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Dharmick Mehta DharmickM
I love entrepreneurship, renewable energy, sustainable businesses, and personal finance.

Melbourne, Australia.

Ed Hinrichsen edhinrichsen
Award winning web dev & full-stack software engineer. See for all my projects.

Ferocia Melbourne

Software Engineer


RJ MolarFox
Software engineer, VK3 HAM radio operator, copper wire hoarder

@ferocia / @up-banking Victoria, Australia

Anjaney C Mahajan acmahaja
Hi I'm Anjaney, a graduate software engineer passionate about developing human-centric applications

Dev @ HSS Perth

Oscar Hermoso oscarhermoso
Building @kedyou with @manstie and @eltonanthonyr

@racwa // @kedyou Perth, Australia

Paul Tagell ptagell Melbourne, Australia

Levi Buzolic levibuzolic
Melbourne based software developer, designer and photography nerd. I build @up-banking with the amazing people at @ferocia

@ferocia Melbourne, Australia