp.truststoreResource string nil gcp secret resource for truststore file
auth.secrets.useOpaqueSecrets bool true should mount secrets to opaque secrets
auth.secrets.useTrustsore bool false should use truststore
auth.secrets.vault.saslPasswordSecretKey string nil vault secret key for sasl password
auth.secrets.vault.saslPasswordSecretPath string nil vault secret path for sasl password
auth.secrets.vault.truststorePasswordSecretKey string nil vault secret key for truststore password
auth.secrets.vault.truststorePasswordSecretPath string nil vault secret path for truststore password
auth.secrets.vault.truststoreSecretKey string nil vault secret key for truststore file
auth.secrets.vault.truststoreSecretPath string nil vault secret path for truststore file
batchSize string nil Batch processing config
broker string nil the url of the kafka broker
deploymentAnnotations string nil the annotations to add to the deployment string "osskit/dafka-producer" the image name to use
image.tag string "5.2" the image tag to use
kedaScaledObject object {"cpu":{"enabled":false},"enabled":false,"kafka":{"authenticationRef":{"name":null},"enabled":false,"scaleToZeroOnInvalidOffset":false},"memory":{"enabled":false},"prometheus":{"enabled":false},"workload":{"enabled":false}} Keda ScaledObject configuration
kedaScaledObject.cpu object {"enabled":false} set to enable CPU based scaler
kedaScaledObject.enabled bool false set to enabel scaled object support
kedaScaledObject.kafka.authenticationRef object {"name":null} A reference to TriggerAuthentication string nil The name of the TriggerAuthentication
kedaScaledObject.kafka.enabled bool false set to enable kafka based scaler
kedaScaledObject.kafka.scaleToZeroOnInvalidOffset bool false enables scaling down to zero pods
kedaScaledObject.memory object {"enabled":false} set to enable Memor based scaler
kedaScaledObject.prometheus object {"enabled":false} set to enable Prometheus based scaler
kedaScaledObject.workload object {"enabled":false} set to enable Workload based scaler
lingerTimeMs string nil Batch processing config
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60
metrics.enabled bool true should prometheus scrape this server
metrics.path string "/metrics" a path prometheus should scrape metrics from
name string "kafka-producer" name for this producer
port int 3000 the port to use
replicaCount int 1 pod count
resources.limits.cpu string "200m" cpu limits
resources.limits.memory string "400Mi" memory limits
resources.requests.cpu string "50m" cpu requests
resources.requests.memory string "100Mi" memory requests
serviceMonitor object {"enabled":false,"labels":null,"sampleLimit":null} ServiceMonitor configuration
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false set to enable service monitor support
serviceMonitor.labels string nil set labels for the service monitor
serviceMonitor.sampleLimit string nil set sample limit for the service monitor

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0