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@miraisolutions Zurich, Switzerland

Figaro thefigaro
I would like to learn more about how computational methods are applied to data science within the context of functional programming.
Social scientist, interested in everything data. Especially labour markets, waste management, and public opinion.

Cologne, Germany

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics


Patrick R. Wright PatrickRWright
Data Scientist at iOMEDICO

@iomedico Freiburg im Breisgau (DE)

Buğra Balkaç bugrabalkac

Trendyol İstanbul,Turkey

Jimmy Briggs jimbrig
Striving to be a Modern Age Polymath

@noclocks Atlanta, GA, USA

Antonio Canepa ajcanepa
Lecturer at University of Burgos (Health Engineering), working in Citizen & Open Science, Data Mining, DataScience and Global (Planet) Health.

University of Burgos Burgos, Spain

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


If you can dream it, you can build it.

WFP Somalia

Hussin Bin Hassan learn2grid
Experience delivering tech solutions. Avid programmer and fast leaner. Obsessed with detail and quality. Always to improve development and communication.

Baguz Foundation Pelabuhan Klang Selangor Malaysia

Juan-Carlos Quiroz jcquiroz
Consultant and advisor in fishing

@Facile-Visual Valparaiso, Chile