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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

wongcw redgreat


Paulo F. Oliveira paulo-ferraz-oliveira
Erlang/OTP developer at ❤️; CI, TDD and static analysis aficcionado; Loves Elixir too...

Lisbon, Portugal

yeshan333 yeshan333
More Geek Fan, More Love !

China, Anywhere

Roman Pushkov aenglisc
{ok, BEAMer}


Tao Hu dongzhuoyao
Ommer-Lab Postdoc; Building something new in stealth mode

PKU->University of Amsterdam-> LMU Munich

Anatolij Werle awerment
Software Engineer at @betterdoc-org ❤️ Elixir

BetterDoc GmbH Frankfurt, Germany

William Fank Thomé williamthome
Developer | Erlanger | Open source fan

Abensoft Itapiranga, SC, Brazil

Herman Morales hackemateninja
Elixir develover

Bushido Labs Guatemala

Felício feliciofilipe
Software Engineer @marmelasoft

@marmelasoft Braga, Portugal

Ukaza Perdana ukazap
Software Engineer • Web Platform Enthusiast • Sysadmin Cosplayer
Reuben K. Coutinho alt-ctrl-dev
<code>XR Enthusiast. Elixir alchemist. Full-stack Engineer.</code>

Perth, Australia

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

Jinkyou Son nallwhy
Elixir Engineer / Co-organizer of Elixr Korea

@devall-org @reflow-work Seoul, Korea

Ali Sabil asabil

@kopera Stavanger, Norway

Camilo clsource
Software Engineer. 🥷

Ninjas CL BEAM

Amos Kibet amos-kibet
Full-stack software developer specialised in Elixir, Ash & Phoenix frameworks, Phoenix LiveView, Absinthe GraphQL and a little bit of JavaScript.

Nairobi, Kenya

Marie Payne mjip
software developer


Noah Betzen Nezteb
Senior backend engineer. Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView, OSS, IndieWeb, local-first development, self-hosting, gamedev. Alaskan/Norwegian. Neutral good. DFTBA.

Seattle, Washington