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Sonu kumar Sahani SonuSahani
making games with JavaScript

Bharat Interactive Kolkata

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


@davidbrennerjr davidbrennerjr
Contact me @ 720-584-5229 Denver, CO 80237

Matthew voxelphase
Creating immersive audio and visual experiences with the aim of empowering a wide audience.

United States

A weird nobody who has the childhood dream of their own robot rover.

Highland Village TX

Toslim Arif toslimarif
I design and develop experiences that make people's lives simple.

Sr. Software Engineer @ AT&T Bangalore, India

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

zaydm Zaydiscool777
Can I please join a project

14-year-old sweatshop dungeon of الف با alpharetta

Sohail Hosseini shosseini811
PhD in Electrical Engineering

Cleveland, OH

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Greg A. Woods robohack

Planix, Inc. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Kyle McColgan kmccol1
Dedicated to supporting local and open-source tech communities through an abundance of free knowledge sharing, code contributions, and dynamic collaboration.

Open-Source Activist & IT Professional South Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

Christopher White Chris255202
Originally from New Orleans, Can play both piano and Hammond Organ, Visited 47 states and Canada

Udacity Houston, TX

Ian esshi1337

AT&T Mexico City


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Hưng Hung-00

CMC Saigon, Vietnam

Java Developer


Ariel E arieler
Id like to become a proficient coder before high school ends. I alwant to be more advanced than the average high schooler when it comes to coding so I stand out
Mrunal Meshram mrunal77
~> sudo code.....


Paul Pabreunyc
Web Dev in NYC

@NYC-Parks New York City

Kurt Starsinic kstarsinic

@fastmail Ardmore, PA 19003

Mark Mansur double-virgule
Not a programmer, but I like to dabble. I live primarily in Powershell and Python.


Сергей Золотарёв Serzol64
Технарь, пловец, спортсмен и просто любитель природы...

Фонд "Добрые Взрослые" город Саратов, Саратовская область, Российская Федерация

Prateek Baranwal prateek05

AT&T Inc Dallas, Texas

Miguel Armenta ma-armenta
Software Engineer @ AT&T - Chief Data Office

AT&T Texas, USA

Thorsten Fischer tfuser

Leegebruch, Germany

Ira Irayago
Software Engineer with experienced in developing scalable software with distributed systems, APIs, and automation
Dr. Wiselin Mathuram Wiselin52

International Business Consultants LLC


atwork Savar, Dhaka

Pavel Knoblokh Pashugan

Fleet Space Technologies Brisbane

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

