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Vikash kumar vikashkumarkushwaha

CodeTrappers (QuintPro Technologies Private Limited) #1, 3rd Floor, 1st Main, 1st Cross, Ashwini Layout, Ejipura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560047

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Experienced Web Developer | Tech Enthusiast | Exploring AI/ML & Emerging Tech

Aroma Brand Solutions Pune Pune

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

Florian Kreß proKress
Professional and passionate architect and engineer with in-depth expertise in DevOps, Cloud and Infrastructure across various cloud service providers

adesso SE Mannheim, Germany

Eric Sales De Andrade ericsalesdeandrade
Learn to write production-level Python Unit Tests -


Balmukund Shukla Balmukund-01
MERN Stack Developer, MySQL, MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJs | Aspiring software engineer seeking an Internship

Mumbai, India

Shirsha Sengupta shirshasengupta50
Developer Contributes

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi Ranchi

Chris Weight chrisweight

Chris Weight Plymouth, UK

Nagendra Prasad chnagendraprasad
Technical Project Manager | Architect | Full Stack Developer


Benjamin Geck bgeck
Professional dabbler. Into VR/XR, 3D modeling, animation, code, systems, painting and...

@elsewhencode Totnes, Devon, UK

Saman Salari samansalari
try to be positive!


Mugilan K Mugilanmca
I am working in Software Testing Automation. Having knowledge in Java, Appium, Selenium, Rest assured, BDD ,Cucumber, Jbehave and Serenity.
Lloyd Akresi lloydakresi
Currently learning software development :)
Full Stack Developer
Анастасия AnastasiaMoiseeva0

Empty г.Санкт-Петербург

Tutu Moses iamtutumo
It’s a great day to be alive! I reimagine how we use technology, people & processes to move businesses forward in new ways with simple powerful tech solutions


Harsh HarshalNath
Learning and coding right now
Aham Kingsley Kingsleyaham
A fullstack Javascript (React & NodeJs) developer and also an embedded system application enthusiast.


Chinan Yin yinchinan010
a .NET full stack programmer. (Keep Healthy, Dream Big, Work Smart, Deliver Fast, Be Happy)

ZhongShan YD Crystal Group ZhongShan, China

Andrei Mukhametvaleev
Full-stack Developer

Sole proprietor Yerevan, Armenia

Nury Amanmadov amanmadov
JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | React.js | MongoDB | .NET | Python | Salesforce

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Yashwanth S yashwanths814
Inquisitive Android | AI ML |Open-Source Enthusiast | Contributer @ Delevelopers Community

Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Mysuru

Mohammad Ariz ariz565
Jr. Software Engineer | HPC | Optimizing At Scale 🧑‍💻

Aligarh Muslim University

Lucas Veronez veronezl
Estudante de tecnologia da informação na Univesp (Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo), atualmente cursando o sexto e último semestre.

3cfy Tunisia

Sanath Kumar Pokala sanathkmr14
Software Developer 👨🏻‍💻


Ray rashmi-992
Love ❤ problem solving. Working on Deep Learning, Generative AI DSA. Fighting!
