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Gabryel LIA GabryelLIA
An HAAI (Human Assisted by AI repository) for testing purposes
Benoit saalaa

Bordeaux, France

Stephan Hadan stiebke
💻 OSS enthusiast | 🔧 Mac & beyond sysadmin | 🤖 AI practitioner | 🆔 Zero Trust advocate | 🚀 Open Source > proprietary | Always exploring tech’s edge!

Pforzheim, Germany

YovanTak navoytak
Opensource user and enthusiast


Oussama MAHDJOUR mahdjourOussama
Information systems Engineer and manager, currently focused on frontend developments

Paris, France

Piyush piyushaswani55
I introduce bugs 🐞
rwn RwnQ8
Social good entrepreneur ; founder and director, Empowering Change within us for the benefit of all

Q8 Sf, Ca, Us, Er, Mw, Un, Mv


Electricity City

DK syphrpunk
Blockchain Ops, Legal, Strategy, Philosophy, Meta-Economics, Org Structures, Governance Paradigms

@premian-labs, @poweredbyanons, @premia-frontend, @premia-gov .hack//MetaVerse

professional code swiper
邢洲 zhouzxing
Linux kernel distributed system and parallel programming
Bruno Saraiva fbrunosf

ZoneSoft Portugal

Ayush Singhaniya ayusing

J P Morgan Houston,TX

Nationsorg nationsorg
International association Nationsorg

Nationsorg France

Gauthier Hien gauthierhien
Digital Product Design

Paris, France

Armand Camponovo camarm-dev
🇫🇷 French developer and growing sysadmin. 🌱 I create open source projects since 2020.

@LabseStudio & @PapillonApp France

Vince Linise ecnivtwelve
developer & designer @PapillonApp and on other projects too

@PapillonApp Rennes, France

Dusk duskvirkus

Fort Collins, Colorado

jose MARIN josermarinr
check it out my 2024 resume:

re-mind Paris

Ethan Facca untypequicode
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Bordeaux. J’utilise principalement Python, C++, HTML et CSS.

Université de Bordeaux France

Chandan Kumar Chandan9898Kumar
Software Engineer.


Jean-Avit Promis nouchka
Life is like a rollercoaster. Ups and downs. Better with a friend. Sometimes you puke. Screaming helps.

Coop'Alpha Royaume d'Araucanie et de Patagonie

Lhuillery Matthieu beatwinthewave
Systems and networks technician

DGS Transports Paris, France

Tobi justTOBBI
Maintainer at @catppuccin
