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( emmanuel adolphus johnson ) Duke of Bedford JohnsonEmmanuelA-Chit-Chat
hand·book noun: A book giving information such as facts Chit-Chat & ChatterBox isthisreallyon LLC Apple Inc. Free cash flow.

handbook London

James Taylor jt-nti

@IBM Hampshire, UK

John Smith solrevdev
senior full-stack #dotnetcore #aspnetcore #vuejs developer and software engineer, formally head of infrastructure and operations, former full time carer

United Kingdom

Alan Cole waxim
Problem Solver. Engineer. Leader.

Alan Cole London

Lydia Keegal LydiaKeegal

UK Parliament London

Conny Zhou JunyiZhou-Conny

Emory University Atlanta, Georgia

Ian Harrison iwharrison

BigDataAnalytics US & Europe

Rooha rsulxo
Interaction Designer | Web Developer

Parliamentary Digital Service London

Kostas Koutoupis kkoutoup
Sometimes Ruby, sometimes Python, sometimes JS, always puzzled in front of a text editor.

House of Commons London, Westminster

Mikael Dúi Bolinder mikaeldui
Microsoft Certified Professional | DevOps Consultant

@BolinderITServices United Kingdom

Robert Brook robertbrook
I live and work in London.
