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Minh Nguyen minh123viptanvan
DBA PostgreSQL

Ho Chi Minh City

genix PratikDhanave
Mentor for Google summer of code 2022, 2021,2020,2019, Intern for Google Summer of Code 2017-2018
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


WangXiang WangXiangUSTC
Chaos Engineering, Database Ecosystem Tools

Alibaba China

Neaj Morshad Neaj-Morshad-101
Software Engineer @appscode || Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, Databases

@appscode Dhaka , Bangladesh.

XeusNguyen Xeus-Territory
Be stayed humble and enthusiastic with passion. An indie researcher who wants to bring new things. 🖐🏼 Viet Nam

李伟铭 liweiming0611



Inventec Tianjin

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

sheep ysj1173886760
Open source software enthusiast. Interested in game engine, machine learning system, database system and everything challenging. Currently working in ByteGraph

ByteDance China

Rudolf J rudolfjs
🥼Data Laboratory Lead 🔬Research Fellow 📚 HDR @ The University of Queensland
Steve Yurong Su SteveYurongSu
Working on building IIoT systems. PMC member of @apache IoTDB & @apache TsFile. Committer on @apache StreamPipes. Tsinghua University Alumni.

@TimechoLab @apache Hangzhou, China | 杭州

大斌 lihbt0527
my name is david,living in beijing,china.
Hatter Jiang jht5945
Senior Technical Specialist from Alibaba Cloud, I love programming ...

Alibaba Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

虫子樱桃 czyt

@x-gopher /dev/ttycode

Hades hadesfeng

Hubei, Wuhan, China

Mehmet Cevheri BOZOGLAN cevheri
Software Engineer Java, Python, Flutter/Dart, SQL/NoSQL, Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes

PiA (People In Action) Istanbul

Focus on Programming Language, Compiler. Interested in Developer Tools, IaC, DevOps, Cloud-Native, AI and Web3.


liuzhilong62 liuzhilong62
A PostgreSQL DBA.Sharing knowledge and free forever.微信公众号:破斯特贵斯库儿
Baoqi Wu Baoqi
Interested in Data related fields, like Data Processing, Data Visualization, etc.

Hangzhou, China


University of Science and Technology of China China

pitiless0514 pitiless0514
Undergraduate Student at Sichuan University

Sichuan University China

Mehdi Hasan Khan mugli
Infrastructure Engineer @contentful. Node.js and Go dev.

@contentful Berlin, Germany

asdf1234 lirulei


Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

zhou yongqing zyongq


ipuke ipukeone
german fulltime procrastinator - founder of shit life syndrome :):
