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228 lines (193 loc) · 8.67 KB

Gulp Workflow

Gulp-based build tool with Pug, Sass, Rollup, PostCSS, BrowserSync



How To Start

  • Install Node.js >=16
  • Install gulp-cli globally npm install --global gulp-cli
  • Download this repo using git git clone
  • Go to downloaded folder cd gulp-workflow
  • Install dependencies from package.json by running: npm install
  • Start development by running npm start or gulp
  • See Tasks and Configuration for more details

If you haven't used Gulp before, be sure to check out the Gulp - Getting Started.

Folder And File Structure

├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── gulpfile.js
├── package.json
├── gulp/                                      * gulp tasks
|   ├── _config.js                             * tasks config
|   └── task.js
├── src/                                       * site source
|   ├── pug/                                   * pug templates
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks
|   │   |   └── block.pug
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * helper mixins
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── layouts/                           * page layouts
|   │   ├── pages/                             * page templates
|   │   └── config.json                        * site config
|   │
|   ├── sass/                                  * sass stylesheets
|   |   ├── blocks/                            * blocks
|   │   |   └── block.sass
|   │   ├── helpers/                           * mixins and vars
|   │   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   │   ├── custom.sass
|   │   ├── noscript.sass
|   │   └── screen.sass
|   │
│   ├── js/                                    * scripts
|   |   ├── vendor/                            * third-party code
|   |   ├── modules/                           * modules
|   │   ├── head.js                            * head scripts
|   │   └── body.js                            * body scripts
|   │
│   ├── fonts/                                 * font sources
|   │
│   ├── images/                                * image sources
|   │
│   └── helpers/                               * helper files
│       └── favicon.ico
├── build/                                     * site build
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── page.html
│   └── static/                                * static assets
│       ├── css/                               * compiled stylesheets with sourcemaps
│       ├── js/                                * bundled scripts
│       ├── fonts/                             * webfonts
│       └── images/                            * images
└── dist/                                      * site distribution (Ignored by GIT)
    ├── index.html
    ├── page.html
    └── static/                                * static assets
        ├── css/                               * minified compiled stylesheets
        ├── js/                                * minified bundled scripts
        ├── fonts/                             * webfonts
        └── images/                            * images

Reserved Folders

html, css, stylus, videos folder names in src are reserved by preconfigured inactive tasks, see Inactive Tasks.


  • .editorconfig file at the root of the project describes indentation style, trailing whitespaces etc. See EditorConfig site for more details.
  • src/pug/config.json contains data for pug templates: site settings, meta information, links to css / js files or external fonts.



npm run cleanup or gulp cleanup

  • Removes .gitkeep placeholders from work directories.


npm start or npm run dev or gulp dev

  • Compiles pug templates
  • Compiles sass stylesheets, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes, generates sourcemaps
  • Bundles scripts
  • Copies fonts
  • Copies images
  • Copies helpers
  • Runs BrowserSync static server with live reload
  • Watches for changes and run dev tasks


npm run prod or gulp prod

  • Empties dist folder
  • Compiles pug templates, minifies markup
  • Compiles sass stylesheets, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes, minifies stylesheets
  • Bundles scripts, minifies scripts
  • Copies fonts
  • Copies images
  • Copies helpers
  • Runs BrowserSync static server


npm run demo or gulp demo \

  • Runs static server.

Inactive Tasks

Preconfigured tasks but disabled in current version (commented-out and not imported), see gulpfile.js and watch.js.

html (html.js)
Dev: copies html markup
Prod: copies and minifies html markup
How To Activate:

  • uncomment import { htmlDev, htmlProd } from './gulp/html.js'; section in gulpfile.js
  • add htmlDev to dev and htmlProd to prod series in gulpfile.js
  • uncomment import { htmlDevChanged } from './html.js'; and Watch HTML sections in ./gulp/watch.js
  • create html folder in src
    └── src/
        └── html/                                  * html markup
            └── file.html

css (css.js)
Dev: copies css stylesheets, inlines imports, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes
Prod: copies css stylesheets, inlines imports, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes, minifies stylesheets
How To Activate:

  • uncomment import { cssDev, cssProd } from './gulp/css.js'; section in gulpfile.js
  • add cssDev to dev and cssProd to prod series in gulpfile.js
  • uncomment import { cssDev } from './css.js'; and Watch css sections in ./gulp/watch.js
  • create css folder in src
    └── src/
        └── css/                                   * css stylsheets
            ├── blocks/
            |   └── block.css
            ├── helpers/
            ├── vendor/
            ├── custom.css
            ├── noscript.css
            └── screen.css

stylus (stylus.js)
Dev: compiles stylus stylesheets, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes, generates sourcemaps
Prod: compiles stylus stylesheets, combines media queries, adds vendor prefixes, minifies stylesheets
How To Activate:

  • uncomment import { stylusDev, stylusProd } from './gulp/stylus.js'; section in gulpfile.js
  • add stylusDev to dev and stylusProd to prod series in gulpfile.js
  • uncomment import { stylusDev } from './stylus.js'; and Watch stylus sections in ./gulp/watch.js
  • create stylus folder in src
└── src/
    └── stylus/                                * stylus stylesheets
        ├── blocks/
        |   └── block.styl
        ├── helpers/
        ├── vendor/
        ├── custom.styl
        ├── noscript.styl
        └── screen.styl

videos (videos.js)
Dev / Prod: copies videos
How To Activate:

  • uncomment import { videosDev, videosProd } from './gulp/videos.js'; section in gulpfile.js
  • add videosDev to dev and videosProd to prod series in gulpfile.js
  • uncomment import { videosDevChanged } from './videos.js'; and Watch videos sections in ./gulp/watch.js
  • create videos folder in src
└── src/
    └── videos/                                * video sources
