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Luc Vervoort lucvervoort

HOGENT Ghent, Belgium

Simon Dierickx dierickxsimon
Data guy at PACE-research group

University Ghent Ghent

Current CS Student @vrije-universiteit-brussel | Previous Intern @ArxusCloud | Previous Student @itfactory-tm


Pacifique M. mupacif
Android & Web dev.
foo1s foo1s
hi it 's foo1s 's channel!😀😊

AnHui HeFei

Sylvia Beeckman SylviaBeeckmanHoGent
💻 System Architect (Oracle/Pega) 🤹‍♀️ Multipotentialist 🦉 Zweeds aan het leren in Duolingo

RGF Staffing Oudenaarde / Drongen

Michaël van de Giessen tubbynl
Java web developer @intractief , @coderdojo-oss and @Devoxx4Kids-NPO mentor, gamer and actually partially Javanese but mostly Ossy Oss

Tim Dams timdams

AP University College Antwerp

Jeremy Pitman jempitman
Java Cloud Developer

Ghent University Hansbeke, Belgium

I make computers go beep boop
Rodrigo Lira rodrigoclira
Professor @ifpe-paulista

@ifpe-paulista Olinda, Brazil

Manu De Buck ManuDeBuck
whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right

@we-are-coding ghent

Bart Mesuere bmesuere
Professor Big Data Science at Ghent University. Managing @unipept and @dodona-edu.

Ghent University Ghent, Belgium