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Culture.Support CulturesSupports
The Holy Spirit is From Tibet .//. The Buddhist Monestry .//. The Holy Glory of Awakening .//.

Culture.Support Mental Tibet Spirit

Shahnawaz Ali shahnawazkcl
Deep Learning enthusiast and Computational Biologist

CRUK Scotland Institute Glasgow, Scotland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Bioinformatician Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn. Welcome, accept every submitted job offer.


Leon Otieno leonotieno27
Computer Scientist



Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lovely Cunanan captainpandamonkey5
🦆 Computer Science Student 🚮 @TheNineLynx


ZengHedong zhd5120153951
A hard-working program man.

LongRuan Chengdu city

Umut ALTUN Umut-Altun
Rehber Yazılım

Yapay Rehber Türkiye

Tester Present Specialist Automotive Solutions jakka351
Heavy Diesel Mechanic/Coder

Tester Present Specialist Automotive Solutions Australia

OZ LACERDA dinotusk
Eterno estudante da tecnologia. Desenvolvedor. Roadmap atual: Front-end - web dev. & design

Brasilia, DF

Robyn Martin MartinRobyn
Junior CS student at FIU with a background in control systems. Passionate about electronics, IoT, and integrating hardware with software for machines learning.


// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
LahcenCodes LahcenCodes
👨‍💻 Software Developer | 🐍 Python Enthusiast


Constar Automation ConstarInc

Beijing Constar Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing, China