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Rubencho Rubencho6661
I am glaciologist interested in study tropical glaciers in Andes region. In situ monitoring, photogrammetry and remote sensing earth observations

Universidad Yachay Tech Urcuquí, Ecuador

Khalil Misbah KhalilM94
Computer Science Undergrad @ UoPeople

Viterbo, Italy

lyb lyb-tjnu
Associate Professor, photogrammetry and laser scanning

Tianjin Normal University Tianjin, China

Daniel E. Bolaños Rodriguez dbolanos414

Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo Ciudad de México

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

yunxingluoyun yunxingluoyun
乐途 lettuRL


zodiac9969 zodiac9969

Nanjing University Nanjing

Paweł Krawczyk kravietz
Information security, DevOps and DevSecOps professional from Poland living in the UK

Krawczyk Industries Limited Reading, UK

Michael Perkins mgperkins
Entrepreneur, Coder.

Airwave-Communications Quincy, IL USA

Changwan Sun Changwan-planet
Earth and Planetary Scientist -Radar geophysics -Earthquake geology

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

David Youssefi dyoussef

@CNES, @MISS3D France

Marshall Al Karim marshallexperiment
Ex-Geomatics eng, Right now I'm Majored in Comp Eng. I'm Interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Ismail Olaniyi Ismail-Olaniyi

Purdue University West Lafayette, indiana

AB Adnan-Barkat

CUHK Hong Kong

Mohammad Shafi Bajauri shafibaj07
Research Assistant @ TU Braunschweig --------- MSc in Geo-informatics and Photogrammetry

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig, Germany

Mariam Ali alien19
Research and Development Engineer | Deep Learning | Computer Vision

MCS oil Cairo, Egypt

Thirawat Bannakulpiphat ThirawatBan
Researcher: Interesting in Photogrammetry, Laser Scanning, 3D Modeling, Computer Vision, Geospatial Programming and Geodesy

TU Wien and Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand

Julian Galvez Serna Piaktipik
PhD Student - Queensland University of Technology. Machines crafter, Interested in UAVs for Planetary Exploration, Systems Engineering and Systems integration.

QUT Australia

Julthep Nandakwang julthep

CyberArts Co. Ltd. Bangkok Thailand

Felipe Xaud feliperx
Software Developer