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PierrickPochelu PierrickPochelu

University of Luxembourg

Céline Van Landeghem VLCeline
PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics

IRMA, Université de Strasbourg Strasbourg

Giulio Carpi giuliocrp
M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science @ Unistra

Strasbourg, France

Georgios Kafanas gkaf89
Member of @greeklug and @ULHPC

University of Luxembourg

Ali Abdelkader aliabdelkader
Software Engineer

Cairo, Egypt

Hyacinthe Cartiaux hcartiaux
btw, I use arch

University of Luxembourg France

Joubine Aghili jaghili

IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg France

OM OlivierMartineau

Univ. Rennes Rennes, France

Romain NOËL romain-noel

Inria / Univ-Eiffel Nantes

Pierre Navaro pnavaro
Scientific Software Engineer, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes, France.

IRMAR, CNRS. Rennes, France.

Christophe Prud'homme prudhomm
Professor in applied mathematics at University of Strasbourg. Director of the Cemosis platform. Leader of NumPEx/Exa-MA Methods and Algorithms for Exascale

University of Strasbourg Strasbourg

Julien Bigot jbigot
CEA research scientist at @Maison-de-la-Simulation. HPC software engineering expert, @pdidev & @CExA-project leader, ...

@Maison-de-la-Simulation Paris, France