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Sharad Singh Kushwaha absolutely-sharad
👋 Hey folks! B.Tech. CSE undergrad 💻. Passionate about coding with skills in HTML, CSS, JS, Java, React.js, and DSA. 🚀

Gurugram, Haryana

Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu



Jacey Wu jazyfantasy
Coding is a kind of belief.
yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Emin ÇETİN eemincetin

Aizona Tech Istanbul, Turkey

Christian Pomar ga11ego
Telecommunications Engineer. Used to be a professional developer. Now only as a hobby. Interested in C/C++, Linux and IoT projects. Now a Python fan.

Barcelona, Spain

Morris Murigi morris-murigi
Engineering from First Principles

@strathmore-uni @Emedded-Team-Intern-Group-2022-2023

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Pedro Vitor Ferreira Gonçalves pedrovitorfg
Brazilian software engineer, SDDP, Embedded Software, Shiny

Universidade de Brasília

ludo spiderman001
Embedded Software Engineer

ShenZhen China

Machine391 Machine391
Love cybersecurity and learining anything ??😉


Cemali Altuntas cemalialtuntas
Researcher specializing in GNSS-IR and sea level studies, developing various software tools using MATLAB and Python. Interested in data analysis and AI models.

Yildiz Technical University

Garrett Seepersad garrettseepersad
Navigation Architect (RTK, PPP, SPP, IMU, Mag, Baro)


Baraday Baraday3
Building staff

Warsaw University of Tech.

Thomas Wang thomaswang525
EE engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Argon_Ghost Argonghost
Im interested in radioelectronics, digital signal processing, software-defined radio, and algorithms ...... i develop in C / C++ and Python :)

fork land

Justin Dalrymple jdalrymple
Building things for healthcare and space – sometimes at the same time 😉, and learning new things along the way.


Miguel Angel Gomez kalmancito
Aerospace Engineer with a MsC in robotics. Always learning new things. PhD Candidate. Curious. Now focus on Navigation Technology

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid

Imtiaz Nabi Imtiaz08
🚀 GNSS Explorer | Python & MATLAB Maestro 🌌 🎓 Masters in GNSS | Signal Processing | SDR 🛰️ 💻 Software-Defined Radios | AI & ML for GNSS

Institute of space technology Islamabad

Yazan Chihabi yazanchihabi
Aerospace Engineer, GNC Engineer at Obruta, Ph.D Candidate at Carleton University

Carleton University Ottawa, Canada