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AnotherGenZ AnotherGenZ
Ambitious developer building production-grade software and dependencies.

@RythmFM USA

Abel Sen neuroevolutus
Functional and Systems Programmer
Annette John AnnetteJohn
CS @ UCalgary | Software Engineer | Ex-Credit Suisse(UBS)

University of Calgary Calgary, Canada

Khai Nguyen khaivnguyen

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Jason Lyu xjasonlyu
Computing and Software (CAS) MEng @ McMaster

McMaster University Greater Toronto Area, CA

FeifeiLee EvagelineFEI
Go for it and just do it~Make the world a better place. 重要:明白自己在写啥,for both coding and writing!!

Sichuan University

Tengjiao Yin Ethan2k04
NKUCSer / Undergraduate

Nankai University Tianjin

Yinzuo Jiang jiangyinzuo
江胤佐, MS student at ICT, working on Database System.

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences China

Roy 09shir
BSc CS @ Simon Fraser University Associate Software Developer @ HP Prev @ IFS, iA Financial Group, Safe

HP Inc. Vancouver, BC, Canada

Dharan Aditya dharanad

DataPelago Hyderabad

Ruihao Chen joechenrh
Life is a tragedy.

DaSE@ECNU, @dase955, @pingcap Shanghai, Beijing

zSilence Zwysilence
🙉 What I cannot create, I do not understand.

HUST, UoE Midlothian, Edinburgh, UK

Jonghyun Choe jonghyunchoe
Software engineer interested in managing large systems

Seoul National University Seoul

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Austin Liu austin362667
@apache DataFusion Ray, @linkedin Liger Kernel Contributor | @flyteorg Committer | Former Quant Trader
Wentao Huang fukien
PhD candidate in School of Computing, National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

WZ FrozenonGitHub
A rookie database researcher

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shen Zhen) Shenzhen

Daokun Hu Dookoen
OceanBaseLab, Ant Research, Ant Group
Jiankun Dai JiankunDai

Infrustructure Team@Ziroom Computer Science@NEFU

IdiotNe NewtonVan
Collecting stars just like Mario!

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui

Dang Truong minhdang26403

Denison University Granville, Ohio

Georgiy Lebedev CuriousGeorgiy
PhD Researcher at @epfl-dias and @rs3lab; Contributor at @tarantool; Maintainer at @vhive-serverless Lab NTU

@epfl-dias @rs3lab Lausanne, Switzerland

Tong Wang tonggege001

Nanjing University Nanjing, Jiangsu

Zhelong Zhao zztaki
Interested in computer system and storage, especially caching and new hardwares. Previous Intern @Tencent and @oceanbase. WeChat: JournalZhao

HUST Wuhan, Hubei, China

Guanglei Xu GrayXu
System Ph.D. student

DSAL, HUST Wuhan, China

Hasnain Naeem hasnainnaeem

University of Calgary Alberta, Canada

pentium3 pentium3


Dong Xie dongx-psu

Penn State University State College, PA

Xiaozhe Yao xzyaoi

ETH Zurich / @eth-easl Zurich

Guoyu Hu hugy718
Ph.D. Student at National University of Singapore
Yue Deng Dysprosium0626
Current @Tencent

Tencent Beijing, China

Fight for safe code !!!

ChengDu China

printf Eugene |md5sum | cut -c 20-23


Renzhi Xiao xiaorz
NVM, Data Structure, In-Memory KV store

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China

Hu Jinlei huqianshan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology