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Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

Patrick unenunciate
A general-purpose person.
Omid Asadpour omidasadpour
Cloud/devops/SRE engineer
eapo eapo

VáLTó (VLT) - The Independent CryptoEcoSystem Székelyföld

0xboji2004 👑 0xBoji
I am a proficient software engineer specializing in full-stack web development, with a keen interest in cloud service deployment. I am passionate about Web3.

Sui & HyperLiquid Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

ThevenRex ThevenRexOff


Akash Meshram akashmeshram
Build from stories, not bytes


Songonha songonha
Songonha has been programming for over 17 years. The first programming language was Pascal at the age of 16. Since then, he has created many programs and webs..

OLYM3 LABS Ho Chi Minh City

Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth

Míla Kuchta kuchta
ADA: addr1q8va6gtun278gp7ry50nlml9yj7hxhwv8cn5jkp2uhf4827em5shex4uwsruxfgl8lh72f9awdwuc038f9vz4ewn2w4s2q2pqs XMR: 45yh1wcENHdiGQKnezmQMPcDsvgaKHiwEWTHmNYQjf2

Praha, Czech Republic

Nathan Almond Nathan-a18
Blockchain Headhunter
My main areas of interest in the crypto world. -Ico -Validator TestNet -Ambassador Programs -Community Management


Likem LikemDzokoto
onchain builder | based and optimistic

LegacyLabs 🌐

Jayden jayden-dang
Developer Relations Engineer at Movement Labs

Vietnam Blockchain Innovation & GFI Ventures VietNam

Buns Enchantress BunsDev
DevRel Engineer @smartcontractkit

@SmartContractKit USA

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Mykola Perehinets MykolaPerehinets
Solutions Architect, DevOps/DevSecOps Lead, Storage Engineer, Security Researcher, RPA Developer, Software Engineer in Test

Namecheap, Inc. L'viv, Ukraine

ligulfzhou ligulfzhou
Rust, Python3, Next.JS, Swift

< 5km

Alfonso Sandro Gómez Gómez asggWa
Trabajo con los ordenadore y prefiero los que no dan calambre cuando te olvidas las babuchas.

treebtc Spain

Marc Ztrade Kamalokaxx
Marc, 48 from Lake_Constance in South-Germany. NFT artist , photographs from around the Sea. #Cryptotrading #Forex_Com #Daytrader #NFT #psytrance love Bodensee, Germany

paul vidal vidalpaul
Blockchain Developer @ Celfocus

Celfocus Lisbon, Portugal

Roman Roibu romanroibu
Software Engineer

Berlin, Germany

Emilio Luna emilioenlaluna
Ingeniería en Computación. Computer Science, UAA.

Autonomus University of Aguascalientes Aguascalientes, México

airhappy Denso-Air
I like WEB3

2A Ventures / HareCrypta / LabInvest Ventures

Rian CasualEngineerZombie
Full Stack Developer | Django, React & Flutter 🚀 | Building web & mobile apps from home 🏡


Syntax TheUltDev

@kat-tax ¯\_(ツ)_/¯