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Helwan Mandé wanesurf
Software engineer, blockchain enthusiast.


Prad Nukala prnk28
Working on Decentralized Identity. Founder 4+ Years | Engineer 18+ Years

@onsonr Mars

Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States

honestyallan honestyallan
I like making interesting project
Muhammad Farhan KT muhammadfarhankt
Diving deep into Blockchain Dev | Golang | Node.js | FOSS | Hobbyist Tech YouTuber

Omniflix Network Dubai, UAE

halo haloxtradee
discord : haloperidol_
elix1er elix1er
1337~ R&D / Infra / Tooling, Cosmos SDK/ CometBFT / IBC, FK IOTA, RUST WASMologist, EVM, cybersecurity, AI, ML, Diffusion and LLM model mofo.
GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

xxtrakyle xxtrakyle
the best develop you've ever even heard of


sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Ahmad Saeed Goda ahmadSaeedGoda
Mimic real world via code. Sense software impact reflected on businesses & interpreted as numbers/revenue. Take status quo to its next level.

Cairo, Egypt

Tony Thai trungthaihieu93-dev
Developer, Dreamer and Doer!

Innovation Labs Vietnam

Karl Kallas karlkallas

Galadriel San Fransisco

Marston Connell TheMarstonConnell
Blockchain Engineer. Minecraft Modder. Overall fan of cats. JACKAL CTO

@JackalLabs Waterloo, Canada

Thomas Bruyelle tbruyelle

@allinbits Montpellier, France

Dolores_V DValide
Data scientist

Montpellier, Fr

Chris ccamel
nostalgeek • monadist • egoless open source buidler ⋯ CTO / Co-founder

@axone-protocol Toulouse

Joakim Eriksson ErikssonJoakim
Full stack developer

Toulouse, France

Giorgio Nocera giorgionocera
Leave a place better than you found it. I am a tech enthusiast and I usually think about, designing, and developing "things that improve". @nabla-studio

@nabla-studio Messina, Italy

Davide Segullo DavideSegullo
Hello, I am a computer science enthusiast. My goal is to contribute to the migration from web2 to web3. Co-Founder | Lead Developer @nabla-studio

@nabla-studio Milano

stepit 0xstepit


Reece Williams Reecepbcups
Interchain Software & DevEx Tooling

Nashville, TN

Devon itsdevbear
CTO & Research Lead @berachain

@berachain Toronto, ON


@01builders | @ignite