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Tyler Thompson TylerThompson7
Student of political science, SQL, Python, GIS, data analysis, and visualization trying to make a difference in the world.

Kansas City, Missouri

Fahad Al Maashani Fahad-Al-Maashani
Turning caffeine into code and circuits into magic. Building bridges between software and hardware, one line and wire at a time. Always learning.

Salalah, Oman

Nikendra Shekhawat nikendrashekhawat
MLOps, DL & CV ❤️


Ramprasath M K ramprasathmk
<PlantYourLife />

Tamil Nadu

Tetsuo Koyama tkoyama010
3D visualization library @pyvista maintainer & translator, @scipy-conference chairperson, Technical Steering Committee of @numfocus , Photo by: @pyconjp CC-B

@ark-info-sys @numfocus Japan

Ilja Umov iljau
Software development in data & analytics projects.
Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

@unifeb-barretos Barretos, SP - BR

astrochemx astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Carlos Antunis carlos-antunis-physics
I'm currently a MSc student on Physics at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, besides an enthusiast in Computational Physics.

Instituto de Física - UFAL Marechal Deodoro - AL

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Tokyo Institute of Technology - Physics major(Nuclear physics) → Software Engineer. Basically development in private repository orz.


Sylvain Combettes sylvaincom
PhD • ML Product Engineer @probabl-ai • Lecturer at Polytechnique & CentraleSupélec Exed

@probabl-ai Paris, France

Paul Titze paultitze101
Propulsion Physicist working on various projects, see repositories for further information.
👨‍💻 Passionné par l'IA | 🚀 Optimisation & Accélération IA 💡 Mon objectif : Rendre l'IA accessible à tous 🌍
Lizhiqing Anm-pinellia

China University of GeoScience (Wuhan) Wuhan

DevOps engineer studying Control systems and computer engineering (EE) at University of Ljubljana


Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖
