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Isalotra RAKOTONIAINA isalotra
Data Engineer & ML Engineer


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Pratik Gumthanavar pratik-g5
🚀 Building web apps that don’t crash and APIs that actually work! Skilled in React.js, AWS and Python, I turn ideas into fast, scalable, and reliable solution.

Bengaluru, KA

Ramel sumili manlucot Ramelmanlucot
God is good all the time . . .


Monalisa Behera Monalisa-tech
Data Analyst | NLP & ML Enthusiast | Gen AI | Python & SQL Developer | Financial Markets Trader & Researcher

Freelance Bengaluru


India, Banglore

Douglas H. Machado dougdotcon
CTO @asimovcommunity | Eng. Dados | ML, Big Data & Blockchain | 🐍 Python | 🎓 Info Systems | 📧 [email protected]

ASIMOV TECH Rio de Janeiro

Bassim EL BAKKALI EL GAZUANI DerDemystifier
CS Teacher at SUP'ISI

SUP'ISI Tetouan, Morocco

Postdoc@Yale; Alumni@CUHK (Ph.D.); Alumni@ZJU (B.S.)

Yale University

Kuba Kuba46
BMSTU Student. Coding with C\C++ and C# languages

Peking University

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Yehia Khalil yehia-khalil

247labs Alexandria, Egypt

MochamadLukyAdithia MochamadLukyAdithia
learning all the time


Ashraful Maruf Anik hpl-sd-anik

HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Shambhavi ShambhaviCode
computer science engineering
Zirui Li liziruilizirui
Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others.