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Haley Summers hrsummers
Following crypto projects.

Reno, NV

Tom. M. Tom-M-Git
Currently not open to project offers. For now all my gists are public domain unless specified in a gist.


Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Karen Yireth Castañeda Castro WatashiWaraio
🚀 Computer Science 🌱 and Artificial Intelligence 🧠 🚀 This is my Lab 🧪 🚀 I want to learn a lot 🦖

Sergio Arboleda University

BitRanger b1tranger
Undergrad student at UITS. Learning Game Engines and Creative Softwares.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

I commit, push and pull.


Sahar Barak SaharBarak
I develop people-driven systems aiming to create self sustainability and societal resilience. Working on @ThePeaceBoard at the moment.
Sohyeon Kim SohyeonKim-dev
Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH 1기 Colli

Kyunghee University South Korea

Sid in-sid
A Geography Enthusiast.


dominicusin dominicusin
contantly changeable

Hitech inc. The local group of Galaxies

Davon B. davonbl
Software Developer currently working as a Web Dev Apprentice at The Knowledge House
ypa y yhm yhm-amber
🙃 ︵ ɯɥʎɹǝqɯɐ ︵ ╰╰(°□°)

People's Republic of China


BlackBird UAV TURKEY-Konya

Martin Vahi martinvahi
Algorithm Development, Ruby, Bash, PHP, JavaScript, speed optimized C++.

I'm a freelancer. Estonia

AhmadReza Saghari Cinorid
34, self-taught

AccAMJ Iran

Christian W. CWCorrea

Medellin, Colombia