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Anas Abbas ansi00
MERN Stack Developer || Frontend Developer || Crafting Expressive Web Solutions with React || Node.js || Express || MongoDB
Ege Paksoy egepaksoy

@AEROKOU Turkey/Kocaeli

Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Simon Hobbs snhobbs
Optical measurement product design, circuit design, PCBs, embedded systems, FPGA development, and physics.

ElectroOptical Innovations New York, New York

Nick IDEX-maker
Working on Biotech robots since 1991


Åke Hedman grodansparadis
YAP - Yet another programmer, SP - Senile programming.

Grodans Paradis AB, Sweden Los, Hälsingland, Sweden, Europe

Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark

Bjørn techniker
doing electronics, software and network stuff, aviator, sailing, CCC ,@c3roc_ - When it gets boring, I used to play piano. (These views be mine.) 🌈

Frachtwerk GmbH Berlin

Maciej Milowicki mmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Benoit Liard benoitliard
Hacking whatever that used code. Working at Valtech.

@Valtech-CA Montreal

Michele Santucci weirdgyn
It's a mess but I did it all by myself!


1 7 3 dup rot 173duprot
Design Brutalist, Multidisciplinary Engineer, C + FORTH
谭昊(Overall all, designers from China) tanhaosos
Dedicated to the development of the Earth's Marine industry(为地球海洋事业发展奉献)I need you to contact me.Thank you(需要你们联系我谢谢)邮箱:[email protected]
Arda Dindar ardadi

@eyecuvision Turkey

School. I want to learn new things.
set_ silver2row
Stay there and someone will find you...

Contract Louisiana

Xin Ge Wen xgwhk

HK IT Services France

Andre Caviuna Caviuna

Brasilia/DF, Brazil