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Sebastian Diaz Torres XantX
Backend Developer and student.


Renato Francia Castillo rmfranciacastillo
I like to code, drink coffee and write about code


Carlos Marchena cmarchena
Everybody has a right to be online, we are democratizing Digital Transformation for all #lowcode #python #DataScience #WebDesign #UX #UI #DesignThinking

Sprint With Carlos Madrid

Thais Hernández thaishdz
Backend Developer PHP/Python

Canary Islands (Spain)

Pedro Miguel Rodríguez peterm85
Software Engineer

S|ngular Madrid, España

Paul Stanek paulps
Senior Software Engineer
Pablo Hinojosa Pablohn26
Changing the world while working at [your company]


Alberto Díaz López TakuyaSama
42 Madrid Student. Hardware, Software, KISS, FOSS, Linux, GNU/Linux, Arch Linux, CLI/TUI, Wayland, Sway, KDE, AOSP, ArrowOS, LineageOS & Mechanical Keyboards

Madrid, Spain

Rodrigo Garcia {rgsaura} rgsaura
Working on ████████████

Madrid, Spain

Gorka Urrutia gorkau
Find me on Twitter: @gorkaul

Urlan Heat Bilbao

Daniel Jerez Garrido danijerez
👨‍💻 Dev & 🧙‍♂️ Geek 🍩🐍☕

@cloudappi Spain