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AkumaHunt3r AkumaHunt3r
I like to tinker with computers :)


Kars Kars1996
🎆Web Developer. 💪Working on creating the next big thing Contact me on discord Kars1996

@ResyncedDesign London/Dubai

Kaio Nabuco kaionabuco
Computer Science, UFAL.
Mhamad 🖤 mhamad3
.🤍اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وسَلِّمْ عَلَىٰ نَبِيْنَا مُحَمَّدٍ


I'm doesn't developer.


Kirill ponfertato
Gadget wizard, technology expert and dedicated potato fanatic 🥔 as well as Cisco/NauSoft system administrator

@potatoenergy @bluesky-social Kostroma/Yaroslavl, Russia

ello lads


Shintani Miki SonGorLick
Im getting into coding and just making random stuff.

The Five, Exotic Orientals In The Void

José Silveira josesilveiraa
backend engineer @ sbi security

Joinville - SC

Alyxia Sother lexisother
one of the meowers of all time


Federico Di Leo fedeericodl
Student developer

Student Italy

Shadow thewilloftheshadow
I'm Shadow, a self-taught developer, musician, live event techie, and learner. Owner of @buape


ClientSiders ClientSiderz
Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.

Riga, Latvia

кафіф cafeed28
discord, telegram - cafeed28
Glowstudent Glowstudent777
It’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature!


Zacchary Puckeridge zpuckeridge
A Christian IT Administrator working for Rising Sun Pictures. Building better artist experiences by day, designing epic Web Experiences by night.

Rising Sun Pictures Australia

Lily • Lylythii Lylythii
she/her│cute & deranged | likes breaking things & seeing what happens | currently working on personal projects

@TerraFirmaCraft-The-Final-Frontier @TerraFirmaCraftNetwork @LVLVTHXX Did you know you can put an extremely long location name here? No? Well you can! That's a rather interesting thing don't you think? Perhaps you'd like some Lorem Ipsum? No? Okay then. Go check the rest of my profile instead! It has some cool things on it!

Olaf OlavWolfiken
20 · agender · INTP-T · poet


Nikollesan LuanderFarias
create stuff.

@atmonoliths localhost

Hi there! I am a keyboard

Student Illinois

Kaushal Kumar Jha geekykaushal
ServiceNow Technical Consultant / Developer

@nttdata Noida, India

Descendo The Monkei hayden-droid
Discord: Coming Soon!

@Monkei-Solutions @Monkei-Cord @Hayden-Co Your Screen, I Guess.

Akira Ackerman SkullGamer205

Student [PNU] [Pacific National University] Russia, Khabarovsky Kray, Khabarovsk

Rogue Ren ItsRogueRen
Vtuber who uses Linux and wants to help make Linux a more viable option for entertainment work.
Aurora Riddim-GLiTCH
I finally believe I have found myself.
