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Martin Bjeldbak Madsen martinbjeldbak
🇩🇰 in 🇦🇺

@anzx Melbourne, Australia


OPSWAT Romania

Ron Wolf ron-wolf
Recent grad & software engineer. Passionate about improving people's lives and worldly knowledge using open source software and scientific computing.

Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

Taihsiang Ho tai271828
Python, HPC, Ubuntu, Science, and Physics. Mountaineer, climber, pianist, and cellist.
(not the actresses.) folk healer.
Sawyer Bristol LegitCamper
A passionate Linux user and Rust programmer. Recently been interested in systems programming, embedded, and browser development.

United States

Shiv shiv-saxena
On sabbatical to learn technical skills.
Clément L-Clem

Student France

Edson Ferreira edsoncelio
DevOps, SRE, Opensource Contributor, Grafana Champion, CNCF Ambassador, AWS Community Builder

@volunteermatch Fortaleza, Brazil

Onofre Souza souzaonofre

Web Fullstack Developer Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil

Michael millsoft

Millsoft Germany

Santosh Kaluskar santoshkal
DevOps Engineer

Appstek Corp Hyderabad

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Daniel Hancock Pheoxy


Don Alfons itsdonnix
Yet another developer

Alphien Bali, Indonesia

<MLOps Engineer | AWS | Azure | All-things Kubernetes | Python Developer | SRE | GitOps | DevOps Engineer />


Melandi Smit Panda1134

Panda love South Africa

Ana Laura T. anatula
Software Engineer 👩‍💻


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ernest Bursa swistaczek
Before I even touch the keyboard, I’d like to hear about your problem. Following its detailed analysis, I suggest an MVP solution which will let us know if...

Fourthwall Poznań, Poland

Edilton Jr ediltonx
Estudante de Analise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - IFBA Apaixonado por tecnologias em geral Não paro de estudar... não paro de estudar NUNCA !!!
Mathieu Darse mdarse
Software gardener
