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Dibyajyoti Panda dbjpanda
Code, Run, Debug, Run :)


Boaz Poolman boazpoolman
Full stack developer with Strapi, Drupal & React | Strapi Community Star ✨

@uncinc @pluginpal Zandvoort, The Netherlands

Jack Webb-Heller jackwh

@WorkSmarterHR United Kingdom

Jörg Rech joergrech
Founder, CEO & CTO of (@TechMap). Startup Advisor / Software Engineer. Co-Founder and former CTO of @Talentwunder.

@TechMap Karlsruhe, Germany

Guillaume Mutschler gmutschler

@Humanoidfr / @1000takk Lyon

Nicola Onofri nicoprocessor
Laravel enthusiast. Frontend is hard. Visual arts, generative design

Invisiblefarm S.r.l. Brescia, Italia

Fabrício José Souza fabriciojs
Software architect & DevOps engineer

@nearthebox, @kool-dev Bauru, SP, Brazil

Alexander Dyriavin dyriavin
Software engineer


Eder Soares edersoares
CTO e Engenheiro de Software na @portabilis, mudando a educação do Brasil através de open source.

Portabilis Brazil

Haneef Ansari ahaneef29
Web Developer - Working in Laravel PHP, Java, Dart, Android, Swift, Vue.js, Angular, Typescript, Flutter, Native Script.


William williamengbjerg
Laravel developer 🚀
Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
Abrar Ahmad abrardev99
Software Engineer | TALLstack
