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Mohamad Samardeh Haghighi Fard bugbounted

shiraz Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Morgan Joyce atxtechbro
Austin-based Techie at @Sertifi (acquired by @flywirecorp) | Thriving in the Tech Space | Passionate about Serving with Joy and Love Learning

@Sertifi Austin, TX

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Sergio Santiago Henares sergio-santiago
Software Developer 💻

Secture Gijón

Marc Nuri manusa

Red Hat Valencia, Spain

Jorge Mora Giménez llyorshch

@flywirecorp Valencia (Spain)

Juan Carlos García del Canto jcagarcia
Software Engineer at @flywirecorp 💸 @ruby-grape contributor

@flywirecorp València, Spain

Eli elimelec

Sibiu, Romania

Nate Felton n8felton
Senior Client Platform Engineer (Mac Admin) @ Flywire, Father, casual gamer, nature and green advocate, and technology enthusiast.

Flywire Rochester, NY

Samuel Burgos sbldevnet
Cloud Security Engineer ☁️ | Telecommunications

Valencia, Spain

Diego J. diegojromerolopez
Software Engineer always learning new things.

Madrid, Madrid (Spain)