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Rana Banerjee banerRana

Automated It Solutions Washington, DC

Karfali jaouad Tiger16g
Independent researcher in numerical cycle analysis, focusing on cyclical patterns in data using mathematical and statistical methods."
Omer Gamliel omergamliel
👨🏻‍💻Brand Representative at @gett | B.Sc Information Systems Student | System Analysis | Machine Learning | RPA | Open to new challenges!

Gett Israel

Arun Nadarasa krumpverse
NHS Clinical Entrepreneur

International Social Prescribing Pharmacy Association London

Christel | Pivotal christelbuchanan
Founder of @ChatAndBuild @Pivotal-Research > Build Anything, Own Everything.

@ChatAndBuild Singapore

Cameron L cameronlares
Full Stack Developer

Santa Monica, CA

Lalman Thakur Lalman888
Front-end Developer | Open Source

New Delhi

Prakhar gangawar PrakharYud

Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh India

Jasper Wong 3willows
Sujit SSujitX
I love automation.
Sreeju KS sreesreejuks
Human knowledge belongs to the world! #Collaboration #OpenSource


Software Development Engineer


Ixty AI iXty9
iXty9 is a creative community & dev hub. We build digital solutions, streamline workflows, and empower people with AI, automation & immersive tech.


Moses Kippe mavrk-mose
digital craftsman

sumo labs Iringa

Kasper Hallenius KasPeR0990
15 y/o › building stuff › constantly learning


Malix Malix-Labs
SaaS Entrepreneur & Engineer | Open-source-only Account

Malix GmbH 🇫🇷 Paris / Geneva 🇨🇭

God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Financial Data Analyst

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

QudSystem qudsystemltd
A Startup Specializing in Software Development and Services

QudSystem Egypt , Minya

Nate Rahimizad ezrover

HMI2.AI Fremont, CA

Manu Bhardwaj ifitsmanu
Captivated by the revolutionary potential of artificial intelligence, I set out on a mission to conquer this vibrant field & catalyst for business advancement.

New York

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P