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Bruno Ribeiro brunocribeiro
Software Engineer focused on Software Design & Architecture, JVM technologies, cloud-native applications, Agile, DevOps, and Beer 🍻


Morgan Morganizer

Birmingham, Alabama

Benjy Malca benjymb

Barcelona, Spain

Isaka Traore isaka
Making technology work for people, with people

mimozar Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ahmed Rafat ahmedrafat-SW
I'm a Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Florian flts
Managing Consultant guiding customers into the world of cloud native solutions, solution architecture, development and support/maintenance.


reaper8055 reaper8055
The line between pathological and normal behavior of a system under heavy workload is vague...
Ethan Sun reacherone
@oracle Cloud Native, Kubernetes, Infrastructure, Backend, Full-Stack, AI, CV, Former Software Engineer @walmartlabs

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Seattle, WA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


DoneSpeak DoneSpeak
Let the work I've done speak for me.

Shenzhen University

Bulbasaur.Yan yk433000
Build Early, Build Always

Suzhou, China

Munish Chouhan munishchouhan
Software Engineer | Oracle Java Certified | GraalVM | Micronaut | Docker | Kubernetes | OpenTelemetry | Golang


Bruno Dantas brunobd7
Software Developer at Banco do Brasil | Brasil Seguros.

Nova Tendência | Banco do Brasil | Brasil Seguros Remote

Andrey Mavlyanov amavlyanov
*nix admin, SPbLUG ex-Coordinator

Digital Activity Rishon LeZion, Israel

Nimit Agrawal nimitagr

Wise (@transferwise) Tallinn, Estonia

Gian Martín gianm99
Backend developer @Travelcompositor

Travel Compositor Mallorca, Spain

YangJie LuciferYang
Apache Spark Committer&PMC / Apache incubator-uniffle PPMC

@baidu Beijing

Ugur AK ugurak
Software Development Executive @ Managing Software Development Teams


Gladiné Gladine
Enthousiast Front-end developer but happily learning more of back end development.

Optis NV Belgium

Hnatiuk Vladyslav Aksem
Software (Language) Engineer

Vienna, Austria

Adi Rabinovich adir1
Self proclaimed Tech Guru, focused on making the World a better place for all!


Denny Yung-Yu Chen dnychennnn
SDE @ AutoScout24


Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL